
It's been two days since the kidnapping incident happened. It's been a day and a half that I've been lying in bed but today?

Guess what?


This is one of the happiest days of my life. It's like getting out of prison. Nothing serious happened to me but Jennie insisted that the doctor should run some tests on me just to make sure that I'm a hundred percent okay.

"Are you going home now?" Mina asked when she saw me heading outside.

"Yeah. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Don't mention it. I'll walk you outside."


"Your mom has been calling me multiple times."

"She has your number?!"

"Yes. We've run into each other and had tea together that's why."

"What did you tell her? She must be worried sick."

"Don't worry. I said it was just a minor accident."

"I hope she didn't ask something embarrassing from you."

"She did," Mina chuckled, "she asked me to go back to you."

"Who's going back to who?"

I was startled when Jennie interrupted us. She was like a cat that is ready to attack a stranger with her sharp paws just by looking at her keen eyes.

"It's not what you think Jennie-yah."

"Whatever," she walked closer to me then she held my scarf dragging me closer to her. She looked at Mina then she spoke,

"Would you mind if I take MY GIRLFRIEND with me now? I need to beat her up for flirting with her ex-girlfriend."

Mina just laughed as if she was watching two kids bickering with each other.

"Goodluck Lisa-yah. I better get going too."

"Bye Mina-yah!" I shouted as I tried to pull away from Jennie's grip.


"Bye Mina-yah?" she mimicked what I've said then she dragged me harder. She's so cute when she's jealous!

"Yah Jennie! We are at a public place. People might see—"

"Shut up Lisa"

"People are already looking at us!"

"The hell I care."

She pushed my back on the car while her hand is still grabbing my scarf.

"Yah! I just got out from the hospital and you're already harassing me?!"

"That's what you get from flirting with your ex! Do you want me to fracture your neck?!"

"Heyyy. Lower your voice, other people already recognized you—"

She cut me off with a kiss. I pulled away.

"Jennie-yah I don't want to be tomorrow's headline—"

She kissed me again.

"Shut up or else I'll kiss you—"

I stole a peck on her soft lips.

"I love you, Jennie."

"EWWWWW! Can the both of you get in the car now? I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten my breakfast yet!"

I almost jumped out from where I stand when Chaeng suddenly opened the car's window.

"Y-you brought them with you?" I mumbled to Jennie.

"Yeah? I don't drive, remember?"

"Come on guys. Let's go. I might vomit from your cheekiness!" Jisoo seconded.

We just laughed at them. Chaeng even gave me a tofu.

What does she think of me? An ex-convict who just got out from prison?

I just smiled while listening to Chaeng's never-ending story about how she got up early just to fetch me, that I ruined her sleeping schedule because of my hardheadedness. She's starting to sound like my mom now. Seriously.

I felt a hand caressing mine, and as swiftly as the wind, it intertwined with mine. It was Jennie's hand—a hand that gives out a thunderbolt to my veins when it touches me. She gave me a smile, a contagious and hypnotizing one.

At this moment, I still can't believe that this girl beside me is mine.

I still can't believe that Jennie Kim, the possessive Jennie Kim fell in love...

with me.

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