《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 5 Momma


A/N: I took me forever to write this chapter, hope you like it.


Kaneki's friend had just left the shop. I was cleaning up until I heard Hinami yell something,

Hinami: It's not fair, I just want to see daddy!

Hinami then storms off into her room.

Kaneki: What's wrong with her?

Nishiki: She's a kid, they throw tantrums.

Y/N: I'll try to talk to her.

Ryouko: Tank you Y/N.

I go upstairs to talk to Hinami, I stop right in front of the door and knock.

Y/N: Hinami, you okay?

Hinami: Go away Y/N, I don't wanna talk.

Y/N: I'm guessing you wanna so your dad right?

Hinami: Ya, but momma won't let me.

Y/N: I would like to see him to Hinami, but don't forget why we left in the first place.

Hinami: Ya, but maybe it's safer there now.

Y/N: But now we got the problem of doves making it even worse than before. Your mother loves you Hinami, as well as your father, she wants to protect you.

Hinami just remains silent. I give up with trying to get her out.

Y/N: I'll be going now Hinami, hope you feel better.

Kaneki POV

I saw Hinami run upstairs and Y/N decided to go after her. I went over to Ms. Fueguchi to talk to her.

Mrs. F: It's my own fault Hinami's acting like this. Without my husband I have to be both parents, which is harder than I thought.

Me: You don't have to tell me if you want to, but why is she so upset?

Mrs. F: It's been a while since we've heard anything from my husband and Hinami is worried, even Y/N is. Now she's insisting we go see him

Me: Why is that bad.

Mrs. F: Back then he was apart of some dangerous business in the 13th ward. But when Hinami was born, that all changed. I don't worry about his past, he's a wonderful husband and father. That's all that matters

Mrs. Fueguchi gets up to leave.

Me: You okay?

Mrs F: You I'm okay, I can handle it from here. I'm going to talk to her and maybe even spoiler her a bit.

Me: One last question, how do you know Y/N?

Mrs Fueguchi: A few weeks ago, me and Hinami were walking home and found him under an overpass with a big hole in his stomach. My husband is a doctor you see so we took him back with his and healed him. Ever since then he would visit frequently and hang out with Hinami.

Me So I'm guessing you know he is a one eyed ghoul?

Mrs F: Yes, for some reason he likes to keep it a secret.

Me: Do you know anything about his past?

Mrs F: So far the only thing he told us is that he's always along.

Mrs Fueguchi then proceeds to leave.


Asaki was sitting at his desk looking at pictures Hinami drew. All of the a sudden the door opens to reveal Yamori. He picks up one a Hinami's drawings and looks at it.


Yamori: Looks like business has been dying down.

Asaki: Here take this and get out of my office.

He hands Yamori a pair of metal pliers. Yamori picks it up and inspects it.

Yamori: Oh yeah this will be perfect. Got to hand it to you, this craftsmen ship is impressive. She doesn't stand a chance against this.

Asaki: Now that I've finished that for you, please leave me alone.

Yamori: What you don't like my company?

Asaki: I just to live my life in peace.

Yamori: As you wish.

Asaki goes to pick up the drawing

Asaki: Hinami, Ryouko, we'll be together again soon.

Yamori: I doc, I don't mean to be annoying, so I'll just get out of your hair. But before I go, I just got to ask.

Blood comes out of Asaki, Yamori then hits him hard enough that he lands outside of the clinic. He lands next to Amon and Mado.

Asaki: What are two doves doing here?

Mado: Well, well, what did I tell you Amon. Our patience has paid off and in the end we got our prey, or in this case a bottom feeder. Funny finding a big fish like you swimming in a small lake like the 20th ward. Seriously thought you could travel undetected.

Mado activates his quinque to reveal a blue blood.

Amon: He's S rated, the 13th's ward Jason.

Amon activates his quinque to reveal a big club.

Mado: JASON!!!

Mado charges at Yamori and tries to slash him buy Yamori's faster. Amon attempts a sneak attack but Yamori is smarter.

Yamori: You guys aren't half bad I'll give you another minute or two.

Amon: I'm sorry sir, I wasn't quick enough.

Mado: Don't worry be sure to nail him with next attack.

Amon: Yes sir.

Yamori appears right behind Amon and sends him flying.

Yamori: Pathetic, you really think that tough guy act is gonna fool me.

Mado goes to slash Yamori but he dodges. Mado attempts to cut Yamori but he uses his pliers to block the attacks.

Yamori: What a shame.

Mado: Ya for you.

Mado's blade splits into three tentacles and go around Yamori. Mado grins but his facial expression soon changes as Yamori uses his rinkaku to break it.

Yamori: Really, that all you got?

Amon: No get away from him.

Amon charges and attempts to hit Yamori, but he misses.

Yamori: Well, your time is up, I'm out. Better luck next time.

Yamori leaves as Mado just looks at his broken weapon. The duo go over to see Asaki trying to get up. Asaki activates his bikaku and attempts to attack the doves. Unfortunately Mado is quicker and slits Asaki's throat, killing him.

