《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》New Friend
~With Carlo~
After some time at the PC, Masami and I made plans to hang out with Kaori and her boyfriend with her as we hang around Universal Orlando studios.
I stopped at the hotel to pick them up as I waited for Masami and Kaori. In the meantime, I get a call from Hunter about the next pay-per-view: WarGames.
Hey Carlo!
What's up, Hunter?
Got a question for you.
If you want to enter the WarGames structure, how would you feel?
I'd be excited for sure. Why are you asking me?
Regal and I are planning something huge and we want you to be a part of it.
Yeah. You seemed to be trained by the best, so I'm gonna be fair and let you think about whether you want to be in the WarGames match.
Thanks Hunter. I'll definitely think about it.
Absolutely. I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing.
Grazie, Hunter.
Sorry, what?
Sorry about that. It means "thank you" in Italian.
Ah. I get it. See you later, Carlo.
See you around, Hunter.
We hung up as I saw Masami coming out of the hotel as Kaori came out with her boyfriend, who seemed Filipino.
I'm interested in meeting him because he seems nice, but after what happened with Masami, even though I don't have a sister, I considered Kaori a sister I never had, and I want to make sure there's no one like Evil or Alayah whenever my friend and girlfriend are around people.
Even though I never had a sister growing up, Kaori acted like a sister and she treated me as if I was her oldest brother. I'd like to consider her a half-sister, even if we're not related.
When they approached the car, I unlocked the doors for them while meeting Kairi's boyfriend, but I have to hide the fact that I don't approve of her dating a guy with me knowing.
ねえカルロ! これは私のボーイフレンドのパットジョセフ、またはインディーズのパットジョセフです! (Hey Carlo! This is my boyfriend Pat Joseph, or The Pat Joseph in the indies!)
Hey, how you doing kid?
I'm doing okay. So you must be Masami's friend?
He smiled at me as my eyes burned in the back of my mind, but I didn't want to show it.
I'm actually her boyfriend, Carlo De Luca, but you can call me Carlo.
I offered my hand and he took it with a firm grip, and that I like.
Thanks brad.. I mean bro.. I mean Carlo! Yeah. Sorry about that.
Hey, no worries. Happens all the time. Ready to hang, guys?
We drove off and while on the way, Pat and I were talking, trying to get to know each other, but I can't trust him until I know he's good for Kaori.
So in order for Kaori to have my permission, I gotta ask him how she and Pat met and try to make him a bit uncomfortable because I barely know this guy who's going out with someone who I could call a sister.
So, how'd you and Kaori meet, Pat?
Kaori and I met at an event after one of my indie events. She and I met up at a restaurant and she was a joy to talk to. After some dinners out, here we are.
Wow. Kaori, I think I found someone for you!
We all had a laugh as she was hiding her face trying to hide the blushing, which was so Kawaii.
What are you favorite things to do outside the ring?
Well, I have a guilty pleasure of singing at KTV bars.
Ah, well, I do too. And that reminds me, Masami, you have that video from the time I did Karaoke?
Sure do!
She pulled up the video and when it was done, he was surprised by how savage I can be!
Woah! Roasting your boss like that! That's boss level roasting my man!
He laughed a bit so I had to let him know that I appreciated that compliment.
Thanks. And since JBL and New Jack are monsters as well, why not put them in? Who's your favorite artist?
Eminem man! Lose Yourself, Till I Collapse and Stan come to mind. Also Linkin Park and I guess some Skillet. Yeah, I hope that one of their songs become my entrance once I make it big.
Well, you're wanting to make it big, so I'll try to ask Hunter to watch one of your matches and see if he's interested in signing. Depends on the timing though.
Hey man, I sure do hope he gets me in. I'm a stick man but I'm afraid my size might not get me in. Seeing as where you three work is the land of the big men.
Hey don't say that. Let me tell you something, you may be lacking in size, but Hunter sees potential in small guys. He wants everyone to be a success. He will consider you getting signed, just like the three of us were.
Thanks. But I gotta prove to Hunter that I am the total package the WWE needs to add to their roster. I can talk and can sure as hell back it up. Whenever that day of judgment comes that is.
Okay, enough of that, let's just put on some music, shall we?
Alright Carlo. Hit it!
I put on the radio and the first song was this, catching everyone including myself off guard.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Woah! I'll change the music right now!
Masami and Kaori were disgusted by 6ix9ine and I had to change the song to this.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Once the song was changed, Pat and I still talked while Masami and Kaori talked.
