《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Invading Smackdown


~With Carlo~

So far, our feud with both Raw and Smackdown has been very good and not recently, the Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews has been talking about the passion for this industry and other stuff.

Not even that, Apollo's been talking about working hard and all that, but here's something he doesn't understand: I grew up around gangsters, drug dealers, and alcoholics. I had to work hard around that. I had to survive and make the most of it, so this would be the opportunity to confront him and challenge him for the title.

I have the people from NXT outside of the invasion for our invasion as Apollo Crews tweeted that he wanted someone from NXT to come by, so I waited for the right moment to challenge him for his Intercontinental Title.

I plan on taking his title while NXT Champion, so this is a good idea to cause a riot from him.

I have a promo ready for him and when I heard Adam Pearce and a referee were going to be out there with him, it was perfect because Pearce used to be a great wrestler before retiring to be a stupid official of all things, so I got a burn waiting for him.

They were out in the ring, waiting for someone to come out, so I took a microphone and walked out.


The crowd immediately cheered that I was here, but joke's on them 'cause I'm invading Smackdown with some guys and girls, except Masami and Kaori because Masami's injured and I can't risk her getting even more hurt.

When I entered wearing an NXT muscle shirt, they cheered even louder and I couldn't be more happy to hear them.

We're gonna get this straight, we're gonna make sure we get this right!

That's Carlo De Luca! The current NXT Champion!

What's he doing here?! He's not an employee on Smackdown!

Apollo! You talk about working hard, you talk about paying your dues, and you talk about being a sportsman, and all that stuff, but my man, it's easy for you to say that because you're in the presence of a...

I stopped before saying...

...used-to-be great wrestler like Adam Pearce!

The crowd immediately cheered as I was loving it and wanting everyone to get real with this shit.

Yeah, you heard me! Keep talking about being a prince for your country, and I'll take that crown off your head and destroy it, bro!

Everyone knew at that point that Crews' momentum is dead, but I don't care. I'm gonna run him and the rest of the Raw and Smackdown roster down.

You know what I grew up around, Apollo? Gangsters! Drug dealers! Alcoholics! I had to survive and thrive around that! You wouldn't last a day where I came from!

Everyone loved that as I was still going. I want everyone to know that NXT is invading and we're not playing around. We're going to war.

I had to pay my dues while living around that life, and you're talking about the passion of pro wrestling? That's a joke because the Superstars you faced were just little boys. And whereas me? I'm a man with balls between my legs, and I'll bury you six feet in the ground!


Cheers were all over the place as I was trying not to smile, but I couldn't help it.

You see, Hunter wanted me and the entire NXT roster to invade both Raw and Smackdown to show that we mean business. Not only that, he paid me to show up tonight, and now he's going to pay me to kick your 240lb ass, and take that Intercontinental Title, brah.

Adam was talking with out a mic, telling me to stop talking and go back to NXT, but I wasn't having it.

You really think you can hang with me? Let's— Pearce, I swear on my girlfriend's beautiful brown eyes, if you don't shut up, I'm cracking your head open like an egg!

That popped the crowd, and they still cheered at me, making me smile inside.


The crowd cheered so I had to go after Apollo Crews that was about to talk.

Yeah yeah yeah, you had your time to talk, it's my time now. Relax. Chill out.

They cheered loudly as I wanted to continue talking shit.

So I talked to Hunter about the match we're having and he said, "Carlo, if you want a No Disqualification match it's fine by me but, you know, Crews has to accept!".

I laughed as a psycho as I was ready to say my insult.

So what's it gonna be, Crews? Are you a proud and fighting Champion, or are you a muscled enhanced bitch?

He was enraged as the crowd kept cheering about my promo. I smiled like a madman and said probably the funniest lines I've ever said.

Oh my God, I said something!

I entered the ring, taking off my jacket and tank top as I was ready for this match. I think I did a great promo after coming out here so if this gets a 10 out of 10 from Hunter, I think we'd have a great invasion on Raw and Smackdown.

According to the Champion Apollo Crews, the challenge has been accepted!

I immediately tackled him and started beating him after the bell rang. I was not having it and I threw him out of the ring as I went with him.

I took a chair from underneath the ring, and as Apollo turned around, I threw it into his face as he stumbled back. I took the chair, hit his ribs before hitting his back with it.

He was screaming in pain as "NXT" chants were being heard throughout the arena! This is really surprising to know.

When I threw him back into the ring, Apollo gave me some kicks and some punches. He went to the ropes and dropkicked me down. He gave me a suplex and covered me, but I kicked out at two.

