《Outta Her System》Chapter Eight - Selfish
"Nae," I heard Queen call my name before I glanced up at her. She took a picture of me as I sat down on the ledge of one of the hotel lobby windows.
Tonight we were going out to the club to get my mind off of you know who. Omari. Once again he's been ignoring me for the past four days and to be honest I'm really starting not to care.
"C'mon our ride outside girl," she informed me causing me to grab my purse before standing up.
Once we both made our way I noticed we were heading towards a familiar car.
"Uh, uh Queen.. who's car is that," I asked, slowing down.
"Girl, calm yo' scary ass down," she laughed, "it's only Bean, now c'mon."
I grew confused as she dragged me towards the car before hopping inside of the passenger seat. I got inside the car and noticed that Omari wasn't with him like I thought he was.
"What's poppin' Bones," Bean smirked while looking back at me.
I squinted my eyes at him as I closed the car door, "Hey fool."
"Aww cheer up Nae, ain't you ready to get lit tonight," he asked before pulling off from the hotel.
"Yeah I am, I'm just confused about you bein' here. Are y'all up to something," I investigated while looking back and forth between him and Queen.
"Girl no. Relax," she smirked.
Yeah, they were definitely up to something.
"Mm," I hummed.
"So.. you talk to yo' boy yet," Bean asked, referring to Omari.
"No and I don't really care 'cause I'm not worried 'bout him."
"Bullshit," Bean laughed.
"For real, she know she miss her mans," she agreed causing me to smack my lips.
"Queen, you suppose to be on my side and who said that was my man?"
"You. Him. And both of y'alls actions," Bean said, answering my question.
"Well I'm not worried 'bout him," I fronted.
"Aight, we gon' see after tonight," I heard him mumble.
I raised an eyebrow, "What you say?"
"Nun' just sit back and enjoy the ride."
Before I could speak again, he turned his radio volume all the way up as Ice Tray by Migos began to play. I sat back and looked out the window letting the time pass by.
When we finally reached our destination, I noticed we were outside of the gang's club. Démanger.
"Really," I asked them, but all they did was shrug before stepping out of the car. I huffed before following their actions and heading towards the entrance of the club.
I raised an eyebrow, noticing how quiet it was and nobody was outside trying to get in.
"Umm, what the fuck is goin' on y'all," I asked.
They both ignored me. Queen was too busy going through her purse and Bean was rapidly texting somebody.
"Let's go inside," Bean said after putting his phone away.
They made me walk ahead of them as we entered the club. I looked around and noticed it was pitch black and dead silent.
"Oh hell no," I mumbled, about to turn around and leave, but I stopped once the lights suddenly flickered on and my favorite song Tempo by Chris Brown began to play throughout the building.
"Surprise," everybody yelled in unison causing me to smile big and blush.
Everybody was here. Omari. Nick. Oscar. Aunt Mo. The rest of Slum Money. And two people I didn't really care for, Brittany and her sister. It's okay though, 'cause I was going to have fun tonight and not worry about them bitches.
"Oh my gosh," I laughed as Queen and Bean came from behind me and put their phones in my face.
"We got yo' ass, Bones," Bean laughed, "had that ass spooked."
"Shut up," I pushed him away, laughing. He stopped recording and watched the video as Queen hyped me up.
"That's my baby, spin for me," she yelled with her phone pointed towards me. I spun around like a model as I looked down, causing her to stick her tongue out, "Ayeeee my cousin is the baddest in this mothafucka'! Period."
I laughed before pulling her into a tight hug, "I love yo' crazy ass."
Before she could respond, Aunt Mo yelled, "Stop all that cussin'."
Me and Queen both looked at each other before busting out laughing.
"Oh my gosh mom! I'm sorry, I forgot you was here," Queen apologized.
"Mhm," Aunt Mo hummed, "don't get fucked up." She walked up to us both and pulled us into hugs, "I'm finna leave, I just wanted to make sure I was here before you came."
"Okay Aunt Mo, thanks for comin'. Love you," I said before kissing her cheek and pulling away from her.
