《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Main Roster Invasion
~With Carlo~
At the PC, Masami, Kaori, and I were working out together and trying out some tag team moves. We got a practice dummy from one of the storages and put it in a corner as we practiced some new moves.
I got on all fours and signaled Kaori to go first by stepping on my back and dropkicking the dummy as Masami went next and did the same as she crossbodied it.
I offered to be a target for their moves as I laid down in a corner as Kaori went first as she went up to the top rope and performed her signature Elbow Drop on me as Masami went next and got onto the top rope, but I didn't expect anything good.
~With Kaori~
As I watched the two lovebirds practice their finishing moves, I saw three guys and two girls wearing Raw shirts and I knew who they are: Ricochet, Viking Raiders, Catalina, and Vanessa Borne. Vanessa had a chair and it looked like she was aiming for Masami!
masami! 見て! (MASAMI! LOOK OUT!)
Borne threw the chair at Masami just when she looked at them, and she fell, landing awkwardly on her shoulder!
She was screaming in agony as I grabbed a chair from underneath and fought them back as Carlo tended to his girlfriend as I held them away.
Masami was just writhing in pain, holding onto her shoulder. I looked back, and there was blood flowing down her face after getting the chair to her face.
An unprotected chair shot to the face had pissed me off so much that I know what I wanted to do.
Hey, Carlo!
He looked back as he said while smirking at him...
Come by on Monday Night Raw! We got a welcoming committee for you and your friends!
ちょっと! あなたはここから出るか、私はあなたのクソ頭蓋骨をこの椅子で亀裂します! (Hey! You either get out of here or I'll crack your fucking skulls with this chair!)
They knew I was serious and they backed away as Masami was taken to the trainer's, where we weren't expecting a diagnosis.
Masami, what you have is a separated shoulder. You gotta take it easy.
It enraged me as I took the chair and went after Vanessa and Catalina.
~With Carlo~
I translated for Masami and she was devastated. We were looking forward to six person tag team match against Santos Escobar, Catalina and Vanessa Borne, now we need to find someone who would take Masami's place.
I then thought of someone who would have no problem taking her place, but I've got to care for my girlfriend right now because she needs me.
あの気まぐれなチーム生 彼らは私が私の肩を傷つけるようにしなければならなかった。 (That damn Team Raw. They had to make me injure my shoulder.)
She was holding back tears as I was surprised by her toughness, but I reassured her she will get revenge once she gets better as the match was tonight, but outside we heard some commotion going on.
I went outside and saw Kaori just beating the hell out of Vanessa! I ran over to try and have Kaori stop, but she wasn't having it.
あなたは私の友達を雌犬の売春婦を傷つけました! (You hurt my friend you whore of a bitch!)
She was about to raise the chair before pulling out some WOODEN SKEWERS?! What is she doing?!
ホサコ薫! 今すぐ止めよう! (Kaori Hosako! Stop it right now!)
But she didn't listen to me, as she took the skewers and positioned them on Vanessa's head before tapping them a little bit before a big pat, and when she let go of the skewers, Vanessa was a mess as the skewers were in her head, not moving around.
She screamed in pain as Kaori was about to take the chair and hit the skewers on her head with it, but I had to stop it before Kaori killed her!
I took the chair out of Kairi's hands and threw it down, furious at what she was doing! I mean, she could've killed our opponent for tonight!
ファックがあなたに間違っているの? あなたは彼女を殺しただろう! (What the fuck is wrong with you?! You would've killed her!)
: 彼女は私の友人を負傷し、これは彼女が得るものです! (She injured my friend and this is what she gets!)
ちょっと! (Hey!)
She looked at me as I didn't want to slap some sense into her because it would make her feel worse, but I held her head and calmed her down.
私を聞いて、誰かを殺す答え、カオリ。 あなたはそれを知っています。 リングのためにそれを保存してください、大丈夫? (Listen to me, killing someone isn't the answer, Kaori. You know that. Save it for the ring, okay?)
