《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》The hunt


Managing to climb onto the rock, Shen Qingqiu took frantic breaths as he steadied his breathing. The loud, rumbling boom of lightning and thunder resonated throughout the murky sky. The night was approaching - darkness enveloping the area. Shen Qingqiu realised that his situation was getting rather dangerous. Raising his head upwards, he noticed the impeccably tall cliffs that stood on either side of the river. Beneath him was the rough and fierce swirling water, ready to swallow him if he slipped.

'What else have you got to offer?' Shen Qingqiu communicated through telepathy. Shen Qingqiu had to admit that the system, although being quite the rip-off, was quite useful.


Not hearing a reply, Shen Qingqiu questioned the system.





'GIVE ME AN ANSWER!' Knowing that he had to get further away, Shen Qingqiu was in a bit of a panic. However what did his quite useful system do?

[Due to fatigue, the system is currently on cooldown and will not be available at the moment]

Th display of words were quite the shock. Shen Qingqiu, with another uprising anger, screamed in his mind, 'NEVERMIND, YOU ARE NOT USEFUL AT ALL!'

Could he climb up the wall?

No, will he be able to?

Hesitation consumed his mind. But if not for relying on himself, how would he get out of this situation? Standing up, he leaped. Using some protruding rocks as a stepping stone, he jumped from one to another, eventually reaching the top. Being out of breath again, Shen Qingqiu supported himself by leaning against a tree. Because he was swept along the river, he didn't realise, but the winds were blowing violently, carrying wisps of chilling raindrops and gusts.

Shivering from the cold, he continued to walk forwards. Unfortunately, his pace was slowing down as every minute past by. Forcing himself to push forwards, Shen Qingqiu managed to take a few more steps until he had to take a break. His body was nearing its limit. Being forcefully activated again through the rejuvenation of spiritual power was one of the main reasons.


But he couldn't - he couldn't stop here -

But it wasn't helpful that he didn't know anything outside the castle. Because this was not the world he was originally transferred to, he didn't have an exact destination. Gazing towards the sky, Shen Qingqiu was not aware of the presence behind him.

A certain shadow was about to extend his hand to forcefully pull Shen Qingqiu back into his arms. But upon seeing the person from a closer distance, he saw the scene of his drenched, silky black hair sticking to them. Their robes also adhered to their body, exposing the faint, snowy skin beneath - and because of their dripping clothes, his lean outline was shown. The droplets of water slowly gliding off this figure - made the shadow change his mind.

It ignited an unknown, vicious heat inside of him.

How could he let him go this easily?

"Not running anymore?" A devilishly low voice softly spoke into Shen Qingqiu's ear. Heartbeat speeding up and becoming frantic, Shen Qingqiu's shoulders began to tremble a little. His eyes widened. He did not want to see what was behind him.


Indeed, ever since Shen Qingqiu's speed was slowing down, it only took a few minutes for "Luo Binghe" to catch up. Upon seeing his Shizun in sight, "Luo Binghe" was momentarily speechless. But ever since an unknown feeling rose up, "Luo Binghe" decided to leak his presence. Seeing Shen Qingqiu, especially his slight shaking of shoulders - made "Luo Binghe" feel somewhat excited.

Something clicked. Yes - he knew, that whatever Shen Qingqiu did, he was unable to fully slip out of his grasp. This was because he knew he had control. The control he had over this person - somehow, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed having experienced something this exhilarating.


This was why "Luo Binghe" also felt that it was a shame to end the game of 'tag' so quickly. It was satisfying, seeing this person desperately run. The moment his prey felt a sense of achievement, was the moment that he would catch it.

Mustering up his courage and strength, Shen Qingqiu sprinted out. His willpower kept him going. He didn't want to get caught - at all costs. He had already come this far! Not looking back, he just kept running. The dark trees in front of him were like shadows that passed by. The shadows loomed over him. He could feel the pouncing danger - of what will happen if he got caught.

At some point, one of his foot felt tingly. Without paying much attention to it, Shen Qingqiu kept running. But as soon as he got past a few more meters, it felt heavy. Then, all of a sudden, he couldn't feel that leg anymore. Tumbling forwards, he managed to retain some balance before collapsing onto the ground. Some of the mud on the floor stained his silky white robes.

It's always this! This...... cursed blood!

Shen Qingqiu, with determination, turned his head to glare at the culprit. But as soon as his eyes focused, he became overwhelmed with fear. There were two red orbs, glowing in the dark. One step at a time, they neared him. A faint trail of glowing crimson followed. With the moonlight managing to reflect this person, Shen Qingqiu could see his warped expression.

There was a sadistic smile on his face. Seemingly harmless, but held a sinister feeling to it. Matched with the faint smell of iron and red liquid dripping from his hands, "Luo Binghe" portrayed the scenery of a murderer. (Red liquid from killing those mice) Clenching his teeth, Shen Qingqiu still stood up and limped, using the trees as support.

Desperate minutes later........ the arm that was used to support himself became limp. It was always the slow, prickling feeling before it became paralysed and immobile.

Although it didn't hurt, the unhurried leisure "Luo Binghe" displayed as he slowly walked and the excruciatingly slow numbness that spread within his body made Shen Qingqiu feel, from the depths of his stomach - fear.


This is..... creepy.

I'm sorry~~~~~!!!

I keep tormenting SQQ, I —

*shoves author to the side*

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