《Son of Nico Robin》Chapter 14 Captured



The strawhat pirates were fired up, more than they were ever before. Before them stood the strongest assassins in the World Government, and yet they were ready to take them all done. All to save their friend Robin. Even the youngest among them, Kai, was ready to throw down. The drawbridge to the tower started to lower, Spandam started to freak out while the agents held their composure. But suddenly, an explosion happened inside, causing the gate to stop.

Spandam: HAHAHAHHAHAHA! This should buy me enough time to get Nico Robin across the gates of justice. All of you start moving and bring Cutty Flam too! AHAHAHA, I have the only woman that can revive the ancient weapons, and the man who has inherited one of the blueprints for them. I am unstoppable.

Spandam started to leave, but Franky was blocking his way.

Spandam: What the hell are you looking at!

Franky didn't say anything, instead he pulled out a pile of papers. Spandam's eyes bulged out in surprise. Franky was holding the very thing he has been trying to get his hands on for years. For Franky was holding the blueprints for Pluton.

Spandam: So, you had the blueprints this whole time. That saves me the trouble, now just hand them ov...

Franky cut him off.

Frankey: Nico Robin, I have to admit the stuff I heard about you was wrong. I now realize that you aren't the monster that the government makes you out to be. These blueprints were handed down from shipwright to shipwright, not to revive an ancient weapon but to use to protect the world. To be used in case power hungry bastards like Spandam get their hands on something dangerous, it can be a counter measure.


Franky: Even though Nico Robin can use her knowledge for good, it can still be disastrous. But now there is a group of people here willing to give their lives to defend her. If she believes in them, then I'm putting all of my faith in them as well.

He then held the blueprints high above his head.

Franky(thought): Tom, you would have done the same thing.

Franky blew fire out of his mouth; the flames engulfed the blueprints. Spandam could only watch as his lifelong dream literally went up in flames.


Franky: The whole reason we kept the blueprints was to act as a counter measure in case any of the other ancient weapons were revived. If you guys take them away, that defeats the whole purpose. At this point, all I can do is destroy them. I'm place everything I got on the pirates.

Back at the gate, the Franky family cheered at sight of their leader okay. Franky couldn't help but tear up at their love for him. Despite this heartful reunion, Spandam felt nothing but anger.

Spandam: Cutty Flam, you...you...YOU BASTARD!

Spandam charged at Franky and pushed him right off the edge, causing him to fall down into the abyss. That was when Nami called a call from Kokoro.

Kokoro(call): Hey strawhats, I heard everything! Why are you all just standing around?

Nami: The bridge isn't down, we can't cross.

Kokoro: It's halfway down, isn't it? That's good enough, I'm on my way.

Nami: What do you mean you are on your way?

Thats when they all heard the sound of Rocket Man, and they realized what was about to happen. Luffy smirked as he wrapped his arms around all of his crewmembers and jumped down. It was at that moment Rocket Man cam bursting through the gate and they landed on it. Thanks to the slanted gate, Rocket Man shot upwards and into the sky. Along the way they even caught Franky. As it came back down, it crashed into the tower. The strawhats were now on the Tower of Justice.

Spandam quickly ushered away Robin to the Gates of Justice, not before dispatching CP9 to go after the strawhats. Speaking of the strawhats, their crash landing was rough, but they have faced worst. Thanks to a certain blabber mouth they found out that the keys to Robin's handcuffs were hidden among the other members of CP9. So, in order to free her, they had to defeat every member of CP9. Luffy immediately took off to find Lucci while everyone started to take off too. Thats when they realized something.

Nami: Wait, has anyone seen Kai?

Sanji: Crap she's right, I don't see the kid anywhere.

Zoro: Look, we don't have time to search for him. If he's not here, then it's a good thing. All we can do is hope he isn't here.

However he was wrong.


High above the tower was Kai, soaring with Peaches on his back. While the others went on to fight the agents, this kid decided to sneak away. He believed that if he were to catch up to Spandam, he could take him down and free his mom. Peaches had other ideas though, as he was tugging on the boy to try and get him to go back. This only annoyed Kai.

Kai: Peaches stop it, you are not going to stop now!

Peaches knew he couldn't reason with Kai, so instead he activated his gorilla form. The new weight was too much for Kai and the two went crashing down on top of the tower. Kai tried to fly away, but Peaches held him firmly in his grasp.


Despite all of the yelling, Peaches didn't budge. He knew all Kai ever wanted was to be with his mom again, but he was rushing headfirst into a dangerous situation. One that would only get him harmed. Peaches was not willing to lose any one important to him again.

The boy continued to flail around in the gorilla's arms, who didn't even look fazed. Both were unaware of the danger that was approaching.

???: You're becoming more of a pain than it's worth.

Both froze at the icy tone, there is only one person they knew who sounded like that. Both slowly turned around and were horrified to see Lucci standing there.

Lucci: Strawhat saved you from Blueno, however this time he isn't here.

Without even thinking, Peaches tossed Kai into the air and lunged Lucci.

Lucci: Finger pistol.

Lucci proceeded to fill Peaches with dozens of holes before he fell to the ground. Kai wished he could help out the monkey, but he knew the reason Peaches threw him was so he could get away. So, Kai flew away as fast as he could, however it proved useless as Lucci appeared before him and kicked him back into the tower. Kai tried to get up, but Lucci stepped on him, preventing him from moving.

Lucci: I will say one thing though, it's more convenient for you to be here rather than track you down.

Peaches got back up, despite being covered in blood and knowing he will lose, he was stilling will to fight. He charged at Lucci again, who merely kicked the monkey ape away towards the edge of the tower. Lucci appeared before him and grabbed his head, starting to apply pressure. Despite the pain, Peaches started to punch Lucci, however it did nothing to his hardened body.

Lucci: Begone you filthy beast.

And with that, Lucci tossed Peaches off the edge of the tower. Kai could only watch in horror as his friend was tossed to his unknown demise. That fear was soon replaced with anger, as he got back up and ready to fight Lucci.

Lucci: Haven't you learned yet, or do I have to beat it into you.

Kai: You've hurt my mom, you've hurt Peaches, you've hurt some many people.

As he said that he started to glow, and the light only grew stronger.

Kai: I WILL....

He was cut off as Lucci smashed Kai down into the ground. This time he was down for good.

(scene change)

Back in the tunnel Spandam continued to drag Robin along. Lucci appeared before him and threw Kai, who was tied up, down in front of Spandam's feet. Spandam had a sinister grin as Robin look horrified.

Lucci: The last member of the Nico family has been captured.

Spandam: Well done Lucci, now lets get these bastards to the gate and be done with them.

When Kai came back to, the first thing he saw was his mother's face. He had never felt to defeated or miserable in his young life. Tears started to leak from his eyes.

Kai: Mom...I'm sorry.

Robin: Oh Kai...

Spandam only laughed at the two.

Spandam: Do you see now Nico Robin? Soon we will be at the Gates of Justice and once they closed, you both are good as gone. So any delusions of being rescued by the strawhats is as good as dead. Enjoy this time with you son now, because soon you'll never see each other again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Robin and Kai felt relieved, Spandam was horrified, while Lucci had a sadistic grin. They all knew that voice, it was Luffy racing down the tunnel.


Lucci: We need to get Nico Robin and Nico Kai to the Gates Justice. Don't worry chief, I'll handle Strawhat.

And so, Spandam dragged Robin and Kai away as Lucci went to confront Luffy. However, will Luffy be strong enough to defeat Lucci and save our favorite mother and son duo?

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