すみません、カルロ。 私に何が起こっているのかわかりません。 (I'm sorry, Carlo. I don't know what's happening to me.)
She broke down in tears and I hugged her as Masami saw what almost happened to Vanessa.
ホテルの部屋に戻り、パットで時間を過ごしてください。 NXTの時間であると、フルセールであなたが必要です。 大丈夫? (Go back to your hotel room and spend time with Pat. Once it's time for NXT, I need you at Full Sail. Okay?)
She nodded and took Masami with her to the hotel before I gave her a kiss on her cheek and her shoulder before she left with Kaori.
I hated seeing my girl in pain and I knew who to call and replace Masami for our six person tag match.
I gave a call to one of my friends and see if she was willing to tag with us.
こんにちは、あなたはマサミの場所を服用していますか? 彼女は痛いです。 (Hey, do you mind taking Masami's place? She's hurt.)
問題ありません、カルロ! 私は今夜は計畫されていないので、私は來て、お尻を蹴るよ! (No problem, Carlo! I don't have anything planned tonight, so I'll come by and kick some ass!)
~8:33 PM~
Santos, Catalina and Vanessa Borne were in the ring as I was looking forward to bringing out our replacement. I know this will be a shock to some people, so they're ready, us as well.
Kaori and I entered as I had a microphone in my hand. Nobody knew where Masami was, so I had to clear the air for everyone.
Now, you may have noticed that Kallisto isn't here. You know why? Take a look at this!
The footage was shown and the entire crowd booed at Vanessa as loudly as they could get. I even saw some fans in shock and in tears at what they saw! And to be honest, I don't blame them.
As Vanessa was feeling proud of herself, I wanted to bring out the replacement for Masami in this match.
That means she's out of action for some time due to a shoulder injury, thanks to you! BUT! We're not outnumbered Santos, so I made a phone call to someone who's a very good friend of mine, and she's going to kick your ass Vanessa!
She was just as cocky as ever until this theme played...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
When that song and titantron played, all of the cockiness that she had, it's been drained as she knew she was in trouble. My mentor came out in her gear, noh mask, robe and fan and stood beside me, as I was smirking like a madman.
And their tag team partner, from Osaka, Japan, the Empress of Tomorrow, ASUKA!
Everyone was just going nuts as I can tell the expression under the mask, she's so happy to be back in NXT.
In the ring, Kaori went on one turnbuckle as I went in the middle of the ring, spreading my arms out as Kana did her usual schtick: dancing along to her entrance music, which makes me laugh every time because of how adorable she is.
Once we took off our entrance gear, Kaori and Kana went on the outside as Santos and I started out.
We went around the ring, eyeing each other, daring one another to make a move and I'm not talking about Titus O'Niel's entrance music.
We locked up and before just battering away at each other, just a fist fight before I performed a drop kick and laid him out to a corner.
I got on top of the turnbuckle to do a splash, but Santos got up and tagged in Vanessa. She was yelling at me as I saw Kana's wanting to tag in. So I pointed at her for approval as the crowd chanted...
So I held my hand out and Asuka tagged in with evil on her mind and I'm not talking about Masami's former fiancé. I'm talking about actual evil ways to torture Vanessa.
Borne tried to get close, but Kana was just intimidating her with all her intensity.
I even saw that whenever Vanessa comes close, Kana wants to do something violent!
あなたは私の近くに來るつもりですか? 素晴らしい仕事、それは私にあなたのクソの頭を裂く機會を與えるつもりだから、あなたは小さな雌犬! (You're gonna come close to me? Great job, because that's gonna give me a chance to rip your fucking head off, you little bitch!)
I was stunned at what Kana said. I was not expecting that as Vanessa didn't want anything to do with Kana, so she tagging Catalina who got her ass handed to her!
Kana was giving Catalina kicks and spinning backfists before tagging Kairi to do a tag team move.
Kaori went on the top as Kana held up Catalina's right leg, and Kaori leaped off and double axe handled the leg, hurting it.
~10 Minutes Later~
I was locked in a facelock and my two friends were trying to rally the crowd: Kaori was clapping her hands while Kana was stomping on the steps!
