《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 26 Return to Cochlea



Guards came flooding out of corridors with their quinques ready. From above, ghouls came raining down until they landed on the ground. That's when the fighting become, the moment the first ghoul appeared, the guards opened fire on them. If a ghoul made it to the bottom then they would engage one of the guards. It was the Cochlea guards vs the gas mask.

Banjo was leading the group of ghouls. He managed to hold out on his own against the doves. However a few guards with guns appeared behind him. But before they could pull the trigger, Ayato teared them to shreds with his kagune.

Ayato: I'll draw the dove's attention towards me, you go get those cells open.

Banjo: Right!

Banjo lead the remaining gas mask away as Ayato stayed to fight the doves. Unknown to them all a single ghoul was still up at the entrance. There stood Y/N, staring down at them all.

Y/N: Normally I wouldn't mind ripping apart these weaklings, but I've got an objective here.

Y/N jumped down, but before he reached the bottom, he landed on a railing. From there he watched Ayato fighting the doves, he then suddenly got a familiar smell.

Y/N: I see, Kaneki and Arima are both here. Don't get why Arima would be here, I though he would be at Rushima. Although it makes me wonder, was Kaneki the one who opened this place up? I also wonder if we'll fight like last time?

???: Die you damn ghoul!

Behind Y/N were a few guards with ukaku guns. They opened fire, Y/N leaped into the air and avoided their attacks. He brought out his own ukaku and shot down the doves. From a nearby hallway more doves emerged, Y/N switched out to his koukaku.

Y/N: Alright, let's do this?

The first dove charged and swung his sword, Y/N blocked it with his kagune. Another dove attacked with a spear, Y/N ducked and then sliced open the dove's stomach. As the other doves charged, Y/N ripped them all open with no problem. After all he did fight Arima and survived, so these guys were nothing to him. Once they were all gone he kept on going down the hall.


Eventually he found a monitor room and began to search through out the place. That's when he saw in one section Kaneki along with Hinami. Memorizing the area, he left the monitor room and headed towards the area. Strangely enough, as he traveled through the facility he didn't face off against any of the guards or doves. Either they all left or were all killed.

Eventually he made it to where he saw Hinami. He found her sitting up against the wall, when she heard him he looked up at him. He removed his mask, a smile could be seen.

Y/N: Hey Hinami, been awhile.

Hinami got up and ran up to Y/N. She wrapped her arms around his body as Y/N did the same. They both were quiet for a little bit until Hinami spoke.

Hinami: It's good to see you again, I didn't think you would be here.

Y/N: You really think I would leave you to die? Luckily I had some help from the others. I see Kaneki let you out.

Hinami: Yeah, he's finally back. The Kaneki we once knew has finally returned.

The two broke apart from the hug.

Y/N: Come on, lets get out of here.

Hinami nodded her head as the two took off. Eventually they came across Touka, Ayato, and Yomo. All three of them were surprised to see Y/N here.

Ayato: Didn't expect you to be here.

Y/N: Same goes for you guys, although it made this whole thing a lot easier.

Touka walked up to Hinami and raised her hand, Hinami got ready to be hit. However instead Touka merely squeezes her cheeks. Touka had a gentle smile as Hinami started tearing happy from the joy.

Touka: You're such a screwup.

Hinami: Sorry Touka.

She then turned to Y/N.

Touka: It's good to see you again.


Y/N: You to, I heard you opened up you own coffee shop. I'll have to check it out some day.

Touka: Come by any time.

Y/N: I'll trust you guys to get her out of here.

Y/N turned around to leave but Ayato stopped him.

Ayato: Where are you going?

Y/N: There is someone that I still have to break out of here.

Ayato: You mean her?

Y/N: Yes, if you want to find me follow the trail destruction.

Y/N ran away from them and got to an elevator. He took the elevator down until he reached the floor where Eto was being held. The numerous walls started opening up however they revealed a group of doves waiting for him. A few canisters of gas were thrown so Y/N jumped upwards and stuck his bikaku into the ceiling to keep him in place.

He fired his ukaku and killed some of them but a few were still alive. He used his bikaku to walk on the ceiling until he got close to them. He brought out his rinkaku and attacked with that as went on the defense. Once behind the gas cloud and got back on the ground as he killed one dove with a tendril.

As a dove charged at Y/N, he used his koukaku to kill them. All that was left was one last guard with a whip. The guard swung the whip as Y/N dodged each attack. One attack came close to him so Y/N raised his koukaku to block, however the whip wrapped around his arm. Suddenly, Y/N felt electricity surging through his body as he screamed.

The guard took out several knives and threw them as Y/N used his arm to block. The whip uncoiled as the guard whipped it back and then swung forwards, slashing Y/N's eyes. Y/N held his eyes as he stumbled back, the guard took this as a chance to attack. However he didn't see the rinkaku tendrils coming out of Y/N and piercing him. Once dead, Y/N sat down until his eyes healed.

Y/N: can't believe I let that happen to me.

Once done, Y/N continued his path down the hallway until he made it to his destination. A cell with his sister Eto inside, who was munching on food. She looked up at him and grinned.

Eto: I heard you scream back there, don't tell me someone actual landed a hit on you.

Y/N: Shut up, coming from the one who got captured.

Eto: Please, I only let myself get captured. These fools could never capture me unless I wanted them to. I heard there's quite the commotion going on upstairs.

Y/N: Ayato and the others broke into here to free Hinami. I also heard the Kaneki is fighting Arima.

Eto: Interesting, I wonder who will win.

Once Eto was done eating she licked her lips. Her cell then opened up as she stepped out.

Eto: Now then brother, shall we leave this place?

Y/N had a crazy grin on his face.

Y/N: Lets do it.

From above Furuta watched as the ghouls tired to escape. Besides him were men wearing black trench coats and hats. All of them were bald and had pure white eyes.

Furuta: So gross, although for me at least it's extremely enjoyable. Are we enjoying the show gentlemen?

That's when a huge explosion occurred. From the dust two giant monster emerged. It was the One Eyed Owl and the Dragon.


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