《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》25- B*tch Slapped


"One more week ti'll Christmas break. I can do this." It's Monday morning and I'm freaking out. I give myself a pep talk in the mirror.

Three days ago I found out about Daniel cheating on me. I received non-stop text messages and calls from both him and Rena.

I can't believe Rena, my friend, did this to me. I want nothing more than to hit her.

Now I have to face the whole school and all the rumors. My nerves are pretty high, but I need to be at school for finals.

I brush out my hair and put concealer on my dark bags. Adding a coat of mascara on my eyelashes and light highlighter on my cheekbones.

I decide to wear ripped skinny jeans and a black sweater.

I walk down stairs to a quiet house hold. Asher, Mom and Dad went out to visit our baby cousin, Jasmine. I told them I didn't want to miss finials.

Missing a chance to get in a good college is a big no-no.

As I'm poring milk into my cereal bowl, the doorbell rings. Groaning I curse out whoever is keeping me from eating delicious Lucky Charms.

I open the door and want to tear the head off of the person on the other side of the door. She gives me a sad, guilty smile.

Rena the trick ass whore.

"What the hell do you want!?" I growl out but make sure my face is clear of emotion.

I feel betrayed, tricked and manipulated by her. Just seeing her face makes me want to crawl into a hole to die. Or be abducted by good o'l aliens.

"Harlow I'm so sor-!"

I cut the bitch off by smacking her right across the face.

She lets out a pained grasp and holds her red cheek. Her eyes water and I enjoy looking at the handprint my hand left behind.


Before she can say anything else, I slam my door shut and lock it.

Walking back to the beloved bowl of cereal, I eat it like nothing happened.


My anxiety's are high when I step foot in school. Everyone stop and stares, whispering and gossiping to each other.

I bite my tongue not wanting to say something I would regret. My feet walk me to my friends by the lockers.

There're talking amongst themselves, in a circle.

"Hey, guys!" I speak up, making my voice sound cheerful and sweet. Even though deep inside I feel dead.

My eyes first meet Ace's who gives me a soft smile. Then Cal who wraps his arms around my shoulders. "How are you holding up, love bug?"

I shrug my shoulders and put on my best fake-ass smile. "Peachy. Just peachy."

"Good." Brody nods at me, ruffling up my hair.

"Okay....Stop crowding my strong and pretty BFF." Kaia pulls me by the hand toward her. "Let's get to class. We have less than a minute before the tardy bell rings."

The rest of the day goes by very slowly. Like I predicted....Rumors we're taking over the damn school.

"I heard Daniel got caught cheating with three girls...."

"No. I thought Rena and Daniel has sex in her bedroom."

"You are both wrong. Harlow cheated on Daniel with Ace."

I over hear three dimwits talking loudly while walking by. That last one was just ridiculous.

Fury takes over my body like an explosive bomb. I'm about to confront them but a hand grabs my hand.

Ace gives me a look of pity but shakes his head. "There're not worth it, Princess." Gulping, I nod and continue to walk with Ace.

"Harlow!" A deep voice calls out behind me. I freeze not wanting to face that person. Pained visions of him and my ex-friend enter my mind.


I see Ace still too. He looks down at me then behind us. I peek a look at his face to see him looking scary as hell.

Sighing I turn around to face my fear. Daniel stands there looking tired and in pain. I want to laugh at him.

He's mentally hurt!?

He's the one that cheated!

Well he's not only mentally hurt, he's physically too. His eye is black and purple and black bruises are dusted all over his face.

"What!?" I sneer my words, trying so hard not to break down and cry.

"Babe I'm-!" He starts to speak but I hold up my hand. "Don't EVER call me that!" I spit out, making sure he hears the poisonous venom in my voice.

Daniel sighs, "Harlow, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I just-!"

"How long!?"

"W-What?" Daniel's bushy eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"How long have you been fucking other whores, asshat?" Ace speaks up and the expression on his face looks deadly.

I wouldn't want to be his enemy.

Daniel looks down at his feet. I just want to smack his cheek just like I did to Rena.

Fuck whoever said violence doesn't make you feel better!

It make ME feel better!

"Since the cabin. Rena kissed me by the lake and I was a dick and kissed her back." I stare at him in horror. He's been cheating on me with her for three months!?

We've only been together for five months and for only two months he was loyal.

And flipping Rena! She pretended to be an innocent little butterfly.She acted like she was a friend to me. When in reality, she was a cockroach.

All of a sudden realization dawns on me. Ace was dating Rena when all our friends spent time at the cabin.

I look up to Ace who looks even more pissed off. His sculpted jaw is clenched and his nostrils are flared.

"Daniel your a bastard. I can't believe you!" I'm at a loss for words.

"Your a dick for what you did. Your lucky Cal and I didn't murder your pathetic ass." Ace angrily spats out.

Daniel chuckles to my surprise. He's laughing? At Ace? Who looks like he is going to gut him with his bare teeth!?

"Oh so now you're Harlow's new man?" Daniel snickers, gesturing to Ace and my own hand clasped together.

I didn't realize we were still holding hands. My cheeks flush and I try my best to use my flushed body as a result of anger.

"We're done. We're over. Don't try to communicate with me ever again, Daniel." I let go of Ace's hand to walk past Daniel to my next class. I turn to see if Ace is following. He is, but not before ramming his shoulder into Daniel's.

Ace wraps his hand around my shoulders as we walk to English class.

I feel as if tension and worries are released from my body. After breaking up with that asshole I feel better.

Things might be turning up for me.

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