Hey, you never asked how I met these two.
Oh yeah, Carlo, how did you meet Masami and Kaori?
Well, it has to do with the fact that I was released by WWE the first time, thanks to a bitch I used to call my girlfriend, accusing me of sexual harassment.
Oh man, that's rough... Please go on.
I went to Japan after my 90 days clause to start fresh, that's when I met these two. They knew about the harassment claims, but they knew the claims were lies since the Japanese are really nice towards foreigners. When I offered to train the girls over at Stardom, most of them resented the idea because of the claims, but these two were the only ones to train with me.
They didn't see me any differently and that's what caused us to be friends after a bit, but what made Masami and I become more close is nothing even slightly funny about what I'm about to tell you.
Pat raised his eyebrow and he was interested in what I wanted to say.
Now this I gotta hear.
A month before we signed, Masami was engaged to a wrestler named Evil, but Masami came to my room in the middle of the night, with a sound of sadness in her voice. She embraced me and when I turned on the lights, I saw that Masami had a broken nose.
Oh no... Who's the dickless moron who would harm Masami?
Me: Turned out Evil and his fuckin' pals, they've been wanting to hurt her for some time. He broke her nose after she discovered he was cheating on her and Masami wanted to beat him ass. I let her stay in my room and at the next NJPW show, I put my hands on him and I don't regret it for a second because it was what he deserved.
Serves that monster right. No wait, I issue an apology for all the monsters who do not want to associate with such a disgrace to any kind like Evil.
Yeah. I challenged him to a match of my choosing and it was an Electrocuting Barbed Wire Deathmatch. I wanted him to feel the pain after what he's done to Masami. She was my best friend and I didn't want her to be treated that way.
From the looks of things, you won as Masami is here with you. But man, an Electrocuting Barbed Wire Deathmatch?!?! I'm just in the indies but we don't go way overboard with the sparks and metals!
I've been trained by Jon Moxley and he gave me advice and some tests to go through these types of matches.
Man, at least real hardcore training. I was thrust into the limelight thanks to Steve Austin and Jake the Snake Roberts but advised to have real experience elsewhere before WWE.
Carlo: That's good man. Seems like we're here!
We arrived at Universal Orlando, got out of the car, and got ready to have some fun. The one section I'm looking forward to was The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I can't help it, I'm a Harry Potter fan!
We were all walking around enjoying some of the rides that we went on. Pat was challenged to a shooting range and there was a bunch of stuffed animals. He accepted and I thought he would never win a prize for Kaori, except, he did. He aimed at pin point precision and shot all the targets.
He got her a stuffed rabbit and it was so adorable!
Thank you Pat!
She gave him a kiss on his cheek and it irked me a bit, but I let it go.
Hey, I know that this is her man, but I want to make sure that he's the right guy sometime soon!
Anyway, we found some people in costumes like Optimus Prime and two Minions from Despicable Me. Kaori and Pat went between the two minions as Masami took their picture together. I gotta say, I think Pat's the right guy, but I gotta have a talk with him.
Masami and I were with Optimus and Bumblebee as Kaori took our phones and took pictures of us with the autobots as we took selfies together. It was fun and
After some time walking around as a group, we decided to split up and look at some parts as couples. Pat and Kaori went one way as Masami and I went another.
We agreed to reunite at The Palm Restaurant over near the Hard Rock Hotel so we could eat and head on back.
As we walked on, we were near The Wizarding World of Harry Potter section and I was a kid in a candy store. I've been a Harry Potter fan since the books came out and I never stopped loving it since.
You see, when you think of Carlo De Luca, you see this biker/gangster who's known for not showing any interest in comics or anything like that, but in reality, offscreen, I'm a guy who's a nerd in this type of shit.
The biker gimmick was inspired by not only The American Badass version of Gnarly Charlie or The Undertaker, but I was heavily influenced by the rise of the Hell's Angels biker gang.
While in signed to New Japan and touring in the West Coast, I visited a tattoo parlor that was owned by that gang and that's what made me get inspiration by my biker gimmick, not just The American Badass. I have a tattoo from that shop that's on my left calf and I've kept it as a memory for a long time.
Here's what it looks like:
I was given a wand and after a couple rides, we went to The Palm Restaurant to wait for Kaori and Pat.
Masami and I waited for Pat and Kaori, but when we saw them walk in through the door, something was off about Kaori. We looked closer and her eyes were red like tomatoes!
