《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Escape II


'In any circumstances, is it possible to make an escape without being caught?' Shen Qingqiu was wracking his brain, trying to figure out how to escape.

[Very low possibility]

'.....' With a very encouraging support of his system, Shen Qingqiu sighed.

[You better hurry. With your acting ability, "Luo Binghe" will definitely notice the difference between the you who was controlled and the you currently now that you're sane again]

Smiling with veins seen on his forehead, Shen Qingqiu twitched his eyes subtly. Taking a deeper sigh, he decided to take a break from thinking. The main reason being that the system was only making him feel more powerless in escaping. Looking down, he stared at the pouch in his hands. After a few seconds, he reached out for it. Opening the pouch, he found the keys to his chains. Pondering for a second, he hesitated. What if this was just a fake? I mean, it's Sha Hualing - she is cunning, and so she may have lied to him.

But weighing the pros and cons, if he was able to get his spiritual powers back, he had a higher possibility of escaping. Therefore, inserting the key into the lock, he waited to be released. Surprisingly, they actually came off. Face lightening up, Shen Qingqiu's eyes sparkled. Feeling the gush of spiritual powers coming back, he subtly grinned.


[Now you have a wider option to escape.]


'So what options do I have?'

[Three options:

1. Purchase random scenario pack

2. Purchase increase speed pill

3. Purchase cloning technique]

Looking at the screen in front, Shen Qingqiu went into deep thought.

[Each costs 50 points]


[For now]


Ignoring his system, Shen Qingqiu was deciding which option to use.

[Only one pick. After the one pick, the prices will go back to normal]

'Then how much is each originally?'

[1. 80 points

2. 80 points


3. 80 points]


[It can be higher you know.]


Making a sour expression, Shen Qingqiu decided to go with the random scenario pack. Pressing on the first choice, his points drained away.

'Is it possible to get the cloning one as well?' Just for extra precautions, Shen Qingqiu asked.

[80 points.]


'Fine, fine - I'll take it'

[Purchased the 'random scenario pack' and 'cloning technique']

[Random scenario pack commencing in 5...4.....]

Bracing himself, Shen Qingqiu keenly listened to the system.

[Deploying a clone of 'Shen Qingqiu'. This clone will last for 5 minutes, starting now.]

Before Shen Qingqiu could complain again, he could make out sudden thudding of footsteps and screaming in all directions.


Currently, outside "Luo Binghe's" castle

A tide of black mice made their way to the castle. They covered the path with their numbers, and with great speed, made their way into the area. The liquid they produced seemed to corrode the walls, especially with their ferocious looking figure. They each had the size that was at least three times larger than usual, with a black substance constantly dribbling down their bodies.

There went the first casualty. Being overwhelmed by these creatures, the servant's screams died down almost instantly. All that was left were a pile of flesh and bones. As if feasting on them, the mice all hoarded the human flesh and finished the remains off. Looking at this scene in horror, the castle went into panic.

Everyone rushed in all directions, running for their lives. This news quickly reached the master's ears. With the guards fighting against these mice, some of "Luo Binghe's" subordinates also joined the battle. It was taking longer than it would, due to the mice being large in numbers and also as they were multiplying with every human they feasted upon.


Blending in with the crowd, Shen Qingqiu managed to dash out of the castle. Then, with a full sprint, he elegantly dashed across the forest, and with his spiritual powers back, he made it further than before.


His hopes kept rising as he got further and further away. The only problem was that he seemed to be lost. There was a large expanse of trees and mountains, and on top of that it was raining. There was loud rumbling of clouds, with lightning striking in random places. The rain kept hitting his face and the suddenly dark weather made it hard to see where he was going. But did he stop? Oh hell no.

Perhaps due to his powers returning not so long ago, Shen Qingqiu felt himself panting for air as he sprinted forwards without stopping. This may have been why he didn't manage to slow down in time as he fell off the cliff. Panicking, he could feel the winds passing by him as he felt himself being pulled down by gravity.

[There's a large river stream beneath you]

Clenching his teeth, Shen Qingqiu managed to somehow brace himself as he splashed into the water. However the tides were rough and he ended up being swept away by the currents. Managing to bring his head above water, Shen Qingqiu gasped for air when his back smashed into a large rock in the middle of the river. Coughing, flipped around and wrapped his arms around it to stabilise himself from being swept around again.


A few minutes before

Clearing all the mice on his side, "Luo Binghe" was about to head to the other when he suddenly realised something. Consumed with alarm, he ignored everything around him and headed to a certain direction. Dashing back to Shen Qingqiu's room, he slammed the door open. But upon seeing his Shizun sit quietly on the chair, he breathed a sigh.

Smiling, he went to Shen Qingqiu and sweetly said, "Shizun, it's a bit dangerous so let's go, okay? Go further into the castle, it's more safer there."

Without hearing a reply, "Luo Binghe" tried to convince his Shizun once more. "Shizun ~ this disciple is begging you~"

But of course, how could a mere clone do? It would only maintain the appearance of 'Shen Qingqiu' and therefore could not talk nor move. Just like a doll.

Reaching out, "Luo Binghe" touched Shen Qingqiu's arm before feeling something was off. Raising Shen Qingqiu's head upwards, he realised the hollow eyes of the other.

"Don't tell me-"

Before he could confirm, the Shen Qingqiu that was before him suddenly disappeared. His Shizun disappeared, just like air. Then, there was a little wooden doll sitting in the place of Shen Qingqiu. Seeing the chains on the floor right behind the chair, "Luo Binghe" stood still.

Again, again his Shizun ran away.

Even though he went to such lengths - he had to act like someone else, who was pathetic and weak -

He only placed a little more effort in order to fulfil his curiosity in this Shizun of his and his subtly fluttering heart whenever near him -

Laughing maniacally, "Luo Binghe's" eyes turned crimson red. Dropping all of his previous expressions, he crushed the chains on the floor with his foot.

"This is getting ridiculous." His deep voice carried hints of fury.

Grabbing the wooden doll into his hands, "Luo Binghe" stared at it. His eyes gleaming, his stoic expression started to break.

Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun Shizun —


Lips curving upwards, he only tilted his head to the ceiling while sweetly saying, with a tone just like Bing-mei, "You~ ran~ away~ again~"

Crushing the doll in his hands, he continued, "I'll play tag with you, if that's what you want, S~h~i~z~u~n~"



I pray Shen Qingqiu can get away - 😐

Thank you for reading!

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