Meanwhile at Anteiku Kaneki, Hinami, and Y/N were all in the break room. Kaneki was helping Hinami with her reading as Y/N took quick glances. Kaneki noticed Y/N.

Kaneki: Hey Y/N quick question, why are you glancing at us?

Y/N: It's nothing.


Y/N says looking away

Hinami: Come on Y/N, you can tell us.

Y/N: Fine, I was looking because I needed to learn to

Both have confused looks

Hinami: Why?

Y/N: I was never able to go to school, so I never learned how to read.

Kaneki: You could've asked me, I would've happily helped you.

Y/N: Thanks, do me a favor and don't tell anyone, it's embarrassing.

Hinami and kaneki both gave a nod and resumed reading as you payed attention. Ryouko came in to check on everyone and to take Hinami to the bookstore. It was nice to see everyone happy again.

Hinami and Ryouko were heading back to the coffee shop. Hinami was telling her mother about all the words she learned. Ryouko noticed two men following them so she began to walk faster. All of a sudden Hinami smiles.

Hinami: Momma I smell daddy, he came to get us.

Ryouko: Hinami we have to go.

But then Hinami ran off

Hinami: He's this way!

Ryouko: Hinami get back here right now!

Ryouko tried to get Hinami to stop, but she just kept on running. Hinami then turned into an alley.

Hinami: Daddy I've missed you so much!

Hinami stops and her eyes widened as she saw the Mado and Amon standing there. Ryouko then entered the alley.

Mado: Don't you jusrt love the rain, although I have to admit I'm glad it's not raining harder than this. The rain dulls a ghouls sense so you wouldn't have been able to pick up since.

The two men that were following them appeared with guns.

Mado: I suppose I don't have a moment of your time Mrs Fueguchi.

Hinami turns to her mother scared. Ryouko then activates her ukaku.

She uses her wings to shield her and Hinami. She kneels to face Hinami top wipe her tears and smiles.

Ryouko: Run dear, run fast.

Hinami: Momma, no

Ryouko: Don't be scared, go to Anteiku, I'll meet you there. I promise, I'll be right behind you.

Hinami: Momma, I want to stay with you.

Hinami and Ryouko hug, outside the men fire their guns. Ryouko knocks them down.

Ryouko: HURRY GO!

Hinami lets go off her mother's hand and runs away.

Mado: Was that suppose to pull on my heart strings, well it MADE ME SICK.

Ryouko: Leave us alone!!

Hinami keeps on running as fast as she can, calling out for help until she trips. When she gets up she sees two familiar figures approach her. Back at the alley Ryouko faces off against the doves.

Mado: Oh please, a mother wanting to protect her daughter, is that correct. Watching ghouls mimic human behavior is like watching bad theater. It makes my skin crawl. Hey Amon, feel free to sit this one out, I can take care of the rest.

Mado then opens up his case. Ryouko's eyes widen.

Ryouko: No it can't be, how, where did you get that.

Mado activates his quinque to reveal a scorpion like tail.

Mado: YES, that's the expression I'm looking for.

Me and Kaneki were walking around until we see a little girl fall down. We got closer and saw that it was Hinami.

Kaneki: Hinami what's wrong?

Hinami: It's momma, she's being attacked.

Y/N: WHAT, where is she?

Hinami then leads us towards alley. I look in and see you Ryouko fighting a man who I have longed to kill. KUREO MADO!!!

Y/N: You two stay here, I'll try and help her.

Kaneki and Hinami hide behind the wall. I jump on top one of the roofs above the alley. I put on mask and activate my rinkaku. I leap down as the scorpion tail is about to strike her. My tentacles block the oncoming attack.

Ryouko: What are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm not letting you die!!!

Mado: Well would you look at that, the beast has called for a friend. But this isn't just any ordinary ghoul.

Amon: The S rated chimera ghoul, Demon.

Mado: Would you look at that, not only am I getting one, but two new powerful quinques.


I charge at Mado who swings the tail at me. I jump on a wall and leap towards him, but the tail whips around and knocks me toward the ground. The tail comes back down but I catch it with my rinkaku. Unfortunately a dove with a club charges at me, luckily I block it with my bikaku. However I lose my grip on the tail and it chops my shoulder. I scream in the pain as the club collides with me sending me back with the spikes in the tail shredding my shoulder. I get back up and leap from wall to wall with the help of my bikaku. I dodge a few swings but then the tail hits me right across the abdomen. I fall to the ground as blood spews out. It's been weeks since I last ate and I felt week.

Mado: Finally you're mine!

The tail heads toward me but Ryouko blocks it with her wing.

Ryouko: Please Y/N, you must get out of here.

Y/N: I-I can't, I w-wont let you d-die. Y-you're the first people I've m-meet that's like family to me.

Ryouko walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

Ryouko: Please Y/N, keep Hinami safe for me. You're like a brother to her.

I begin to tear up under my mask. I let go of her and begin to jump up the walls.

Mado: You're not getting away from me!!

he attempts to strike me but Ryouko blocks with her wings. The other guys begin to shoot at me and manage to get a few shots in my side. I make it on top of the roof and collapse.

Y/N: dammit

I then succumb to my injuries and black out.

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