《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 3 Breaking Point


Coal POV

I couldnt stop myself from shaking and crying. The things I have experienced in this past few months were to much for me to handle. The only thing I could do was pray.

Me: Mom......help me.

???: Your mother's not coming.

The voice mad me jump. It sounded feminine and cold.

Me: W-who a-are y-you?

???: That's not important, tell me why do you call for your mother?

Me: Because she's my mom, she wouldnt leave me to suffer.

???: Oh really, well lets check shall we.

When I opened my eyes I was back in the training room at the mission. I saw me and my mother sparring however I lost. She then walked over to younger me and started yelling.

???: For a mother she didn't hold back against her 8 year old child.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Me: She wanted me to be strong so I can survive.

???: Even so, she has a funny way of doing it. Even if you weren't training she would ignore you.

The scene then changed to a memory of me asking my mom to play. However all she did was yell at me and I ran away crying.

???: She never spent time with you did she?

The tears in my eyes grew bigger.

Me: She was busy, that's all.

???: Even so, when she wasn't doing anything she wouldn't be with.

The scene changed once again. I saw young me being pushed down the stairs by Weiss. Weiss laughed at me as I fell.

???: Even other members of your family don't respect you.

Me: I survived.

???: You were more advanced in glyphs than your aunt but you never fought back, why so?

Me: They are my family, I could never hurt them.

???: Seems they didn't fell the same way.

I saw more memories of me being ridiculed by my family. I was beaten, bullied, yelled at, insulted. By now the tears were falling like a waterfall. I couldn't stop myself from crying.


???: Look at you, your being treated like trash.

Me: All I wanted was my mom to love me, IS THAT TO MUCH ASK!

???: Apparently so, you've done all things that no kid your age could do. You even joined the military at 13. You did all of these things on your own, yet you still wish for your mom.

Me: I know she wont leave me, she couldn't.

???: You should no, that they stopped searching for you.

Me: What?

???: After a week they presumed you were dead, even your mother agreed to this.

I was in disbelief.

Me: N-no, s-she c-couldn't.

Next thing I know I'm over water.

I see a lady standing in front of me.

Me: W-who a-are y-you?

Salem: My name is Salem, I'm the one who brought you here.

Me: W-why?

Salem: You have potential Coal, potential that your mother never knew about. But I know, all I needed to do was give you a push so you would realize.

Me: I don't want this. I don't want to a flesh eating monster.

Salem: Oh Coal, your mother wanted you to be strong and now you are.

Me: I am?

Salem: Yes, much stronger than your mother. I can help you get there.

I was hesitant for a moment but decided to listen to her.

Me: How?

Salem: Succumb to the insanity, unleash your inner monster.

Me: YES!

I broke free from the chair and lunged at Salem. I bit into her neck and ripped out a chunk. She fell to the ground and I got on top of her. I continued to eat her. I noticed the water and sky started to turn blood red.

Salem: Good boy, to live is to kill and devour, and you have learned that lesson. All you have to do is find me.


Me: Where can I find you?

Salem: Break free and follow my scent. Then we can start your training.

Me: And then I can prove EVERYONE WRONG!

Salem: I'll see you soon.

Salem disappeared leaving just me. I looked into the water and saw my reflection. My skin became pale and my hair turned bone white.

Then my left eye changed to a black sclera and red pupil.

Me: I am..................a ghoul.


Coal sat in the chair, motionless. His skin was now white along with his hair. Tyrian walked in.

Tyrian: Hey I'm back, whose ready for.....

He stopped once he saw what Coal looked like now. It made Tyrian giggle.

Tyrian: Starting to look like a Schnee now huh.

Coal began to giggle and then laugh like a maniac which surprised Tyrian.

Coal: Poor Tyrian, all that brawn and no brain.

Coal lifted up his head and revealed his eye.

Tyrian was taken back but then he gritted his teeth in anger.


He lunged his tail at Coal, but he broke free from his restraints and leaped over Tyrian. He wrapped his chains around Tyrian's neck. Tyrian struggled

Coal: Chew in this. "he said in a dead voice"

Coal threw Tyrian over his shoulder and slammed him into the door, breaking it. When Tyrian got back up he was met with a knee to the head. This sent him into the wall, knocking him out. Coal then looked around. He was in a hallway made of black rock. He looked outside and saw that the landscape appeared to be dead.

Coal: So this is the land of grimm.

Just then beowolves ran down the hallway and charged at Coal. A wing popped out of his back and fired daggers at the grimm, killing them.

Coal: I don't know what this is,

A blade then appeared on his arm.

Coal then began to run down the hallways, killing any grimm he saw. The whole time he was laughing like a maniac. He then picked up a familiar scent which made him smile.

Coal: Salem.

He followed the scent until he came across a pair of big doors. He reared his arm back and smashed the door down. When the dust settled he saw Salem's followers sitting at the table. They got up ready to fight. However Salem stopped them.

Salem: Well done Coal.

Hazel: Wait that's the Schnee kid.

Coal: I am no Schnee, not anymore. I'm a ghoul.

Watts: Looks like the test were successful after all.

Salem got up from her chair.

Salem: Now Coal, you'll get what I promised. Are you ready to train?

Coal grew a sinister smile.


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