《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 6 Y/N vs Mado



At Anteiku everybody was in the break room with sadness of their faces. Ryouko is dead and Y/N almost. Luckily Kaneki got him off the room and rushed back to Anteiku.

Irimi: So Y/N's a one eyed ghoul, not only that but he's a chimera.

Koma: Not to mention an S rated ghoul etheir.

The door then opened to reveal Touka.

Yoshimaru: Welcome back, feeling better?

Touka: Much better, thanks. Say what's with all the gloom faces?

Yoshimaru: Well earlier today, investigators found Ryouko. She didn't make it out alive, Y/N tried to save him but is now in critical condition.

Touka's eyes widened as she grinned her together. She then hit the wall.

Touka: And Hinami, please don't tell me they got her to.

Yoshimaru: Don't worry she's fine, she's sleeping in the next room.

Touka: Thank goodness, they didn't see her face did they?

Yoshimaru remains silent and Touka falls to the ground

Touka: I didn't believe things could get any worse.

Yoshimaru: It's okay, when things die down I think it would be best to move her to the 20th ward.

Touka: You're kidding right, that trash hole. No way she would survive on her own out there!

Yoshimaru: Calm down

Touka: Why not kill the doves and be done with it, they have it coming. What you say Yomo, are you in? If we work together we could beat them.

Yomo: Forget it, if we kill doves in the 20th ward, it'll attract attention. They would send in reinforcements and we'd be hunted to extinction.

Touka: But still

Yomo: Drop it Touka!

Yoshimaru: I agree with Yomo on this. As much as I would love for that to happen, we have to think about everyone's safety.

Touka: You're letting them get away with it. They killed one of our own and you're going to let it slide. What's Hinami going to think that you're to scared to avenge her mother's death.

Touka proceeds to run out of the room

Kaneki: It's my fault, if I'd helped Y/N fight them, Ryouko would still be alive and Y/N would be alright.

Yoshimaru: You shouldn't take the blame, it's not yours.

Meanwhile at the CCG Mado, Amon, and the other guys are at a meeting.

Amon: So Jason's base isn't in the 2Oth ward after all.

Mado: Well if this information is correct, it might be a good idea to check the 11th ward.

Amon: So you think he's part of the organized movement.

Mado: That's what my instincts are telling me, sucks I know.

Guy 1: What about the other S class ghouls in the 20th ward. The so called Binge Eater, Gourmet, and Demon.

Mado: They're off the radar, which you got to admire. They know how to move which keeps things interesting. Plus I'd be surprise if Demon is still alive, he was badly bleeding when he fled. Unfortunately that makes our job harder since we don't have time to go fishing.


Amon: So we pound the pavement.

Mado: Starting tomorrow we go back to detective work. Get some sleep, it might be a while before you get another chance. Also be careful, #745 saw our faces she could be out for blood.

Guy 2: Ya right what's a kid gonna do?

The three CCG officers left the building. Little did they know Touka was close by.

I woke up to see me staring at the ceiling in bed. I go to get up but feel a surge of pain. I look down to see bandages across my stomach.

Y/N(thought): Deja vue

Memories came rushing to me as I start to tear up. I get up and put on my shirt. I hear a sound coming from the kitchen so I decide to investigate. I enter to see Kaneki a Touka on the floor bleeding.

Y/N: What happened to you?

Kaneki: Y/N you're alright

Yoshimaru: You should be in bed Y/N, as for you Touka you went dove hunting didn't you?

Touka has a look of quilt on her face.

Y/N: Wait you went after them, if I couldn't take them what makes you think you can?

Kaneki: She needs medical attention.

Yoshimaru: That's to bad, it's in her hands. She went against my wishes and attacked the doves. Whether or not she loves or dies is none of her concern.

Touka runs out of the room. Kaneki tries to get her to stop but Yoshimaru intervenes. But Kaneki goes after her anyway.

Y/N: Sir where's Hinami?

Yoshimaru: Relax she's sleeping in her room which you should be doing as well.

Y/N: Right, before I go, what happened?

Yoshimaru: Touka went after the doves after I told her not and killed one of them. Now there's gonna be more trouble for us.

I then go back to my room to rest after having a quick bite to eat.


As Y/N sleeps, Touka and Kaneki scout out a place to fight the doves. Meanwhile Mado investigates the recent cases to find a connection as Amon trains to avenge his fallen all

I woke up hours later and decide to go talk to Hinami. I knock on her door but she doesn't answer. I go inside to find her not in there so I go to Kaneki's room but he is also not there. I look around and find a note with the address of some sewer in it so I decide to go investigate. As I approach the entrance to the sewer I hear fighting going on. I run and find Mado pinning Touka to the wall with a familiar pair of wings. I realize, that's RYOUKA's ukaku.

