《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 28 Goat



In the basement at re: café, a large group was assembled there. Oddly enough, this group consisted of both ghouls and doves, including Y/N. An intense silence filled the room, you could feel the tension in the room. One of the doves, a young boy, was listing off the ratings of all the ghouls in the room. That's when the white coats stormed into the room.

Hooguro: What the hell are the doves doing here?

Hirako: We are here to protect Kaneki, we won't start a fight.

Shio: We won't make trouble.

Yusa: We came to fulfill Kishou's dying wish.

Kaneki: Relax, they aren't our enemies.

Naki: They may not be your enemies.

Kurona: What kind of meeting is this? What do the members of a coffee shop have with the remainder of Aogiri Tree.

Y/N: I'm perplexed to, you have gathered humans and ghouls from different organizations, thinking that we share a common goal.

Miza: Look Kaneki, when Rushima fell your people saved me so I'll stay and hear you out.

Kaneki: Very well, my goal is to fulfill the last wish of the One Eyed King. I want ghouls and humans to come to an understanding.

The whole room went silent, then Kurona started laughing.

Kurona: I expected something foolish but yet I'm still surprised. And how do you propose we bring peace among the two?

Kaneki: We'll talk it out.

Kurona: Are you out of your mind?

Y/N: If you haven't, most ghouls and humans can't stand each other. Whenever we see each other, it's either kill or be killed.

Kaneki: That's the thing, humans and ghouls have been fighting for so long and yet no one has tried to form a compromise. As a ghoul that was once human, I'm living proof of this. We'll start a dialogue, although they won't willingly come to the table. Then we'll force them into a situation where we have to work together. Right now an organization will be formed, one that will bring peace. And it shall be named Goat.

Y/N: Goat, is that all you really had?

Naki scoffed and left along with the other white coats. Kurona followed them out to. As for everyone else, they stayed.

Back up in the café, Yomo was serving drinks to Y/N and Hirako.

Y/N: Man I miss this stuff, taste just like the ones back at Anteiku.

Yomo: When I first joined Anteiku Mr Yoshimura trained me to be a server but it wasn't the job for me. So he had me work in the shadows.


Hirako: Strange, who would have thought I would be having a conversation with one of the most powerful ghouls in Tokyo.

Yomo: By the way, what happened to your sister?

Y/N: Oh she's still alive, but she doesn't want a part in this. Once this is over I'm going to try and track her down.

They all went silent, until Yomo started to talk to Hirako.

Yomo: You know your boss killed my sister, Touka's and Ayato's mom. I loved her dearly, just as much as they did. I was told that he was sympathetic to ghouls, yet if he was standing before me, I'm sure I would still want to kill him.

Hirako: Everyone around that guy worked there butts off. In hoped that he would throw a complement their way. That's why I am here, in hoped that he would acknowledged me. You may do to me as you like, but that won't bring your sister back.

Y/N: Try telling that to every vengeful person out there, if someone looses a loved one they think that by killing the killer everything will be better. Look at Kurou Mado, he went crazy trying to collect powerful quinques that would kill the Owl. In the end, it feels like there is nothing we can do.

Hirako: You know, everyone who worked under Arima wanted to go after you. You managed to fight Arima twice, the first time you fled but the second time you pushed him into a draw. No one has done that, not even Kaneki. The only reason he killed Arima was because he wanted to die.

Y/N: And in his dying wish he entrusted everything to Kaneki, which is why we are here now.

Just then Shio rushed into the room.

Shio: Hey someone turn on the tv!

They turned the tv on quickly and were shocked by what they saw. A local CCG building was billowing with smoke. An unknown organization had attacked the building.

Touka: Who did it?

Y/N: Looks like the war is about to begin.

Hirako: First they killed the Washuu then they go after the bureaus. Looks like they plan to take out the whole organization.

Touka: So this is how our enemy works.

Y/N was walking through the lower parts of the base. No one was around him, except for one person.

???: How have you been doing cutie?

