《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Racist Bastards
~With Carlo~
While Masami was out of action thanks to her separated shoulder, so it was just Kaori and I representing the Black Lotus Triad, which I didn't mind since we treat each other like siblings.
We were booked at a house show in Largo in a mixed tag team match against Candice LeRae and her husband Johnny Gargano. I learned he became a psychopath so we had to be careful about what's going on.
We were booked as the first match and I was concerned for us because I've never been to Largo before and Kaori would need some translating. We made sure to text Masami some pictures while away.
When Gargano's theme played, he and his wife went out and entered the ring. When our theme played, we used Kaori and Masami's theme to show our support while she was out of action. I really wanted her to be here, but thanks to Borne injuring my girlfriend, we have to wait for at least 6 weeks.
Our match began and when the bell rang, I think I heard some rednecks in the back saying something about someone who I see as my sister.
Who do you think that Jap girl think she is?
We want American ladies wrestlin', not some chick from Asia.
My blood was boiling. I wanted to go over there and kick them in the balls, but I can't because that would be against the rules as WWE wrestlers. I'm pretty Kaori heard them, but she pretended to not hear them.
Kaori was kicking all the ass in the ring, chopping and was going for her signature spear to Candice. She tried going for her elbow drop, but Candice moved out of the way and tagged in Johnny as Kaori tagged me in and we went to war.
I have a German Suplex to Johnny and was going for the "Now Youse Can't Leave", but he rebounded by grabbing the bottom rope. While he was looking to make me tap out to the Gargano Escape, I heard more remarks from the crowd.
Hey Ayane! Go back to Japan! We don't need the likes of you!
Yeah, we're better off with our own kind!
Ever heard of Pearl Harbor, Jap!
That was the last straw. I've had enough as I pinned Gargano for the one two three and we won, but Kaori was just trying to hold back her tears from all the remarks she's been getting.
I immediately grabbed a microphone and started talking into it.
Hey bastards! You think you're so smart about being racist towards someone who's like a sister to me?! You're not! It's not funny, it's not cute, it's called being a jackass! Why can't you just keep your fuckin' mouths shut and enjoy the fucking show!
The crowd who weren't racist immediately cheered and applauded, but I had to apologize to any adults who have kids with them before I kept going.
I apologize if I'm cursing right now and there are kids here, but I need to speak my mind right now!
Some of the adults had to cover their children's ears as I had to keep going about this issue.
We will be back here in Largo, but if I find you and your friends here again, I will rip your heads off and shove them straight up your asses!
I gestured Kaori to hold the microphone for me as I went on.
You see these hands? I'm not afraid to use them because you offended someone who I treat as if she's my sister and I don't want pieces of shit like you at every show we do! We put our fuckin' bodies on the line for people like you, regardless of race and for you to say you only want wrestlers that are your own race? Fuck you!
The crowd here in Largo immediately cheered and were behind me as I wanted to finish this.
Security! Get these jackoffs outta here before I lose it!
Security came and escorted the fans and the rednecks out of the arena as Kaori was feeling really appreciated by what I said, but the best part about this whole thing? The fans were singing along to the racist fans getting escorted out.
To see her get treated like that was un-fucking-called for. Kaori Hosako, without question, is such a sweetheart and to hear those racist remarks almost made her cry. That's why I had to step in, because this needs to fucking stop!
People, don't be racist! You're assholes if you are! I don't believe in hate! I believe in equality! If you believe otherwise, get the hell out of my face! In fact, get the hell out of our faces!
They cheered and applauded as Kaori was hugging me as I kept talking.
Be kind to each other, and stay that way! Enjoy of the rest of the show!
After going to the back, Kaori was just breaking down and wanted to cry. And to be honest, I don't blame her at all.
Those racist pigs don't deserve to be alive and they deserve to get whacked at some point.
Listen, I'm not gonna get riled up about people speaking their minds and it's free will here in America, but what I get riled up about is that you insulted my fucking friend!
I have a finite number of minutes on this planet and I don't want anyone talking about some racist bullshit about my sister figure who's Japanese.
Why can't we live in a world that's full of love and equality for everyone, regardless of race and sexuality?
And the word "Jap"? That's like calling a non-wizard person in Harry Potter a "mudblood", meaning if your parents weren't a witch nor Wizard, you'd have no powers.
Another example is that we Italian people have an insult that's bad for us and that's "Guinea". That word is a bad name for Italians and none of us would like to be called a guinea.
Here's a final example, if I white guy calls a black guy, I'm not allowed to say that word because I'm way too white, it wouldn't sit well with the black community because that word is only used by that community alone and that's it. We're not allowed to use it no matter what, especially Robert De Niro in "Dirty Grandpa", even though he had permission.
