《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 24 Lunar Eclipse



A figure wearing a trench coat and a mask walked down a dark old road, leading them to an old abandoned building. This person was Y/N. Most people would stay away from places like this but not Y/N. That was because this is where he was suppose to meet up with Eto. He entered the building and walked through the quiet building. The further he walked in he started to hear a gentle voice. He knew that voice from anywhere.

He continued roaming through the building until he arrived at a room. Inside this room were two people. One was his sister Eto, who only had her bandages loosely covering her body. The other was Kanae, who was shirtless and had Eto's kagune sticking out of her.

For the past day Eto had been torturing Kanae to make her more ruthless. Both mentally and physically. All the meanwhile Y/N was out gaining information about upcoming operations from the CCG. Once Y/N entered he removed his mask and Eto turned to look at him.

Eto: Hey Y/N, glad to see that you have returned.

Y/N: Put your cloak back on, I see to much of you.

Eto chuckled before putting her cloak back on.

Y/N: How is Kanae coming alone?

Eto: Our time together was wonderful, she's so much cuter now.

Y/N: So she's ready?

Eto: Oh yes, she will do nicely for our needs. So tell me what you have learned.

Y/N: Well the Tsukiyama family secret was discovered. The CCG stormed the mansion but Mirumo surrendered. Turns out they snuck Shuu out and are taking him to the Lunar Eclipse building to be flown out. That's where the CCG is heading, which is where we need to go.

Eto: Then what are we waiting for? If we hurry we'll get to see the good stuff.

On a nearby building by the Lunar Eclipse building, we see three figures standing on the roof. One of which was Y/N, who was in his disguise. The other was Noro, who Eto called before this started. Eto was planning on coming in later during the fight. And the last person was Kanae, who had on a new mask. The three of them just watched as the CCG stormed the building.


Kanae: What are we waiting for, lets go in already?

Y/N: I suppose you're right, by the now they have dispersed into groups all around the building. What do you say Noro?

Noro simply nodded, which was all Y/N needed.

Y/N: Alright then, lets slaughter.


Once we entered the Lunar Eclipse building we all went our separate ways. I calmly roamed a floor, waiting for a group of doves to come my way. And they did, a fairly decent size of them. When they saw me they all froze.

Dove1: Oh crap, it's Demon.

Dove2: He's SSS rated.

Dove3: What do we do?

I quickly bring out my ukaku and koukaku and charge at them. As I ran I fired my ukaku and shot some of them down. When I got close I started hacking them to pieces with my koukaku. In just a few seconds i managed to kill them all.

Y/N: Well that was easy, I wonder how the others are doing.

In the area i was it was quiet enough where I could here other battles going on. By now the air reeked of blood from both humans and ghouls. That's when I came upon a peculiar sight. It was two humans, both doves. One wore the normal dove attire while the other wore all black. They didn't notice me so I decided to do a sneak attack.

I rushed with my koukaku, however the one with the black suit quickly turned around and positioned the other dove in front of him. My koukaku ended up killing that man instead. I was stunned by what just happened. Meanwhile the dove slashed the right side of my chest with his quinque, which was a chainsaw. I jumped away from him.

Me: Gotta say, using your own men as a meat shield is a new low for you doves.

???: Big words coming a ghoul. The world will be a better place without an SSS rated ghoul like you.

Me: And just who do you think you are?


???: You may call me Furuta.

I brought out my rinkaku and began a series of attacks with them. To my surprise, Furuta dodged each blow with ease. He ducked under my tendrils and ran at me so I fired my ukaku. He twirled around his quinque and blocked them all. He thrusted his quinque, so I switched to my koukaku and blocked.

Our weapons clashed together as we pushed against one another. Sparks flying from the chainsaw. He tried to knee my but I blocked with my hand. He then tried a series of kicks but I blocked them as well. To fight back I used my bikaku, which made him jump back.

Y/N: You fight well for a human.

Furuta: Well I'm not you average human.

We charged at each other and resumed our fight. Our attacks met head on and kept on coming. Neither of us showed any signs of slowing down. At one point I managed to cut his shoulder but he then shredded part of my arm with his chainsaw.

Me(thought): Damn, the last time I saw a human this good was Arima.

I jumped into the air and fired my ukaku, Furuta managed to dodge them all. He jumped into the air and swung his chainsaw. I jumped over him and used my bikaku to cut his back. We both landed back on the ground. That was when we both heard a loud explosion.

Y/N: Looks like this thing is coming to an end. Sorry Furuta, the fight was good but I must go now.

And with that I jumped out the window

Noro was dead, along with Shirazu. His fellow quinxes mourned his lost. Meanwhile the other investigators were resting. It had been a long and tough battle with Noro. Foot steps could be heard, coming their way.

???: We meet again, .

The last part was said with venom and hate. Everyone looked up and saw Y/N, or as they know him Demon, approaching. They all raised their weapons, but Y/N paid no attention to them. He only paid attention to Noro's body.

Y/N: Damn, I can't believe he lost. She's going to be upset.

Y/N then looked at the doves.

Y/N: Dont worry, I'm not here to fight. I only came here to check on Noro. I suggest you put your weapons down. In the state you're all in you are not capable of fighting me. Especially the quinx, you're all emotionally unstable.

Y/N started to walk away, shocking the doves.

Y/N: If you all excuse me, there is someone I must met up with.

The operation was now over. Tons of investigators and ghouls were killed. Not only did Tsukiyama escape, but his father did as well. In an alley Eto's body was coming back together. She heard footsteps approaching here, she looked up and saw Y/N.

Y/N: Hey.

Eto: Hey.

Y/N: So how did it go?

Eto: Well Kanae died saving Tsukiyama and Kaneki managed to have his memories return. But now he's cold, I LOVE IT! So how was it with you?

Y/N: Noro is dead.

Eto's eyes widened and then fall as she had a sorrowful expression on her face. Y/N knew about her relationship with Noro. He was the one who raised Eto and was like a father to her. The fact that he died surprised her.

Y/N:Didnt expect you to get hurt this much.

he gestured to how she was sliced in half.

Eto: Kaneki was incredible, so much more than I imagined.

Y/N: Can you even walk?

Eto: No.

She raised her arms.

Eto: Carry me.

Y/N: Are you serious?

Eto: Please, it will get us out of here quicker.

Y/N let out a sigh as he picked her up and placed her on his back. The twins then disappeared into the night.

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