《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 27 The Twins



Hell had broken loose. With both of the Yoshimura siblings going ballistic in their kakuja forms it was utter chaos. Especially for Furuta and his men, who were their main targets. Even people who weren't fighting were effected by what was going on.

The members of V opened fire upon them, but had little effect. With a simple swipe with their arms, the V troops were devastated. Eto started picking up individual members and crushing them while Y/N engulfed them with his fire. Even as the giant pistons tried to crush them they were able to stop them and proceeded to break them apart.

Back down with those trying to escape they were astonish by what was happening. The clash of the kakujas was causing the whole area to shake and break apart.

Banjul: Damn, I didn't know Eto was coming all the way down here.

Ayato: Y/N just had to go get her. If we stay here we'll all be killed.

Hinami: Are you sure they'll be fine?

Touka: Don't worry Hinami, since the day those two could remember they have been fighters. I highly doubt that they would die now after everything.

Yomo: Now is the perfect time to leave. The doves will have to draw their attention to them, giving us an opening.

Banjo: Okay everyone, move out!

And so they quickly ran off, leaving the Eto and Y/N to continue to their massacre. It was long on until they were all wiped out, leaving only a startled Furuta.

Furuta: How, V's most elite members were wiped out so quickly. Say, lets talk this out. I think you may be confused about where the prison's exit is. Hahaha, why don't I point the two of you out and we call it even?



Furuta: Diplomacy has failed!

Furuta starts to run away as tendrils appear from Eto. The tendrils try to strike down Furuta but somehow he manages to dodge them all. He sees an opening and makes a run for it, however he stops just as a wall of flames appears. Y/N then drops in front of the exit.



Y/N breathes out more fire just as Furuta barely jumps out of the way. However the end of his coat managed to get set on fire. Furuta panics and quickly stomps out the fire.

Furuta: Hey these aren't cheap you know!


Furuta turns around and sees Eto behind him, so he takes off screaming. Eto gives in to the chase as she lunges at him some more. Furuta ends up tripping on rubble and slides into a wall. Just as he gets up he realizes Eto has cornered him in.

Furuta: It's a dead end.


Furuta faces Eto with his hands covering his eyes.

Furuta: I really dislike conflict okay!

Eto's hand goes up, ready to crush him.

Furuta: As such...

Three large red tendrils pop out of his back and pierce the head of Eto's kakuja. They then proceed to rip it apart, revealing a shocked Eto.

Furuta: I still want to resolve things peacefully, does that sound good?


Y/N goes to crush Furuta but he jumps out of the way. Y/N goes off against Furuta who still had the sick smile on his face.

Furuta: That kakuja of yours is quite impressive. However it's more effective outdoors when you're able to move freely.

Y/N doesn't listen to him and continues his attack. Furuta jumps up into the air as does Y/N.

Furuta: In a place like this, where you're confined you really might want to stay focused on your surroundings. Or else this may happen.

Two of the giant pistons end up catching Y/N between them. The force ends up crushing his abdomen, making him roar in pain. When he his freed his kakuja falls deeper down into the facility.

Eto: Y/N!

Furuta: Now where were we?

Eto: You bastard!

Eto goes to grab him but he escapes her grip. He proceeds to run up the arm of the kakuja as Eto tries to use the tendrils to grab him. Furuta manages to get off the way up to her. His kagune proceeds to stab her in her torso and rip her out from her kakuja. They then throw her into the wall, where she just lies there.


Furuta: Would you look at that, two SSS rated ghouls both with powerful kakujas taken out by me at the same time. Thank you doctor Kanou, you have changed my life.

Eto: That kagune, it's Rize's isn't it?

Furuta: Yes, looks like me and Kaneki have a matching pair. It's beautiful isn't it? Well, it is from her.

Eto: Nichimura Furuta, you don't seem to care about your family or V. So what is it that you want?

Furuta: I want super peace. Is that to much to ask for, so please feel free to kick the bucket.

As he said that he starts spinning and clapping.

Eto: What the hell is with him?

???: I'm not done yet.

They both look over to the edge and see Y/N climb up. His clothes were stained with his blood and he looked tired. But despite this he kept going.

Furuta: So, you're still alive I see.

Y/N: Yeah, so you're a ghoul too huh? That scent, it's similar to kagune.

Furuta: Ah yeas, it was Rize who made him a ghoul and it was Rize he made me a ghoul as well.

Furuta attacked with his kagune as Y/N brought his own rinkaku. The three tendrils met head on, the two ghouls trying to force each other back. Y/N brought out his ukaku and fired his shards at Furuta, who jumped out of the way. Y/N continued to fire as Furuta kept dodging the projectiles. Furuta then landed right next to the exit.

Furuta: This has been quite the experience for me, unfortunately we must depart here. I do hope we meet again, but that's highly unlikely.

Furuta left the area as Y/N ran over to Eto.

Y/n: Are you okay?

Eto: I'm too tired to move and I don't even have feeling in parts of my body. But it's not like I'm dying.

Y/n: We better get out of here before the doves come back.

Y/N picked Eto up and place her on his back, giving her a piggyback ride. And then he proceeded to carry her through the destroyed the facility. As he did Eto had a smile on her face.

Eto: It's nice that I didn't have to ask you this time.

Y/N then had a smile on his face.

They both made it outside and away from Cochlea. They were now hiding in an alley, sitting up against the wall. Enjoying that they now had a chance to relax.

Y/n: So what do we do now?

Eto: Well Aogiri is as good as gone and looks like V is making their move.

Y/n: So you think the others have a chance?

Eto: Yes I do, as long as they have Kaneki they'll win.

Y/n: So what about after this?

Eto: What do you mean?

Y/n: After all of this is over and you're still alive what do you plan to do afterwards?

Eto: I never thought of it, you forget us one eyed ghouls have a shorter life span.

Y/n: That just means we have to make more out of our lives.

Eto: Well what would you do?

Y/n: All my life I have always been on the move. Normally most people would want to settle down but not me. I have seen everything this city has to offer. So now I want to leave Tokyo, leave Japan, and see what else is around the world.

Eto: That does sound nice. Tell you what, if we both live after this you better let me come with you. I think I'm done with this city.

Y/n: Growing up this place never did fell like home, not until I met Hinami and the others.

Eto got up and started to walk away.

Y/n: Hey where are you going?

Eto: I'm going somewhere to rest, meanwhile you should find the others. They'll need help dealing with what is about to come. And I know you'll want to help them. Me on the other hand, I need a break. If you survive, come find me and we'll get out of this place.

Y/n: Take care, sister.

Eto: You to, brother.

And so, the Yoshimura twins have separated once again. However will this time be permanent?

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