《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Memories


Sha Hualing slowly entered the room. Although with a stoic face, her unusual gaze gave away her unfriendly intentions. Shen Qingqiu, upon seeing her, froze but then stayed still as she approached. Sitting across from him, the two figures stared at each other silently. With silence continuing, the atmosphere was as awkward as it could get.

Shen Qingqiu: ......

Sha Hualing: ........

After the staring contest, Sha Hualing gave a calm approach to the situation. "How have you been?"

With a reflecting calm voice, Shen Qingqiu answered, "I have been......" the next words didn't manage to come out. For some reason, He felt as if he couldn't bring himself to say that he was fine. But squeezing them out, he continued, "......fine, thank you."

"Hmm.... I see." Sha Hualing, keeping her arms crossed, answered monotonously. The silence continued until she opened her glistening red lips. With a straightforward stance, she stated, "Shen Qingqiu, let me be frank. I want you to leave. Leave our lord's side. Our lord is everyone's. We have already decided and have upheld the idea of sharing."

Her eyes never left Shen Qingqiu's face. Her eyes were staring. Staring as if she was keenly observing her prey. Yes, she was watching to see a reaction from the person before him.

Actually, the moment she told him to leave, Shen Qingqiu felt his head hurt a little. A mild headache. Throughout his days spent with "Luo Binghe", Shen Qingqiu had somewhat became used to his approach. For some reason, he eventually felt comfortable next to him. It was just that something told him to not let this man creep into his heart. His integrity urged him to keep up his guard.

What was the reason again........?

His mind turned fuzzy. Sometimes, he couldn't remember........


At times, he would see a silhouette in his dreams. The person before him showed great affection and acted very indulgent. His body automatically moved as it accepted the other. It was just that...... the person's face - would disappear from his mind as soon as he woke up.

A strong urge caused him to agree. But on the other hand, he had already become accustomed to this place. Although his mind was leaning towards rejecting the suggestion, it was as if something inside him was telling him that he shouldn't be here. This feeling had existed since the time when "Luo Binghe" started acting strangely. Suddenly, Shen Qingqiu's eyes dilated a little.

Did "Luo Binghe" act this way before....?

Why is it that he thinks that "Luo Binghe" acted strangely?

I..... don't know......

Having seen some conflict in Shen Qingqiu's eyes, Sha Hualing frowned slightly. So, he has gotten this attached already......

Another misunderstanding was created between the both of them.

Sighing, she offered him a pouch. "These are some items that I offer. Take this and leave. Our lord is not for you to handle." Leaning closer, she whispered, "I also added the keys to your chains. Don't worry, what you are wearing currently is a magic tool - but it was made to have a way to unlock it."

Speechless, Shen Qingqiu just stared at the person before him. Something in him chimed.

Take the offer! TAKE IT!

His mind felt chaotic. Shen Qingqiu, on one hand felt responsibility towards his disciple, but on the other, he felt an uprising danger and need to do something.

Before he gave an answer, Sha Hualing had left. But with her sharp and condensing eyes, he felt that she was truly cunning. Perhaps due to an item inside the pouch he was holding, Shen Qingqiu felt another piercing headache. He was confused - yes, very confused.



The system, currently -

[So troublesome..... why does this system have to do this.....]

It thought that it's host was burdensome enough, but it seems that there was an existence that was able to make it use its brain cells.

Now it knew, that his host needed to stay away from that "Luo Binghe". To continue its days of lazing around, "Luo Binghe" was the large obstacle before it.

Now that it lost connection with Shen Qingqiu, the system was just staying still, until it was able to squeeze itself back to its host.



Hearing the robotic voice of his system, Shen Qingqiu's headache left him.

'Oh.... system.'

As if snapping back from a dazed state, Shen Qingqiu started to complain.

'Wait, where have you been? I've been calling you for ages! How come you always leave in the most important moments!'

Shen Qingqiu's nagging continued.

[Its your fault. To be easily affected by a mind controlling artifact.]

'-...... what?'

[Would you like a memory retaining pill?]


[For 80 points]


[Yes or No?]

'Hang on a minute, explain this to me.' Shen Qingqiu, feeling stupefied, questioned frantically.

[You were under the influence of a memory controlling artifact]

Widening his eyes, Shen Qingqiu just stared blankly at the screen in front of him.

[And I was busy trying to deal with it]


[It just had to be that you made it have a worse effect due to the fact that you gave up midway.]


[Your mind forgot to fight it]

'So.... you're telling me...... that I lost some memories?'

[Yes. Only the important ones]

Blinking twice, Shen Qingqiu just blurted out, 'Ok.... give me the pill.'

With a glistening white pearl like object in his hands, Shen Qingqiu made up his mind and casually placed it inside his mouth. The pill melted almost instantly, the liquid rolling down his throat.

A few seconds past, he felt a rush of information flooding his head. He remembered everything - the two Binghes - a sheep and a wolf. Gritting his teeth, he felt anger rising up inside of him.

How did he even become the artifact's victim in the first place? When did "Luo Binghe" start the artifact without him knowing? All of these questions flooded his mind.

Feeling something about to fall from his hands, he saw the pouch. He remembered Sha Hauling's words.


Shen Qingqiu commented: OF COURSE I WANT TO!

'System, do you have anything that can help me escape?'

[In fact......]

[.......for 50 points, with a discount......]


'I see.....'

One system and one host started to plan their second escape.


Sorry for the late update! I didn't manage to finish this chapter before yesterday.....

.....And we reached 1k reads!!!!!!! Hurrayyyyy!!!!!

It's party time ~~~


Thank you so much to my readers and the lovely comments along the way!

I will definitely work hard to bring ideas and plot lines to reality!

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