I'm serious when I say this: if anyone talked shit about Masami and her race, it wouldn't be a problem for me, because they'd be dead on the spot, and I wouldn't give a shit if I went to the joint. To me, it would be worth it because I love Masami and I would do anything to keep her happy.
As she kept packing her stuff, I had to text Masami what went wrong over here.
masami? 好きですか? (Masami? Love?)
何が悪いの? (What's wrong?)
カオリはまた侮辱されました。 (Kaori got insulted again.)
何?! 誰から? (WHAT?! From who?)
いくつかのジャッカスファンから。 彼らはカオリに人種差別主義者を言っていて、私はステップインしなければならなかった。 (From some jackass fans. They were saying racist things to Kaori and I had to step in.)
ああ私の神々! 彼女は大丈夫ですか? (Oh my Gods! Is she alright?)
彼女の目はまだ赤で、彼女はまだ全體について怒っています。 試合が短く切られたら私は彼らの世話をしましたので私はそれに対処することができました。 (Her eyes are still red and she's still pissed about the whole thing. I took care of them as soon as the match was cut short so I could address it.)
良い仕事、カルロ。 私たちの日本人の人々に固執するためにあなたを返済することはできません。 私たちに対する憎しみは止まる必要があります。 (Good job, Carlo. I cannot repay you for sticking up for us Japanese people. Hatred against us need to stop.)
ええ、私は同意します。 (Yeah, I agree.)
あなたは私にあなたのためにハンターに話してほしいですか? (You want me to tell Hunter for you?)
私は彼に知らせます。 私は彼の番號を得ました、そして私はあなたとそれを共有します。 私があなたにそれを與えることができる前に私に最初に話しましょう。 (I'll let him know. I got his number and I'll share it with you. Let me tell him first before I could give it to you.)
わかりました。 あなたが戻っている間あなたが途中であなたがそれについてkaoriと話すつもりです。 (Okay. I'll talk with Kaori about it while you're on the way at back.)
よく聞こえます。 あなたの肩はどうですか? (Sounds good. How's your shoulder?)
それは痛みですが、私は數週間でクリアされることを望んでいます。 (It's a pain, but I'm hoping to get cleared in a couple weeks.)
右。 私はカオリを戻し、あなたは2人が一緒に時間を過ごすようになります。 あなたを愛しなさい。 (Right. I'll bring Kaori back and you two get to spend time together. Love you.)
あなたも愛しています。 (Love you too.)
As soon as she and I stopped texting, I got a post on Twitter from Kaori, and what I saw made me choke up and it was so touching that I almost cried.
Just like that, everyone praised her for posting that, but they were targeting towards me more. I don't want the praise because I was only defending her from those racist pricks.
I was tearing up just looking at the post and I had to see if she was okay.
今夜何が起こったのか後にそれをツイートしなければならなかった。 優しさは嫌いではなく、普及しない (I had to tweet that after what happened tonight. Kindness should be spread, not hate.)
あなたは正しいです。 何が起こったのか、大丈夫? (You're right. Let me text Hunter about what happened, okay?)
大丈夫。 (Alright.)
Before we got out of the place, I had to text Hunter what happened to Kaori and how I handled it.
Hunter? You got a moment?
Of course, Carlo. What is it?
Kaori and I were dealing with some fans that were shouting remarks towards her.
Oh God. What were they saying?
They were talking about her race in general and I had to step in and deal with them.
Did you put your hands on them?
No. I only used my words to keep myself from beating them.
Good job son, and tell Kaori that she has an entire company behind her because we never tolerate racism, especially outside the company.
Good. I'll let her know. Can I ask you one more question?
Ask away.
Can Masami and I spend time with Kaori tomorrow? We'll make sure to come back to work the next day.
It's no problem, Carlo. Don't worry about the next day. Just be there for her, that matters more than anything.
Thank you so much Hunter. Well make sure to make her feel better.
No problem son.
We stopped texting and we left for Orlando. While on the way back, I needed to tell Kaori what Hunter told me.
私は何が起こったのかハンターに言った。 彼はあなたがあなたを支える會社があると言った、そして彼らは今夜何が起こったのか耐えられないでしょう。 (I told Hunter about what happened. He said you have a company supporting you and they won't tolerate what's happened tonight.)
わかりました。 カルロありがとうございました。 (Okay. Thank you Carlo.)
あなたは私が持っていなかった姉妹のようです、そして私はあなたが私よりもあなたが問題になることを確認したかったです。 (You're like a sister I've never had and I wanted to make sure you matter more than me.)
Kaori was touched and laid her head on my shoulder in gratitude as I drove. I'd prefer Masami putting her head on my shoulder, but since I've stood up for her, she deserves it.
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