"I love y'all too. Y'all can come home at anytime just be safe, y'all hear me?"
"Yes ma'am," me and Queen said before Queen told her she loved her and all that.
As Aunt Mo was exiting out of the club I saw Nick and a pretty woman walking towards me. I squealed and held my arms out for Nick causing him to laugh and walk into my embrace.
"Oh my gosh, where have you been? I missed you," I admitted.
He pulled away and smacked his lips, "Girl, you ain't miss me. You the one that left my ass high and dry, wassup wit' that?"
"Aww I'm sorry Nick," I truthfully said, "but I had to."
"Yeah, yeah, Omari and Bean already told me what was up, just don't let that shit happen again, aight?"
"Igotchu," I promised before looking over at the pretty woman standing beside him, "hi I'm Lanae."
"Hey I'm Victoria, this big head's girlfriend," she joked, "I heard ah lot about you, girl it's nice to finally meet you."
"Likewise," I laughed, "I hope he told you all good things."
"Yeah, he did. He also told me how you and Omari love each other on the low," she blurted out causing my heart to stop.
"Cause they do, no lie. Matter fact, where my nigga Bean at he'll tell you," he said while searching for Bean.
"That's my cue to leave," I told Victoria.
"Okay girl, but we'll talk later," she smirked as I walked past them and made my way towards the first bar.
"Yo Nae," I heard someone holler making me halt my steps. I turned around and watched Oscar make his way over to me.
"Hey Oscar," I greeted before hugging him, "how are you?"
"I'm good, how 'bout you?"
We both pulled away and walked towards the bar.
I sat down before I answered his question, "I've been okay. Going to school and talkin' to my dad."
"Oh yeah? I spoke to him the other day and he was askin' 'bout you."
I smiled, "He always worried 'bout me, but I can't blame him. I'm always worryin' about him."
"Yeah," he sighed before placing his hand on my shoulder, "he'll be out before you know it, baby girl."
"Yeah," I mumbled.
"How you like yo' party tho'," he asked with a grin on his face.
"I love it," I admitted, "I was so surprised. Who planned it?"
"Omari, but he had ah lil' help from the gang."
"Really," I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. He said, he had to make it up to you for the last time you came out to the club," Oscar informed me, referring back to when me and Queen first came to Démanger.
"Yeah 'cause he didn't even let me and Queenkick it like we wanted to," I laughed while shaking my head.
"I bet his extra ass didn't," he shook his head, "but I want you to enjoy yo' self tonight, aight? Don't stress about anything or anyone, just have fun."
"Aight. You want ah drink," he asked while pulling out his wallet.
I stared up at him with wide eyes, "You gin' let me drink?"
"Yeah girl," he chuckled, "You damn near grown."
"Well okay," I shrugged, "I want ah glass of Crown Apple."
"Aight igotchu'," he said before calling the bartender over to us.
"Yes, how can I help you," she asked with a smile on her face.
"I'll like ah glass of Crown Apple," he ordered before handing her a 20 dollar bill, "You can keep the change."
"Okay. I'll be back with your drink," she uttered before walking off.
"Thanks Oscar," I smiled.
"No problem," he said as he put away his wallet.
A minute later the bartender placed my drink in front of me and gave me a straw.
As I opened up my straw, Oscar spoke, "Aight niece I'm finna go say wassup to everybody else, I'll talk to you later."
"Okay," I said before taking a sip of my drink. I closed my eyes as I felt the familiar burn inside of my chest appear from drinking the alcohol.
"Who got you that drink lil' girl," I heard Omari ask before he sat in a stool beside me. I watched as Brittany and her sister took seats beside him, but away from me causing me to shake my head internally.
"Oscar," I answered and took another sip of my drink while looking at him.
"Mm," he hummed, "always tryna be grown."
"But I am," I said in a duh tone.
"Fuck outta here," he chuckled, "how you like the party?"
I decided to act clueless.
"Yeah, it's hyped up in here," I said while HUMBLE by Kendrick Lamar began to play, "who planned this for me."
