《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》14 pt.2~ Stargazing
"I got David!" Cal shouts as he displays his paper he drawled from the bowl.
Everyone went and now it was my turn. Four more papers were in the bowl. Kaia was sharing a room with Cole. Cal with David.
Ace and Rena both got a room to themselves. Rena practically whined until she got her own room.
That leaves my opportunity to share with Daniel, Brody or Becca.
I reach in the bowl and pick the only pink paper in there. I turn it over and I immediately want to jump off a fucking building.
"Who did you get?" Daniel speaks up, interrupting me from my violent thoughts.
"Becca." I fake a tight smile so I won't hurt the bastard-mermaid girl's feelings.
"Great." Becca whispers sarcastically.
"Alright that leaves me and my boy, Danny!" Brody smiles and nudges Danny. Danny looks like he wants to join me in killing the world off.
I grab my suitcase with Becca on my tail. I open the door and see one queen sized beds, TV, speakers and a coffee machine.
Great we have to share a bed.
Maybe I'll kick her off.....Accidentally.
Becca gets started by hooking up her phone with the speakers. K-Pop starts blasting loudly.
I'm going to kill myself!
"Could you turn that down please?" I wince. I can't even hear myself speak.
"Nope." She screams and starts unpacking. "Do you not like BTS?"
"No. I don't like it. I prefer Drake or Ariana Grande....Sometimes even Post Malone."
"Trash!" She shakes her head like I disappointed her.
I check my watch for the time. It's 7:00pm and I'm sure all the other rooms can hear the fucking ear-rape music. It's not even the fact that it's K-Pop. It's the fact that it's so loud!
I sigh and unpack myself. I charge my phone into the outlet and walk over to the bathroom.
At 9:00 the whole group agreed to do a bonfire. I was actually pretty darn excited. I never went camping or saw a real campfire so I'm pumped.
I walk back out the bathroom and see Becca past out on the bed.
Thank god.
Hopefully she stays that way for the whole night.
I unplugged the speakers so my ears can heal. I walk outside to find half the group sitting on a next to the bonfire. The only people missing is Rena, David, Becca and Daniel, Cole.
I sit next to Ace and Kaia.
"Where's your bestie Becca?" Ace nudges my arm with a smirk.
"Up your ass."
"Ooh grumpy today I see." He hands me a bottle of gin. I take a swig and love the burn it leaves behind. I pass it back to him and he takes a drink himself.
"Wanna' play Never have I ever?" Cal speaks up. "Each time you've done something that's questioned, take a shot." He holds out his hand to Brody who hands him several shot glasses. Cal pours FireBall in each glass.
"Let's get this party started!"
"I'll go first. Never have I ever watched porn?" Kaia looks around the group with a sly smirk.
"Damn this is already starting off bad." Brody groans as all of us take shots.
"Never have I ever had a threesome?" Cal wiggles his eyebrows.
"Damn, this game sucks." Brody complains, taking his second shot. Ace takes a shot while I give him a questioning look.
"What? I was drunk, okay!"
"Never have I ever ate somebody's gummy worms even though it had a note that read 'Do Not Eat'?" Ace growls out his question looking at each of us with a scowl.
I gulp as everyone looks confused. I look to Kaia and mouth ' I got your back.' I grab a shit glass and down the liquor with a wince.
" DAMNIT HARLOW!" Ace barks like a hellhound. "I was going to eat those later."
"Sorry....I can ensue they were yummy and you would have enjoyed them." I put a guilty smile on my face like a child who stole a candy bar. He pouts and turns his body away from me.
"Never have I ever watched Keeping up with the Kardashians, and liked it!?" I try to lighten up the mood after Ace pouted over his gummy's.
Kaia, Cal, myself and Ace all takes a shot.
"Really dude?" Brody smirks at Ace.
"Shut up! Kendall Jenner has nice legs."
"And boobs!" Brody adds to Ace's statement.
A loud boom of lightning rings in the dark. Rain starts to pour out of nowhere. "Fuck man. I wasn't even drunk yet!" Cal complains but gets up to hold his alcohol like a baby.
I dash inside to save my hair. My curls would be frizzy if the rain washed out the products in my hair.
It's already 1:00 am and I can't go to sleep. I lay awake on the FLOOR trying no to strangle Becca in her sleep.
She is sprawled out on the bed like a deformed starfish, taking up the whole bed. There is no room for me so I took the hard floor. Without a blanket and pillow. One pillow was under her knees and one under her head.
Also her snores were loud and bouncing off the walls. Not only was she snoring but she would mumble every now and then. I couldn't make out what she was saying, all I know is that she is keeping me awake.
