《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》The Kingdom


I haven't seen Carl and the rest of them in a week and to be honest I don't miss them. Going on out here on my own is what I should've done a long time ago because out here I can't hurt anyone but myself.

Not having Addison around is the hardest thing I've had to deal with in a long time. I mean, she and I were meant to be. But I guess I got in the way of that.

All I wanted to do was talk and apologize to Addison, but Negan came and I never got the chance because now Addison could be gone forever.

Daryl and Carl are still broken. They have bee ever since Addison's left. I mean, I can't blame them. If Carl went missing I'd go completely insane. There are still some members of our group who we have to find, if they even made it out. Like Rosita, Tara, Eugene, Gabriel. And if the Kingdom is gone, then Carol and Morgan. Once we're with them everything will be fine because we'll be altogether.

Since I'm almost about to have my baby and we don't have a doctor I'm extremely scared. I mean, I could die today. Tomorrow. In a week. And not be able to raise my own child. I just wish Glenn was here.

With Maggie about to have her baby, we aren't doing to well on food. That's why Jesus and I are going on a run tomorrow, to hopefully find more.

With Sasha and I going on the run tomorrow I can't help but feel like something is going to go wrong. I mean, we haven't seen any walkers at all this week and I, starting to get very worried.

With us following Ricks tracks I know we're gonna find them. And once we do, we're gonna make them pay.


As I'm walking through a little town I suddenly hear trucks coming towards me. My heart stops and I dart behind the nearest building. But then something weird happens. The trucks don't stop. They just, keep on going. My heart sinks as I know who they are and what they're doing. Negan and his guys are going after Carl, dad, Rick, Maggie, Michonne and the rest of them. Before I come out from behind the building I peek inside of it since there might be food or supplies. After I look inside I know I have to get in because there is a group of people who are talking about taking down Negan. I try the side doors but they're locked. I don't even bother with the front doors so I I stand on top of the dumpster and find a way in through the roof. Before dropping down I take a deep breath, because if I help them take down Negan, then they probably won't want me to leave them. But I can deal with that later. As soon as I drop down I have about 20 guns pointed at me. "Who are you?" A man with grey dreadlocks asks calmly. I take another deep breath. "I'm Addison Dixon. I heard you taking about taking out Negan and the saviours." He smiles. "So why are you here the?" "I want to help you. I've had enough of him and it's time for him to pay." I say while all the guns are lowered. "How do we know she isn't lying?" Another man says. He has darker skin and is holding a stick. The man with dreadlocks gives me a long steer. "What exactly has he done to you?" I look down at the ground, tears forming in my eyes. "That's a long story that I can share later." He steers at me for another minute or 2 before welcoming me to the group they call the Kingdom.


As I'm sitting on the roof looking at the moon I suddenly hear someone come and sit beside me. I look over to see a women with short grey, curly hair. "I'm Addison-" "You said your last name was Dixon, right?" I nod. "Ya, why?" She smiles a little. "I just thought I was imagining it." "Imagining what?" Hearing the name Dixon. I just nod and then she doesn't say anything else. "You know, you remind me a lot of someone." I suddenly tense up before asking her a question. "Do I remind you of Daryl Dixon?"



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