"The gang," he shrugged.
I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Who made 'em do that?"
He smirked, "Who you think?"
Before I could respond, I heard Brittany's voice.
"Hey bae, can you get me ah margarita," she asked while leaning into his side.
I rolled my eyes and sipped some more of my Crown Apple.
"Yeah, what you askin' me for? You gotta mouth," he said causing her to smack her lips.
"Omari, don't start actin' funny," she spat.
"Nah, don't you start actin' funny. You askin' me stupid ass questions and shit, if you want something get it."
"Whatever. Fuck you, Omari. I'm goin' home," she rushed out before storming off with her little sister.
I watched as Omari pinched the bridge of his flared up nose.
"You good," I asked.
"Yeah," he mumbled, "she just always takin' shit to heart and makin' ah big deal outta nothing."
I turned my head and noticed Brittany was just now walking out of the club, "She just walked out, you can try and catch her before she leaves."
"Nah, fuck that. Tonight is about you, I'll deal wit' her ass when I get home."
"Aww," I cooed before pinching his cheek, "so you did plan this for me."
I dropped my hand from his cheek as he smiled and shrugged, "Yeah. I told you I'll make it up to you."
"Well, I love the surprise," I mumbled before kissing his cheek, "thank you."
"Aww shit.. don't be gettin' soft on me, Nae."
"Shut up," I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Lookie here, lookie here," I heard Queen repeat behind us.
We both turned our heads around, only to see Queen, Bean, Nick, and Victoriastanding behind us with smirks on their faces.
"Here they go," I heard Omari mumble under his breath as I turned back around, blushing. I drunk some of my Crown Apple as they all took seats by us. Queen and Bean sat in stools next to me while Nick and Victoria sat beside Omari. Leaving me and him in the middle.
"What y'all love birds doin'," Bean asked with a smirk on his face.
"Y'all really irk me like dead ass," Omari said while looking back and forth between Bean and Nick.
"What?We just wanna know what's up wit' y'all. We peeped y'all smilin' in each other's faces," Nick smirked at me and Omari.
"Yeah and I peeped Nae kissin' Omari on the cheek," Queen blurted out before nudging my side.
I groaned and put my hands over my face.
"Nah, nah. Don't be tryna cover yo' blush up," Bean laughed.
"Bean shut the fuck up," I said while putting my hands down.
"Damn, why you so defensive Nae?" He asked causing Nick to snicker under is breath.
"Fuck 'em Nae. They just being childish," Omari said waving them off.
"Aww, I swear they are goals," Queen cooed.
"I know, they're so cute," Victoria smiled.
I blushed lightly, but quickly hid my face by looking over my shoulder where I saw people from Slum Money dancing.
Omari smacked his lips, "Damn Victoria, you too?"
I watched as she put her hands up in surrender, "Hey, I'm just speakin' off of what I see."
"Christina," Omari called out causing the bartender to look his way and head over to us.
"Wassup boss," she asked before biting her lip seductively.
"Get me sum Hennessy," he uttered before handing her some money.
"Of course," she giggled and walked away, switching hard.
I looked her up and down and rolled my eyes.
This thirsty bitch, I thought.
"Oh shit, Nae. You better get her, she tryna steal yo' man," Bean said, stating the obvious.
"Omari isn't my man. He has Brittany," I truthfully said.
"Fuck ah Brittany. Brittany who," Bean asked causing Omari to side eye him.
"B, chill out. Brittany still my girl, so you gotta chill," he told Bean.
"Nigga please," Bean waved him off.
"Right," Nick shook his head before standing up, "we'll be back y'all. I gotta drop sum knowledge on these dumb asses."
"Nigga fuck you," Omari chuckled.
"Right fool. Who is you, nigga? Nutty Professor," Bean asked causing everyone to bust out laughing except for Nick.
"Yeah, real funny nigga," Nick said in a dry tone, "I'm dead ass, letsgo."
Christina, the thirsty ass bartender, came over to us and handed Omari his drink.