I get off the floor and throw on shorts under my oversized shirt. I walk out the room to get fresh air. If I stay in there any longer I'm going to go crazy.
The living room was quiet so everyone was sleeping or in their rooms. I tiptoe down the hall and run smack into someone.
"Fuck. Sorr-!" I stop mumbling when I look up to see Daniel. He has no shirt on so his abs are displayed. His hair looks messy and he's sweaty too.
"What happened to you?" I look him up and down in his state.
"I-I couldn't go to sleep so I worked out instead. I'm now really tired so....yeah!" He sounds out of breath too.
"Your sure your okay?" I reach up stroking his cheek. He leans into my hand and smiles.
"I'm fine, Kitten. You should get some sleep." He leans down kissing my forehead then mumbles a goodnight.
God I'm tired. The couch was not an option because suitcases and clothes were on the cushions. I could move them but I'm weak as fuck and lazy too.
I walk outside and almost yell when I see someone by the lake.
He sits up and almost rolls into the water. "Shit! Harlow you scared me!" He hold his heart and rubs his eyes.
"What are you doing out here?" I join him next to the lake. I notice he's shirtless and has some sculpted abs.
"I could ask you the same. Aren't girls always bitching about getting beauty sleep?"
"Yeah but you can't get beauty sleep if Becca is taking up the whole bed and snoring louder than a gorilla." I scoff at just thinking about Becca and the bed situation. I lay back on the soft grass and sigh. "You didn't answer my question. Why are you up?"
He lays down as well as looking up into the starry sky. Ace stays quiet for a while and I start to think he's ignoring me. He exhales and shakes he head at the heavens. "I-I have a hard time sleeping." The moon reflecting off the lake puts out a little light.
"Like since forever or just lately?" The corners of his mouth droop down and I'm afraid I asked too much. "Since I was six. My si-!" He suddenly stops and gets up.
"W-Where are you going?" I stutter as I see his scowl. It wasn't just any ol' Ace scowl....It was an expression that could flip the dead in their grave.
"To sleep." He grunts and leaves me all alone outside.
What the fuck is his problem?
All I did was ask an question. If he didn't want to answer than he should have said so! Not get all Captain Asshole on me!
I groan at the world that loves testing my patience. I listen to the ripples of water from the lake and the quiet night. The humid night air was wrapped around my skin and comfortable. Soon sleep consumes my senses in bliss and peace.
Something pokes my side making me groan. I turn on my stomach and go back to sleep.
"Harlow get your cute ass up!" I feel a prick in my side and get frustrated.
"Leave me alone. Five more minutes mom!" I slap the hand away with my eyes closed.
"As much as I would love to be as hot as your mom.....I'm not her, Love bug." My eyes snap open to be met with Cal and Kaia standing over me.
"What the hell?" I shoot up almost stumbling over my two feet but somehow manage. I look at my surrounding and see trees, a lake and bugs.
Lots of bugs.
"Har...Were you out here all night?" Cal's brown eyes are full of concern. Last night comes back to me like a whip.
Stupid Becca.
Stupid Ace.
"Y-yeah I think so." I scratch my arm. Little red bug bites cover my skin.
"Okay Harlow lets get you inside!" Kaia grabs my hand leading me to a silent cabin. "Where is everybody?" I was surprised to see the lobby and halls empty.
David is behind the cabin drinking and throwing darts with Cole. Ace is locked in his room. I tried entering but it was locked and he yelled at me to 'Go fuck myself!' Becca is with Brody....I'm sure there doing the nasty since I heard moaning in Becca's room.
"In Becca's quarters? That is my fucking room too! Gross!" I cringe in disgust. Slobs!
"Oh and Daniel is with Rena. They told me they'll be on the other side of the lake. I think they bloomed a friendship." Kaia adds while handing me clothes.
"I didn't know they were friends! I guess it makes since though. Daniel was a quarterback and Rena was a cheerleader.....Or maybe pep-squad?"
"Cheerleader." Kaia confirms. "Rena warmed up to me. She helped me make breakfast." There's a plate of pancakes and waffles on the counter." She walks out to let me change.
I put on a sweater-dress and knee-high boots. Hopefully today will be better than yesterday. It was the last day at the cabin then tomorrow we would go home.
I walk out to find Rena and Daniel by the food. "Good morning!" Daniel first turns around and smiles when he sees me. I kiss his cheek and grab a piece of bacon. Rena clears her throat. I look to her and see her face make all types of emotions.
First I swear she looks sad but then she smiles. "Halo right?" She asks with a cheeky smile.
Does she really not know my name yet?
Whatever I'll take the mother freaking highway!
