《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 25 Beginning of the End



The island of Rushima is where Aogiri has located their base. It was only just recently had the CCG discovered this. So naturally they planned an all out assault on it to wipe them out. If Aogiri was taken down it would be a major loss for the ghouls.

On the edge of the island stood a figure, who was just staring out in the distance. He closed his eyes and let his other senses take over. He felt his hearing increase greatly, it was then he heard the sounds of helicopters and boats closing in. He reopened his eyes and quickly took off into the woods.

The figure kept running until he arrived at a large building. Then entered the building and kept on walking until they entered a room. In this room was a throne on the other side. Standing next to the throne was a girl with short green hair, staring out the window. She turned around and smiled at the person.

Eto: Hello Y/N, what news do you bring?

Y/N stood right next to her.

Y/N: The CCG is coming, I dont know how much but we can for sure say a large number of doves are coming. It's going to be a slaughter out there, for both ghouls and humans.

Eto: Very well, in that case I should get going.

Eto started to walk away.

Y/N: Your really going through with this plan?

Eto: Once the One Eyed King is revealed, this will all end. Until then, this war has only begun.

Y/N: Be safe, this whole thing will be a lot easier if we both survive.

Eto: You'll be in a lot more danger than me. The CCG will merely take me into custody while they try to kill you.

Y/N: Whatever, I'll meet up with you once you get out.

Eto: Until we meet again brother.

Eto left the room, leaving just Y/N who was still staring out the window.

Y/N sat in a small room looking at a small tv. He was watching Eto's press conference. It was then she revealed her one ghoul eye, stating that she was ghoul and then just left. All around the city people who were watching were in complete disbelief and shock. Meanwhile Y/N was merely grinning.

Y/N: Crazy as always.

Y/N heard a small explosion which caused the building to shake. He got up and left the room. He then went back to the throne room, this time it was Tatara looking out the window. He was observing the battle opening all across the island. Y/N stood next to him.


Y/N: Man, it really is chaotic out there.

Tatara: This war is only beginning, what you see is just a small part of the carnage that will happen later on.

Y/N: Either way, both sides will suffer loses today. I'M going to go meet up with Eto. I trust you can handle everything here?

Tatara: I'll be fine, I'm surprised you're not sticking around for the fight.

Y/N: I might kill a few squads on my way out. Other than that I plan on using this opportunity to get Hinami out of Cochlea. I heard they were planning on killing her soon and I can't let that happen.

Tatara: You still care for that girl?

Y/N: She's like my little sister, if it wasn't for her and her family I wouldn't be alive right now.

Tatara: Those attachments could be the death off you.

Y/N: So far, those feelings have done nothing but push me harder. Until we meet again, Tatara.

Tatara: Until we meet again, either alive or dead.


A dashed through the forest, all around me I could hear fights going on. I had no intentions of fighting, I just wanted to get back to the city as quick as possible. My plan took a change real quickly. As I was running, someone shot me in the leg causing me to trip. I quickly got up and saw a large group of doves.

Dove: It's the Demon, careful he's SSS rated.

Me: You know, this can all be avoided if you let me go.

About a dozen doves stepped up to the front. All of them had ukaku blasters, they opened fire. I jumped in the air and avoided the blast. When I landed on the ground I ran through the trees, using them as cover. The blasters ripped part the trees.

I used my own ukaku and fired back at them. A few more doves with shields stepped up and protected the shooters. Another dove through a projectile towards me. As I jumped away from it, it exploded, creating a bright flash. The next thing I know is two doves with swords stab me in the torso. A third one got ready to strike my head.

I brought out my rinkaku and used it to impale all three doves. I then threw their bodies at the doves with shields. While they were distracted I used my bikaku and made them burrow through the ground. They popped up next to the doves with shields and impaled their legs. I used my ukaku on the doves, killing a dozen of them.


I sensed someone coming from behind. I quickly dodged an oncoming attack. It was a muscular dove carrying a large axe. He continued to swing at me while I used my koukaku to attack. I didn't notice that their was another dove who had a blaster, so he managed to still me in the leg. This distracted me and the muscular dove drove he is axe deep into my shoulder. Not only that but another dove with a spear stabbed me right in the back.

Muscular Dove: Hard to believe that you went head to head with Kishou Arima.

Me: He's not as tough as everyone thinks he is.

Spear Dove: I'd advise you from saying anything bad about Mr. Arima.

Me: If you think I can't win, then I'll just show you.

My bikaku shot out, impaling the spear dove in the shoulder. As he fell back I kicked the big guy in the chest, knocking him back. Then once again into a tree, and finally kicking his head so hard it broke the tree. I went back to the spear dove and smashed his head into the ground. For the last guy I just killed him with my ukaku.

Me: Man, these guys were decent fighters.

???: Hello again Demon.

I turned around and saw a girl. I recognized her from her blue hair, which was now even longer and in a braid. She still held that murderous glare at me. It was Eri, the girl who nearly killed me two years ago.

Me: Long time no see, I see you're still alive.

Eri: Unfortunately I cant say the same for you.

Me: I'm in a hurry so can you just let me past?

Eri: I've waited too long for a rematch, you're not going anywhere.

Me: So be it.

I brought out my koukaku as she raised her quinque. We charged at each other and clashed. Since the last time I saw her skills have improved. She was quicker with her movements and I felt her swings had more force with them. However I was still stronger than her.

I pushed her back and ran at her. She brought out a small canister and gas shot out of it. I recognized what it was, RC gas. As I tried to avoid the gas I dont notice that her quinque extended forwards and impaled my shoulder.

Me: Really, using gas to hid yourself and weaken me. I thought you wanted to face me head on?

Eri: I'll to whatever it takes to kill you!

She whipped around her extended quinque, destroying various trees. In the process she managed to hit me on the right side of my torso. To make matters worse she threw more RC gas. I then realized something, while she is stronger she isn't thinking straight. I could use that to my advantage.

I saw a spear and picked it up. As her quinque extended I jammed it between the coils and into the ground. She tried to pull it back but it was now stuck. As she was distracted I ran up to her and kicked her right in the chest, knocking her down. I then picked up the rest of her RC gas canisters.

Me: Let's see how you like it.

I threw all of them at her and they exploded, enveloping the area in gas. As I ran away I heard her scream in anger. I kept on running until I arrived at the shore and saw a small boat with a motor on it. I got on a drove off, heading back to the city.

Me: I wonder how Eto is doing?


In Cochlea, Eto was being escorted by Kaneki to her cell.

Eto: You know it's true, the Washuu family isn't as it seems. Are you aware of an organization called V?

Kaneki: V?

Eto: It's a group of people who are under the delusion that the world is their property.

Kaneki: I think you're lying.

Eto: But are you sure?

The elevator reached it's destination and the doors opened up. The walls started to split apart, revealing a long hallway. Kaneki and Eto started to walk down the hallway.

Eto: And the RC gates, why didn't they go off when I walked through?

Kaneki: Well that's because...you're only a half ghoul through your father.

Eto: That's not it, we both have lots of RC cells. The truth is the gates have been deliberately setup so that ghouls with certain cell patterns wont get detected.

Kaneki: Such as?

Eto: Ghouls associated with V. Members of the Washuu clan, my father Yoshimura; who was once associated with V, me and Y/N being his children, and also Rize Kamishiro. The woman who's guts are inside of you. She was a ghoul that ran away from V.

Alarms started to go off all across Cochlea. The humans within rushed around to figure out what was happening. From above the roof of the prison was starting to open up. To so far away a group of ghouls were waiting for their chance to enter. Also not too far away was Y/N.

Y/N: Let's do this!

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