《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》15 pt.3~ Man-Eater


"The only reason I'm dating Becca and her syphilis infected coochie, is because she's blackmailing me." Brody sighs, bringing his hand up to run his fingers through his hair.


Brody flops down on the bed dramatically. "Becca has a video of me drunk."

Ace rolls his eyes. "Can you elaborate a little more?"

"I was dared to wear my sister's fluffy pink dress. It barley fit, but I made it work."

I cover my mouth trying to contain my giggles. I fail terribly and Brody turns to glare at me. "Fuck you."

"No thanks." I give him a sweet smile. "Even though your dating Becca who is full of sexual diseases......Do you like Kaia," I ask.

"Yes......" He trails off not looking me in the eyes.

"Whelp. I think you fucked up your chance with Kai, dude." Ace states emotionless.

"Ace!" I hit his arm.

"No it fine, Harlow. He's right...Even though he's a dick."

"Fuck y-!"

"Enough!" I cut Ace off. "We need to get that embarrassing video off Becca's phone. Is she still in her room?"

"Yep." Brody responds popping the 'p'. "I think she's dressed too."

"I have a plan. See y'all in a little while." I smirk devilishly when they give me confused looks.

I walk towards Becca and I's bedroom. I knock on the door not wanting to barge in and see a live porn show. "Come in" Her voice answers.

I walk in just as her eyes look up. She's chilling on the bed with a Hot Topic magazine in her hand. My eyes land on the nightstand that her phone is on.


I clear my throat. "Hey Becca I think Rena is flirting with Brody by the lake." I point to the window where Rena, Brody and Cole are conversing. She growls, hopping off the bed and running out.

Talk about territorial! She's like a fucking bear!

Built like one too.

I quickly go to her phone. I examine her black sparkly case that put glitter all over the nightstand. I turn it on only to find that it needs a password.


I needed a five letter word to unlock it. I stare at the phone with anger. A knock on the door makes me jump. I drop the phone and crack the door open.


"Hey it's me." Ace walks in, grabbing the phone off the floor. I shut the door and lock it.

"Five letter word." He states, thinking off into space. "How about her name?"


He hands me the phone and I type in 'Becca'. The phone vibrates telling me it's wrong. I shake my head at Ace who slumps his shoulders in return.

"What type of stuff does she like? Maybe it's her pet's name or something?"

"We dated a while back and she acts the same way since we dated. I remember she likes red and black. She always carries around a leather purse. Oh and she's dating Brody." Ace pauses.


"Huh?" I look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Try Brody! It's a five letter word." He grabs the phone out my hands to type. I look at him in anticipation. He looks up meeting my eyes with a smug look. "We're in."

He hands me the phone as I swipe to her photos. "This might take a while," I mumble to myself. She has a total of 6,000 photos. I'll be fifty years old by the time I find the video.

I go to the video section and slowly scroll. "Do you know the date when Brody got drunk?"

"Probably like one of two weeks ago." Ace stands behind me looking over my shoulder. "Oh eww....fuck!" I squeal dropping the phone.

"What!?" Ace asks bending over to pick up the phone. I ignore him, rubbing my temples hoping a certain image leaves my head.

"Oh shit! Gross." Ace cringes at the video of Becca nude. "Damn I guess people are right when they say cameras add ten pounds." I laugh taking the phone from him.

"You dated her. Haven't you fucked her?"

"Yes, but that was two years ago. She has packed a few pounds on her since," Ace reasons.

"I'm scarred for life." I sigh, scrolling past the nude videos. I was about to give up but then my eyes land on Brody in a pink dress. In the video he holds a beer in each of his hands and is laughing uncontrollably.

Ace chuckles taking out his phone. Ace snaps a photo then grins mischievously. "Ace...What are you-!"

"Sending this to the group chat."

"Oh lord." I mutter deleting the video permanently from Becca's phone. "Okay Brody is now free. The blackmail is gone."