"Harlow." I correct.
"Yup." I pop the 'p' and start walking to the coffee machine.
"I'll be playing darts with David and Cole if you need me." Danny winks at me then walks out.
An uncomfortable silence between Rena and I make me want to be sucked out the world. I tap my toe, waiting for my coffee to brew.
She breaks the silence by clearing her throat. "How are you liking San Francisco? You came from sunny LA.....It must be different, yeah?" Her tone sounds curious, but her pretty blue eyes look bored.
"I like it here. It's colder than I'm used too but I love that it's not so crowded as it was in LA." I can't help but grin, I'm not sure about Rena and her intentions, but nobody asked me how I accustomed to the move. It really makes a person feel good and welcome!
"Good." She says with a nod. "I-I know this sounds weird but I want to become close. Maybe not BFF's but at least friends." She takes a bite of an apple while I stare in shock. "I mean your fashion is awesome and your a pretty girl. Why don't we go shopping? Next week or...." She trails off.
I blink and close my opened mouth. "Umm....Sure, your pretty too. How about Monday after school?"
"That's perfect!" She trashes her half eaten apple and smiles before walking out.
I still can't believe that happened! Maybe she's not so bad after all!
Kaia comes jogging to me with sad eyes.
"Kai-!" I start to speak but she cuts me off.
"Brody and Becca are dating." Her voice cracks as she grabs wine from the fridge. I thought she didn't really care anymore about them.
"Kai slow down." I grab the bottle from her. She was practically chugging the damn wine. "Explain?!" I point my finger at her sulky mood.
She sighs snatching the wine. I slap her hand and grab the wine. "Enough Kaia! Stop and explain!" I ask her again, putting the wine back.
"Last night Brody said he liked me." She sobs into her palm as I rub her back. "H-He even fucking kissed me. Brody came all the way to my room to tell me a bitch ass lie!" I hug her.
I think I'm going to beat up Brody!
"I'll be right back!" I kiss her head and run to Becca's room. I can hear Brody's voice behind the door. Thankfully there done having sex!
I open the door and hear a screech. Becca grabs the covers to hide her nudity. Brody is in nothing but boxers, at least his junk is covered.
"Brody!" I yell and see him gulp.
I walk over to him and swing my fist back. I grin psychotically, oh I would enjoy fucking up his face.
My fist is about to collide with his face but strong arms grab my waist and pull me back. I growl at the arms and try to get out their grasp.
"How dare you hurt Kaia! I will fuck up you-!" A hand goes over my mouth, blocking out my threats and swears.
"Calm down." I go rigid when I hear his voice. I look at Brody only seeing pure red. Brody actually looks scared and Becca looks terrified.
His hand uncovers my mouth and I use my mouth like it was made for.
Swearing and eating.
"If you don't let me go....I swear to God and all the saints that you will lose both your limbs. And Brody you son of a bitch I will sta-!" His hand covers my mouth once again and I scoff.
"Okay come on. You need to calm your tits down. Then Brody and you can talk civilly."
"No, Dude Harlow is going to fucking kill me if you let her go. I'm not chancing that shit! I want to at least become a millionaire first and travel to Bali." Brody's voice sounds worried while I laugh.
"Your such a pussy bi-!"
"Enough!" His hand covers my mouth for the third time and drags me out the room. "Lock your room Brody!" He calls out.
"It's MY FUCKING ROOM!" I try to reason but am ignored. I'm dragged into a different room that is larger than mine and has patio.
He lets go of me and sighs. "Damnit doll, you are one small girl full of anger!" Ace rubs his temples.
"Well he get's what he deserves! He told Kaia he liked her then ditched her for Becca!? She's been used for sex more than condoms are used!" I try to explain to a irritated looking Ace.
"I'm sorry that happened to Kaia....I'll talk to Brody.....Maybe even take a swing at his ass..." He trails off thinking about God knows what.
I huff and plot my butt on his bed. Last nights events of Ace being a class A ass comes to my mind. I cross my arms and stare his rude ass down.
"What?" His green eyes meet mine with confusion.
My eyes and attitude feel like I can burn holes through his body. "What Harley?" He repeats.
"What happened last night? You got mad with me and stormed off for no reason!" I hop off the bed so I'm standing in front of him. He sighs rubbing his forehead.
"I'm sorry I did that.....I wasn't mad at you but I'm not really ready to share why I was upset."
"Fine.....I forgive you."
"Thank god!" He pulls me into a friendly hug that I gladly accept. "Now let's go and get an explanation from Brody." He opens the door. I start to walk out but he grabs my arm. "But you cannot punch him. Or harm him period."
I mumble under my breath but agree.
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