Y/N quickly turned around and saw Nico standing there.

Y/N: What the hell, how did you get done here?


Nico: Oh I had help from an old friend.

In his hand was a a small wriggling creature.

Y/N: A kagune worm, Roma. So I'm guessing you're here to get her out.

Nico: Oh don't worry, I know she'll be fine on her own. What I came here to see is the new One Eyed King. Although it is nice seeing you here too.

Y/N: Oh my god, get of here.

Nico: Oh come on now, there's no need to be rude. Although if you do want me to0 leave I'll be on my way now.

Y/N and Nico went separate ways. Y/N eventually came to a room, and inside was Kaneki.

Kaneki: Oh Y/N, what is it that you need?

Y/N: Just seeing what you are doing about our whole situation.

Kaneki: You know as well as I do that V is making their move. What that happens, the only way we'll be working to stop them is alongside the humans.

Y/N: And then what, humans and ghouls become friends afterwards?

Kaneki: It's the first step to peace.

Y/N: You're forgetting one crucial thing, ghouls need human flesh in order to survive. That factor will always keep us separated. Even if we find a solution there are humans who have lose everything to ghouls and ghouls who have lost everything to humans. No matter what, we won't be fully excepted into society.

Kaneki: You're right, there will always be humans who dispose us. But we have both seen that our two kinds can coexist. Look at how you were born, a human and ghoul who loved each other. Together they created what was thought to be impossible.

Y/N chuckled.

Y/N: Hard to believe you used to be some bookworm, I miss the old days. When we were all at Anteiku and not preparing for war.

Kaneki: Hopefully after this things can go that way.

The door was slammed open as Naki along with his two goons and Miza entered. Naki caught sight of Y/N and started to storm over to him.


However Kaneki got in the way of both of them.

Kaneki: What is it Naki?

Naki: Out of the way Kaneki, my business is with that bastard. I just found out he killed Boss Yamori, he has to pay!

Y/N: Your boss was cruel, foolish, and arrogant, he had it coming.


Naki lunged at Y/N, but Kaneki got in the way. Angering Naki only more.

Naki: So then you want to get in my way, then I'll take you down and go after Y/N> Lets settle things like we do in the 13th ward, by seeing who is stronger.

Naki charged at Kaneki, with each strike Kaneki managed to dodge. He then delivered a powerful kick to Naki's gut, making him stagger back. Naki charged once more, this time, Kaneki blocked the attack by merely using his arm. Kaneki had an expression that showed who couldn't care less about what was going on.

Kaneki: You're not even in the same league as Yamori.

Naki: Of course not he was a god!

Kaneki took off his coat and jumped into the air to dodge another swing from Naki. However Naki managed to grab onto his leg. But Kaneki twisted around, shocking Naki, and kicked him hard in his face. Naki got sent crashing into the wall and struggled to get up.

Kaneki: So, would you like to continue?

Naki knew he was defeated.

Naki: As promised, you are now the leader of the White Suits.

Kaneki walked over to him and held out his hand.

Kaneki: The White Suits are only strong because of your leadership. fight with me and I'll fight for your cause.

Naki took his hand.

Naki: Keeping our word, it's what the White Coats do.

Now that the fight was over everything was peaceful again. However things between Naki and Y/N weren't settled.

Naki: I still won't forgive you for what you did to Yamori.

Y/N: I didn't kill him, I only damaged him to the point he couldn't move. It was the doves who dealt the final blow.

Naki looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't get it out.

Y/N: You don't like me and I don't like you. However we both want to help out Kaneki with his goals so for the meantime we have to work together.

Naki: Damn, I guess you're right.


Things only got crazier around here. The number of attacks have only increased around Tokyo. However the weirdest thing to happen was an organization known as the Great Wheel Act. It was composed of humans who supported ghouls. They came with doctors and managed to save Akira. Maybe Kaneki is right, maybe there is a way for humans and ghouls to come together.

However V has much more time to plan than us. And now they are making there move. Will we truly be able to win this fight?

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