《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 7 Taken



It's been a couple days after the fight and mostly everything has gone back to normal. The CCG figured out I was responsible for Mado's death and I'm now an SS rated ghoul. Yoshimaru is back to his cheerful attitude while Yomo is still cold. Komo and Irimi still argue while Touka and Nishiki still fight. Hinami now lives with Touka so she doesn't have to move. Recently she found an injured bird and is trying to take care of it. I agreed to take her shopping to get supplies for the bird. Touka gave Hinami a disguise which she decided to show to Kaneki.

Kaneki: Woah, Hinami is that you?

Hinami: Yep, you guessed it. I borrowed most of it from Touka. Y/N's taking me shopping today to get a bird house for the bird.

Yoshimaru walked out of a room with a bird on his shoulder.

Y/N: Come on Hinami let's get going.

Hinami: See ya later Kaneki!

Me and Hinami then leave Anteiku. It's nice to see that Hinami is slowly gaining her smile back. We keep walking until we came across the alley where Ryouko died. I start to get flashbacks of that day. I look over to see Hinami trembling and whimpering. I grab her hand and she starts to calm down.

Y/N: Don't worry Hinami, those events are in the past. We wont loose anyone else.

Hinami: Thanks Y/N.

We head to the shopping district where we buy all of the bird supplies and head back to Anteiku. As it gets dark out I decide to go for a walk. I was walking behind a building as I notice someone with white hair pass me. He bumps into me, I feel his hand go into my pocket. In a flash I grab his wrist.

Y/N: Nice try, but I'm just as broke as you.

The boy quickly rips his hand out of my grip and starts to run away,

??? POV

???(thought): I don't know who this guy is, but I like him. Hopefully we will meet in the future under bad turns. Oh hey some kid with an eyepatch is coming by.


I was working at the shop today, I hear on the news that the CCG is sending more doves to the 11th and 20th ward.

Y/N(thought): Dammit, this is just what we need.


Kaneki and his friend Hide are talking as Nishiki buts in, It's nice to have this place calm for one day.


Meanwhile a group of people are on the outskirt of the 20th ward.

Guy1: So this id the 20th ward, got to admit it's peaceful here.

Guy2: You sure Rize is here Banjou?

Banjou: It doesn't matter, there's a coffee shop here called Anteiku, she's bound to be there.

Meanwhile in the 11th ward a ghoul just got done killing some guys.

???: Lets go, there's nothing here for us. We move on to the 20th ward next. What a horrible excuse, that place is full of people loving losers.

Guy1: Aren't you from the 20th ward?

???: Ya, I have some memories of growing up there. Even have some family that's still alive. Remember those people loving losers I mentioned?

The guy gives a smirk as he licks the blood off his arm.

Meanwhile somewhere else a CCG branch was being attacked by Aogiri Tree. Outside there was a girl wearing a purple cloak and bandages all across her body and a white haired man with a red mask.

???: Ready to go Eto

Eto: Ready when you are Mr. Tartara

The two disappeared into the night.


I just got done with my shift at Anteiku and was walking around the ward. I enter an alley and sit down to take a break. All of a sudden I hear foot steps coming.

???: Well, well, well. Looks like hunting you down is a lot easier than I thought.

I see in a man in a white suit approach me. I then realize it's Jason. I go to leave but two guys were blocking the other end.

Y/N: What do you want Yamori?

Yamori: Oh it's nothing personal, but I've been hired to hunt you down.

Y/N: Let me guess, Aogiri Tree?

Yamori: Ding, ding, ding. For a street rat you sure do know you stuff.

Nico: Hurry up Yamori, we got to go get the other one eyed kid at the coffee shop.

Wait! They're going to Anteiku next! I cant let them hurt my friends.

Y/N: You stay away from them you COSPLAY CREEPER.

Nika: How dare you talk to Mr. Yamori like that!

Y/N: Shut up blonde bastard.

Nika charges at me with his kokaku. I activate my rinkaku and block his oncoming attack while cutting him. Nico tries to kick me but I use a tentacle to throw him away. Unfortunately I didn't see Yamori charge and punched me hard enough to send me flying.


