《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》Ready for a fight


" You- You know him?" She looks down at her legs with tears in her eyes. "He's my dad." I just look at her in shock. "No, he doesn't have a daughter." "Well then how am I here?"

After Carol and I talked last night, I realized how much of a mistake it was to leave Ricks group. Ya, I might be mad at Carl but in the end it all comes down to who cares for you and protects you.

Negan and his group are about 20 meters away from us in their trucks looking around. We've all been hiding in an old convenience store for the past 2 hours. Well, we are in a convenience store but underground since there was a trap door that leads below. Luckily there is a way out from underneath where we are so hopefully they don't find the entrance.

With my men and I about to walk into a convenience store I suddenly have a good feeling since it's the only store we haven't checked yet and they're nowhere we have checked. As Nick opens the door 4 men follow him but find nothing. They tell me that we are out of luck until I hear a baby faintly cry. Except it's coming from underground. As we start looking around I suddenly find a trap door and smile. "Gentlemen!" I call as they come rushing over to find me looking at a trap door. "Let's see what's down there?" I say grabbing a pocket knife to cut the lock. As soon as I do I look down and smile.

As I put the last water bottle in my backpack Carol comes up to me. "Do you mind if I walk with you?" She asks with a bit of a smile. "Sure." I ah smiling back as we got outside to be with the rest of the kingdom. After that King Ezekiel starts to lead us in the direction of Negans tracks.


Once Negan opens the trap door he just stands there and smiles at me. "C'mon out Rick. We need to talk." He says offering me his hand. I just give him a cold death steer. His smile turns into a frown. "Oh do not make me kill your daughter!" He snaps. My blood boils as I sigh and get help up. After a couple minutes Carl, Daryl, Maggie, Sasha, Jesus and I are all standing there surrendered and weaponless. Negan is holding Judith which is making me furious. "Now that that's out of the way," Negan says while he adjusts his glove before punching me. I then fall to the floor before he punches me again, then my sight starts to fade and Im out cold.


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