We had to see why she's in tears because if Pat hurt her, he's a dead man walking and I'm not talking about The Undertaker.
かおり。 泣いているの? (Kaori. Are you crying?)
私はちょうどそうでした。 (I just was.)
彼はあなたを傷つけましたか? (Did he hurt you?!)
番號! 話させてください。 (No! Let me talk.)
はい。 ごめんなさい。 (Okay. Sorry.)
Tell them Kaori.
She took a deep breath, sniffing her tears back and showed off something on her hand.
もちろん"! (I said "yes"!)
ああすごい! (Oh wow!)
お二人おめでとう! (Oh congrats you two!)
Kaori and TPJ were hugging us and while I was hugging Kaori the most, but I had to have a talk with Pat because I need to know if I could trust him because of what happened to Masami, I vowed to protect these two like they were my sisters no matter what.
At the restaurant, we celebrated their engagement as every drink they have and every meal was being paid by me, but I need to have that talk with him while Masami and Kaori were talking.
マサミ? (Masami?)
ええ、カルロ? (Yeah, Carlo?)
香織を連れてリゾートを散歩してもよろしいですか? パットと話をしたいです。 (Do you mind taking Kaori on a walk around the resort? I want to have a talk with Pat.)
それは私に何が起こったのか、そしてあなたがパットを彼女にふさわしい男にしたいと思っているのかと関係がありますか? (It has to do with what happened to me and how you want Pat to be the right guy for her?)
どうやって知ったの? (How'd you know?)
ホテルを出て歩いているときに彼に會ったのを見たとき、あなたは彼にイライラしていました。 なぜあなたが彼と話したいのか理解しています。 (When I saw you seeing him while walking out of the hotel, you were irked by him. I understand why you want to talk to him.)
マサミありがとう。 今それをしてもよろしいですか? 彼が男であることを確認したい。 (Thanks Masami. Do you mind doing that now? I want to make sure he's the guy.)
絶対に。 (Absolutely.)
She turned to Kaori and said...
かおりさん。 私はあなたと私がバーでもう少し飲み物が必要だと思います。 行こう。 (Hey Kaori. I think you and I need a bit more drinks at the bar. Let's go.)
Kaori became suspicious and I bet she knew what she meant.
もういらない、元気です。 (I don't need any more, I'm fine.)
Masami gave a stern look at her and said...
確かにそうです。 (Sure you do.)
She eyes Carlo and Pat before Kaori had no choice but to go with her.
As Kaori went with Masami, Pat and I started to talk.
So Pat, what do you see in Kaori, in your own words? What do you see in her?
Kaori is... I see in her warmth and kindness. I think of her as a caring soul who will always check up on you when something isn't going right.
What makes you think you can be a good boyfriend towards my figura sorella (sister figure)?
Carlo, brad, I won't break her heart. I am genuine. I can never tell a lie and I went for her for her and not just a part or parts of her. Not for anything else.
Listen, the reason I'm having this conversation with you is because Masami had her nose broken by her former fiancé Evil, and I'm worried that Kaori will suffer the same situation that my girlfriend was in. I love Kaori like a sister and I'll be damned if something happened to her.
Carlo, hey. I can assure you I won't lay a finger or harm Kaori the very same way Evil did to Masami. I heard it from Kaori and I promised her not to be like that scum to men. I was raised never to harm women by word or deed. And this rings true with how I treat and love Kaori.
Good. Before we end this conversation, there's one more question that I have for you.
Yeah, what is it bro?
After I ask it, I want you to answer this as honest as you can be because Kaori means a lot to me and I don't want her to be with the wrong guy. Before I ask the question, hear me out, kid.
Well, ask away Kaibigan.
I don't see Kaori as my sister figure because of her looks. I'm talking about how she treats people with love and respect. For example, when those sexist and molestie (harassment) claims came up, she and Masami were the only ones who stood by me and they were there for me in my time of need as I did the same for them. And the bitch who started it all, I thought she was the one, but she proved me wrong when they came out. Those two have had my back since they came out and I owed them for that by having Hunter sign them with me to NXT. Those two women have stayed as my friends since then, so, The Pat Joseph, I'm gonna ask you this question and I want you to answer truthfully.
You can call me Pat bro, but ask away.
What is the one trait that makes Kaori Hosako a sister figure to me?
He thought for a good long while before answering as honest as he can be.
He said the wrong answer, but honesty is what mattered in the tone from this young man.
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