"So you've dated Becca?" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief.

He nods rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I've dated almost the whole population of girls at school." He fakes a quiver and smiles. "Let's just say she not that intelligent."


I laugh turning off her phone.

I sit her phone back where it was then unlock the door. Ace goes to Brody letting him know he's safe. I go find Daniel. He's on his back, in his room, with AirPods in.

He offers me a small smile and beckons me towards him. "Hey, Kitten." He pulls me onto the bed. I'm on my side with my head on his shoulder. His arm rubs soothing circles on my back.

"Hey." I respond back shyly. Daniel smiles down at me as I yawn. "Sleepy?" He asks with a fond look on his face.

I nod closing my eyes and snuggling into his warmth. The last thing I feel is his lips on my forehead before I fall asleep.


I wake up with my head on a pillow and me on my side. I try to roll over on my back but someone's arms are around me. I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight was dreadful.

I jump slightly when I see Daniel fast asleep with me in his arms. I smile down at him. His blonde hair is messy but somehow it makes him look cute. I snuggle more into his warmth as he starts to stir. His arms let go of me to roll on his back and stretch. "Good morning," I say cheerful.

He mumbles the words back and pulls me into his chest. He kisses my forehead before letting me go. I sit-up and realize this is Danny's room. "Hey, stud?" I start. He hums in question as he slips on a shirt.

"Who was you cabin buddy?"

"Brody." He answers before walking into the restroom.

Great Brody and Becca were probably shaken' the room all night long. I hope they changed the sheets.

I'm still in my clothes from last night so I slip out the Danny's room to go to mine. Becca is sprawled out across the bed. My eyes search the room and Brody is nowhere in sight.

I take a white long sleeved shirt and blue and white stripped pants out my suitcase.

I walk to the kitchen to see the halls empty. I hear multiple people snoring and bedroom doors locked.

I must be one of the first ones up. I start brewing coffee and mixing up pancake mix. I lather the pancakes with butter, set a stack on the table for the others and head outside with a book.

It was beautiful out. The sun was out and beaming on my shoulders. The warmth was like a blanket around me. I sit a few feet away from the lake, leaning on a tree stump. This was my last day at the cabin and I want to spend it drama free.

I hear pounding of feet coming outside, I turn my head to see the whole group.

"Hey Harley." Kaia greets me with a big smile. She looks well rested and chirpier than yesterday.

"We are thinking about taking a swim in the lake. You in?" Cody asks. He walk up to the water dipping his leg in.

"Sure. I need to change first." I grab my book and get up. "I'll go with you," Kaia and Rena declare.

I quickly walk to my suitcase to retrieve my swimsuit. Rena smiles when I pull it out. "That is cute. Where did you get it?" I grin thanking her. "Kate Spade store. Kaia has one just like it but it's green."

I run in the bathroom to throw my hair in a bun and pull on the bikini. It was perfect on my figure. It was too revealing. Let's just say my father would approve.

I grab a soft pink towel out a cupboard above the toilet. I slide my white flip flops on and walk out.

"Lookin' good, babe." Kaia grins, standing in a pink and black one-piece. It was very cute on her.

Rena on the other hand wore a fire red bikini that could make Kaia and I's swimsuits look like kiddy ware. She looked good and it suited her personality well.

"You two look good as well." I compliment back.

We walk out to see all the boys already in the water and Becca in a simple black bikini, lounging on a bench. I dip my toe in and immediately pull back.

"It's cold."

"Oh come on, Love bug. Just jump in." Cal brushes his wet hair out of his face.

I hold my breath ready to jump in but I am pulled right in the cold instead. "You little-!"

"Aww you know you love me, H." Cal coos with a smirk. I roll my eyes splashing him.

This was one weekend-out that I needed. I look around seeing all my friends smiling and giggling, with an exception of Becca who is sulking on a bench. Cal and I have a splash water that he of course wins. I grin ear to ear happy to have a break off of the crazy's of life.


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