《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》Isn't meant to be


As Carl and I arrive in the town we don't see anybody in sight. "Let's keep looking. They might be inside a building." I say giving Judith the last package of formula. "Why are we even looking anymore? They're probably taken by Negan already." Carl snaps. "Woa! Don't say that!" "Why not?" "BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW THAT NEGAN TOOK THEM!" I yell with absolutely no more patients. Carl just scoffs. "This was a mistake!" I snap handing him Judith. "Where are you going?" "Somewhere away from you and your family." As soon as I say that I storm off and surprisingly Carl doesn't try to stop me. Maybe this isn't meant to be. Maybe I should just be on my own. Besides, it's probably for the best.

The reason I don't stop Addison from storming off is because I know she'll come back. Ya sure, we aren't on great terms right now, but I know for a fact she will come back. She has to, right?

It's been a full day and Addison still hasn't came back. I'm starting to get worried but at the same time I'm not. Addison is strong and knows how to defend herself. She'll be ok.

As all 6 of us walk down the middle of the town, Jesus suddenly spots a figure in the distance. "Rick, he's got a hat on." Without thinking I run over and find Carl standing there, feeding Judith her formula. "Carl!" I say running towards him. As soon as he sees me he immiduatly hugs me and I hug him back. After a minute I hear Daryl. "Where, where's Addison?" He says starting to pace. "We were at the cabin when Negan and his men arrived at the door. We quickly grabbed Judith and went through the window upstairs. After that we ended up here, got in a fight and then she stormed off." Daryl now has tears in his eyes. "Daryl, we're going to find her. I promise." I say putting a hand on his shaking shoulder.


Addison and I may be mad at eachother but I still love her to the moon and back. I mean after all she is my daughter and I'm her father.


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