He was a bit enraged, but he kept his cool. He was beating the hell out of me and gave me clothesline after clothesline and gave me a gorilla press slam and a standing Moonsault. He covered me again but I still kicked out.

Apollo grabbed my head and was kneeing my ribs, he ran to the ropes and I gave him a superkick to his head and a clothesline.

I went out of the ring, pulled up the drape, and pulled out a bag.


Nobody knew what was in there, but I do since I placed that before the show aired.

I went into the ring, opened the bag, out came...

Oh my God! Thumbtacks! It's a bag of thumbtacks!

This isn't right! Carlo has no right to pull this heinous act here tonight!

He was leaning on the middle rope as I started hitting his back, mocking him.

Fight me! You listening to me?! Fight me!

He retaliated by hitting me below the belt with his heel, and I went down on my knees, but in reality, I was wearing a cup because this is NXT vs Raw vs Smackdown and I made sure I have my way when we're fighting these guys.

When I was getting my head pulled up from Apollo and was in position to be Powerbombed onto the tacks, I pulled out of his crotch and punched him in the balls and put his head under my crotch and written the letters "N" "X" "T" in the air before doing the powerbomb on Crews onto the thumbtacks!

He screamed in absolute pain as the tacks were stuck in his body like a human pincushion!

As much as I loved the pain he was facing, I had to finish this match. I pulled him back up and I was ready to perform the Shift In Power and end this, but who came out to stop me? It was Big E and his posse, distracting me as Apollo countered with a Spinning Powerbomb on me and onto the tacks!

He pinned me, and I lost the chance to try to win that title, and bring it to NXT.

To be quite honest, I was really upset with myself because I let the distraction get to me and there was no way I could bring the IC title to the Black and Yellow brand.

In the back, I saw the entire NXT locker room waiting for me and I didn't want to look at them. I just grabbed my stuff and walked over to my bike, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Hunter tried to comfort me, but I didn't want to talk.


I heard a voice that sounded angry and I had to look up at who it was: Hunter.

Carlo. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that, but just talk to me. What's on your mind?

I had to answer before I leave because if I didn't, Hunter wouldn't like how I'm acting.

It's just that with Masami injured and now I wasn't able to win the Intercontinental Championship from Crews, I felt like I failed my purpose as an NXT Champion. Hunter, I didn't want to go after the title immediately, it would make everyone turn their back on me.

He kept quiet as I continued to vent. I had to let him know my thoughts and how all of this affecting me personally.

I said once if I'm going after a title a month into a contract with a company, I'd start feeling pressure like never before. If you think that's bad Hunter, let me tell you what's also bad, every time sexual harassment claims come up on TV I get mentioned. It makes me want to go insane whenever they come up! I have to drop the belt sometime soon before all of this gets worse! Why do bad things happen to me of all people! I didn't deserve to be accused of those claims. I don't deserve the title right now! I don't think I need to return to NXT with my friends!

Hunter seemed so sympathetic and I was surprised he didn't say anything, he didn't want to interrupt me. I had to keep going.

Hunter, all I'm asking is that not only do I lost the title the next week after WarGames, I take some time off to forget about what I'm going through. To tell you the truth, I just feel the need to hurt myself every chance I get because things happen to me and none of them good. I hate myself because of what's been happening to me! I don't want to live like this anymore!

I broke down in tears as I sat down and buried my face with my knees.

I felt him sitting down with me and rubbing my back as I let it all out. Everything that's happened to me isn't making my situation better and whenever I think about that, I question my reason of being on this earth.

Carlo. Look at me.

I looked at him and he had a sympathetic look in his eyes while his face looked emotionless.

You really don't want all of this, don't you?

It's not that I don't want it, it's how it all catches up to me. Hunter, I need some time off after WarGames just so I can focus on my personal life.

He seemed to get me as I told him my thoughts about all of what's been happening in my personal life, but I didn't believe what he said next.

I'm not gonna stand by and not listen to someone who's going through a lot of crap in his life.

It shocked me, and that let me know I have friends in this business that are willing to listen to me and I can't ever be more grateful for that.

Once after WarGames is done and that week is here, you'll lose the title. If that's what you want then I won't say anything against it. You're given a month off after that week because I can see the pain in your eyes. Carlo, you need to promise me that whatever is going on with your personal life, text or call me. You need someone to talk to and I'll always be here for you. Right now, just go on back to the hotel. I'll tell everyone inside what happened between you and I.

Thank you Hunter.

No problem son. Give me a hug.

I embraced him as he did back, letting me know that I have someone to talk to outside of my relationship with Masami.

I'll forever be grateful for the friends I have in the wrestling business, professionally and personally.

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