Bean stood up from his seat, "Aight baby, I'll be right back when this nigga done tryna teach ah lesson."
Queen shrugged him off when he tried to hug her causing everybody to laugh.
"Why you gotta actttt like that," he tried to sing as he walked towards Nick.
"This nigga stupid," Omari laughed before leaning towards me and whispering in my ear, "I'll be back."
"Okay," I mumbled as he got up and all three of them walked away.
"Ouuu," Queen dragged out causing me to look at her.
"What," I asked.
"You know what."
"Nah, I don't."
"Victoria see what I'm talkin' 'bout now," Queen asked her.
Victoria nodded her head while smiling before moving and sitting where Omari was before.
"I hope you don't mind me takin' yo' boo's seat," Victoria smirked.
"That's not my boo," I denied.
"Girl, you know you like him. Stop tryna play that role, the boys ain't here no more," Queen said all loud.
"Oh my gosh," I mumbled, "see, this is why I can't tell you shit."
"Lanae, it's not ah secret if everybody know," she said in a duh tone.
"Everybody doesn't know. Omari doesn't know."
"Yeah, but I think he's just really in denial," Victoria added.
"I don't know," I sighed, "our situation is so complicated."
"It's really not, y'all just make it complicated," Queen said.
"True," Victoria agreed, "and I can see a difference in him since you came back into his life. He's smilin' more, gettin' out more, and everything. He use to be closed off when I first met him, but he slowly warmed up to me."
"How long you and Nick been together," I questioned.
"A year now," she smiled.
"Aww, y'all are so cute. Now, that right there is goals."
"Shit, both of y'alls situations is relationship goals," Queen commented.
"Oh yeah and you," I smirked while pointing at her, "you and Bean ain't slick. I've been peepin' y'all out, flirtin' and shit."
Queen waved me off as Victoria laughed, "Bean be flirtin' wit' me. I don't want his annoyin' ass."
"Bullshit," I laughed.
"Christina, we need some drinks over here," Queen hollered, gaining the bartender's attention.
"Oh, now you wanna change the subject," I smirked.
"Shut yo' ass up, I'm tryna get lit," she stated before turning her attention towards Christina, who was now in front of us, "hey can you get us two shots each."
"Yeah," Christina said before taking the money that Queen was holding out for her.
"Damn bitch, you tryna get us fucked up," Victoria laughed.
"Hell yeah, I'm tired of sittin' at this damn barOuuu matter fact let's make ah bet," Queen squealed while bouncing in her seat.
"Aight, wassup?" Me and Victoria asked at the same time.
"I bet if Lanae was to dance with a man, Omari would stop that shit and he'll be pissed off."
"I agree and if he does stop y'all, I bet he'll start dancin' wit' you," Victoria added.
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Omari ain't gon' do shit."
"Bet," Queen and Victoria said in unison.
"Bet," I said while nodding my head.
"Here are you ladies' drinks, enjoy," the bartender says setting the drinks in front of us.
"Thanks girl," Queen thanked as she grabbed her two shots. Once everybody had their two shots she spoke again, "After you take these shots, Nae.. you gotta go dance wit' some nigga."
I groaned, "Ew. Imma really need these shots then."
They both snickered before we all three took our shots back to back. Once I was done I placed the glass down and hissed at the burning feeling in my throat.
"Damn," Queen hissed, "that was hot as hell."
"Hell yeah," Victoria mumbled, "we finna be fucked up in ah few minutes."
"Right. Lanae go find ah nigga, never mind igotchu'," Queen rushed out before yelling at some random guy and waving him over.
The man she called over wasn't ugly at all. He had waves and brown clear skin. He looked like he was in his early 20's. That would be an understatement if I called him cute.
"Hey, I wanted to see if you wanted to dance wit' my cousin," Queen said while pointing at me causing me to blush, "sorry she's ah lil' shy."
I side eyed her as the mysterious man laughed.
"Yeah, I don't mind. Do you mind dancin' wit' me, ma?"
"No," I spoke softly before getting up from my seat and following the man to the dance floor.
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