Yamori: Kid you're tough, but not strong enough to take all of us on. After all, you let that lady friend of yours die.

I became pissed off at that statement and charge. I got to strike him but he blocks my attack with his own rinkaku. I activate my bikaku and stab his legs and leap back. Nika and Nico charge trying multiple times to hit me but I simple block with my kagune or dodge. I didn't realize Yamori wasn't there anymore. I quickly turn around but by then it's too late. Yamori swipes me away with his rinkaku and I hit the ground hard. Nika charges and cuts my side with his kokaku as Nico roundhouse kicks my head. Yamori ends it by stomping on my back. My vision becomes blurry.

Yamori: Not bad, hopefully I'll see you later

I pass out


Kaneki was talking to Banjou until a purple haired man wearing a black leather jacket and red scarf came crashing through the window. He kicked Banjou into his teammates.

???: I gave you one job and you couldn't even do that. Do you need me to kick your face in like last time?

Banjou: Sorry sir.

Touka approached the man much to everyone's disagreement.

Touka: Ayato

The man was revealed to be Touka's brother

Ayato: What's up, long time no see dear sister.

Touka: Don't ever call me that! So where have you been all this time?

Ayato: I've been out learning about the world. You see I;m not a closed minded hermit like you.

Touka: You think you're better than me!

Ayato: I don't think so, I know so!

Just then the door to the shop opened to reveal Yamori and Nico.

Yamori: Ok we've given you enough time, can we come in now?

Banjou: What are they doing here?

Banjou asked with a frightened face.

Nico: Forgive us for the intrusion.

Yamori: So who's this.

Nico: My, my, I knew you had sister, but no one told me she's gorgeous like you.

Ayato: So how did you know I was here, Yamori?

Yamori: Simple, we followed Banjou. Got too say, your men are first rated. They led me straight to you.

Banjou: Look Rize isn't here so ju--

Banjou got knocked down by a chair. Yamori walked around sniffing the air.

Yamori: That smell it reeks in here. I feel like I've smelled it before. Kind of smells like the Demon. Hey Nico, you think this one will do?

Nico: Sure let's kidnap him if you want.

Touka then tried to kick Yamori.

Touka: If you want him, you have to go through me.

Yamori: Is that so, I already took down the Demon, taking you wont be that hard.

Kaneki(thought): Wait, they got Y/N?

Yamori slammed into Touka and grabbed Kaneki by the neck. He then repeatedly slammed Kaneki down into a table while stomping on him. Touka tried to attack but was stopped by Ayato. Eventually both Kaneki and Touka passed out. Kaneki along with Y/N got captured by Yamori.


Touka just stared out the window thinking about Kaneki and Y/N.

Hinami: Don't worry Touka, I'm they're both fine.

Nishiki: Yeah no kidding, they can both take a beating. Unfortunately, Kaneki cant fight like Y/N.

Yoshimaru entered the room.

Yoshimaru: Thank you everyone for coming, a few more will be joining us later. But for now I'll get straight to the point. Today, both Y/N and Kaneki were captured by Aogiri Tree foe reasons unknown. But it's best if you forgot all about them.

Touka and Hinami had wide eyes as Nishiki got pissed off.

Nishiki: How could you say something like that!!!

Touka: Shut up, let him talk.

Yoshimaru: They were taken by a group of vicious ghouls that outrank us in numbers and power. There is also the CCG which also outranks us not mention their recent movements. So I'll ask you this. If you're willing to save them, you must be willing to risk your lives.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Hinami: I'm coming too.

Touka: Hinami no.

Hinami: Please, Kaneki has done so much for me and Y/N is the only family I have left.

Yoshimaru: Fine you may come, but you will be sticking by my side the entire time. By the way I invited someone else along with us.

The door opened to reveal Tsukiyama

Tsukiyama: You wouldn't believe the dread I was filled with when heard both Y/N and Kaneki were captured. Who ever did this must pay, I'll make sure of it.

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