I put on mask and then Mado grabs Hinami with tail. I feel the rage bubble inside me. All of a sudden I here a swoosh.


Mado: What the hell happened to quinque. Wait, that's not it, where's my hand?

We all look over to see Hinami crying. We all notice the wings and tails she now poses that look like parents.

Hinami: Stop it, don't hurt Touka anymore. And stop using my parents like that. I WILL HURT YOU!!!

Hinami begins to whip her tails around breaking everything. Mado uses the ukaku to block the oncoming attacks.

Mado: Incredible, YOU SHALL NE MY NEW QUINQUE!!!

Mado pierces one of Hinami's wings but they wrap around the tail a pull. Mado goes flying into the air and lands hard in a puddle.

Touka:Do it Hinami, finish him off

Hinami: No I don't want to

Touka: Why not he deserves it?

Hinami: I don't care about revenge. I just want momma and daddy back. It hurts so much. I miss them everyday. MOMMA! DADDY!

Mado: How tragic, she misses her parents. I'll send you to HELL TO MEET THEM!

I see Mado grab the tail and tries to slash Hinami. I rush forward and grab Hinami before she gets okay.

Hinami: Y-Y/N

Mado: Well I'll be damn, the Demon still lives. All the more merrier because now I get two chimeras for the price of one!

Y/N: Rum Hinami, I'Kk take care of this.

Hinami goes over Touka leaving just me and Mado.

Mado: You think you can beat me Demon, I'll killed your little friend and you're next!

He swings the tail at me but I dodge, I activate my rinkaku and use it to help me be more agile. I leap forward Mado but end up landing on the tail. I get launched back but use my bikaku to leap back. It becomes and endless array of charges and block until I finally hit him with a tentacle and he falls to the ground. I leap into the air to knock him out but a spike pierced my stomach. I realize it's Ryouka's ukaku and spit up blood I fall down and Mado swipes me. I go through a stone pillar and my mask falls off. I slowly get up.

Mado:Better than last time, but you never stood a chance.

I look up to reveal my one Kagune eye

Mado: A ghoul with one Kagune, wish I could learn more about it. Unfortunately this is the end!!

Mado goes to stab me but I leap out of the way.

Y/N: You hold no mercy for anyone, for I that I shall show none EITHER!!!

My ukaku flares to life as everyone's eyes widen.

Hinami: Woah

Touka: He has three kagune

Mado: One is common, two is rare , but three is unheard of. With you as my quinque I shall be UNSTOPPABLE!!!

With my ukaku I gain a burst of speed. Mado tried to hit me, but I'm faster. I fire shards but he blocks. Mado uses the four wings to stab me, but I use all of my kagune to dodge. He then swings it around to slam me, however I use it as a platform and charge towards Mado. In a flash I cut Mado with my ukaku and he falls to the ground. Mado began to crawl on the ground.

Mado: That speech of yours, do you really think you deserve to live. Your kind deserves to die. I wont give up, not yet. I wont die till I kill that one eyed bastard.

Mado succumbed to his injuries and died. Touka looked at him with disgust.

Touka: I bet I know why you wore this gloves. Are we so vile you couldn't touch us.

Touka took off his glove. Her eyes widened as she saw the wedding ring.

Y/N(thought): He was married. Maybe that's why he hates ghouls so much. Probably lost his wife to them.

I turned to face Hinami

Y/N: Are you okay Hinami?

Hinami: Ya, I'm fine

Then Hinami fell down to the ground crying. I got down and pulled her into a hug.

Y/N: I'm so sorry I couldn't save your mother.

Hinami: It's okay, I know you tried.

Y/N: You, your mother, and your father were like the only family I've ever had. I was alone all of my life until I meet you guys. But luckily, you got Anteiku as people to be your family now. So don't worry, you're not alone.

I give Hinami a smile as I wipe away your tears. She pulls me into a hug, I hug back

Hinami: Thanks Y/N

The three of us hear someone approaching. It reveals to be Kaneki and Yomo.

Kaneki: Touka, Hinami, you guys are alright

Yomo: You shouldn't be here Y/N, you're already in poor condition.

Y/N: If I didn't these two would be dead.

Yomo: That injury is bad, here

He tosses me a bag containing. I scarf it down within a few bites. My wounds slowly start to heal. I carry Hinami on my back as we start to head back to Anteiku.

Hinami: Do you think that man is right, that we all deserve to die?

Kaneki: No, no matter what they say, we all have a right live. Sure we eat people, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to live.

Hinami gives a small smile as she dozes off. Off in the distance I hear someone scream, most likely from Mado's partner. I hope the next couple of days are normal before I get ,myself killed.

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