I was still locked in that submission hold, but I countered with a stunner, making Santos stunned for a bit before I gave him a desperate Eddie Mush Backbreaker.
I didn't want to cover him because Kaori was going to be tagged and I was crawling to my corner. Santos tagged in Vanessa, and Kaori was tagged!
Kaori came in with clothesline after clothesline, knocking down Catalina, and giving her signature spear to Vanessa.
Kaori went to the top rope and splashed onto Santos and Catalina and pushed both of them back in the ring, I told Kana the plan to beat them.
かな、香織が私にタグを付けたら、私はここの上に乗ってマサミのムーンサルトストンプをします、そしてあなたはヴァネッサの頭を蹴ります。 彼女がキックアウトした場合、カオリがカタリナで彼女の提出移動を行うので、あなたのアスカロックで彼女をロックしてください。 とった? (Kana, once Kaori tags me in, I get on top of here to do Masami's Moonsault Stomp, then you kick Vanessa's head. If she kicks out, lock her in your Asuka-Lock as Kaori will do her submission move in Catalina and I put in the "Now Youse Can't Leave". Got it?)
Kana: 了解しました、カルロ! (Got it, Carlo!)
Kaori moved Santos to the corner and tagged me. I got into the ring and climbed to the top rope, do Masami's signature pose before doing her signature Moonsault Stomp once Kana tagged in.
She kicked Vanessa with the Shining Wizard and covered her, but she kicked out, becoming locked in the Asuka-Lock as Kaori switched to her submission move on Catalina and I locked in my "Now Youse Can't Leave" armbar.
Santos and Catalina tapped, but Vanessa, the legal person in the match, tapped out as we won this match!
Here are your winners, Ayane, "The Eye Of The Storm" Carlo De Luca, and The Empress of Tomorrow, ASUKA!
We celebrated our victory, but I wasn't done. I learned that Santos is having another baby, so I have Evil on my mind as well.
Hey Santos! You're having another kid right? Congrats my dude!
The entire crowd looked surprised and actually congratulated the guy, but I have something coming for him as I decided to play psychological warfare.
If you don't mind me, there's something I want to say about that. If there's a phrase you should be using when it arrives, it's "How you doing?", BUT, the real question you should be asking your little baby is, "Who's your daddy?".
The crowd erupted into ohs as Santos was enraged and upset about the whole thing and wanted to kick my ass, but he was held back by security, so I decided to take it even a bit further as a way of trying make his emotions get to him.
It's psychological warfare, you gotta use it to your advantage!
Struck a nerve, haven't I?
Just as I said that, two teams from Raw and Smackdown ambushed me as Kaori and Kana can't help me because there's women that the men can't hit.
The teams were The New Day from Smackdown and The Hurt Business from Raw!
As they were going to do their tag team finishers on me, SANTANA AND ORTIZ came out with chairs and swinging all over the place, hitting them with chairs and defending me.
They helped me up as Regal came out for something.
Three teams, nine people. Oh lads, I think we have a solution for this!
What was he going to say?
For the first time ever, these three teams from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT, will be fighting each other for brand supremacy in one particular matchup that we all know and love...
I think I know what he's about to say...
When Regal said "WarGames", everyone lost it because this is the first time one group from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT compete in the structure that was feared since WCW/NWA, the holy of holies, WarGames.
Now I saw this for the first time and one of these matches while WCW was around. I wasn't allowed to be near the structure as a fan, but I was able to get a good view of it at the front row back then, that's for sure.
Oh my God!
This is history in the making!
Wow! What a moment!
I had an idea and I think it should be heard from William Regal, the NXT General Manager.
And hold on Regal!
Before he went back to his office, he listened to me very carefully because I want this idea to be considered.
How about a parlay before WarGames? Just to make it a bit interesting.
He smirked and seemed to like that idea, because it will be an epic moment before the WarGames match would start.
I like that! Parlay will be held on NXT in two weeks!
Everyone agreed, but we're not stopping there.
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