《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》13 pt.1~ Cabin in the woods


I walk down the halls of school, everyone has already left. Daniel had football practice, but after he would tell me what he wanted. He had me meet him after his practice. I would sit in the bleachers and watch the team but it's too cold out.

I clean out my locker to past time. And before I know it.....It's time to see Danny.

I find Dan talking to the fuck boy, Cole. I remember him flirting with me at the party. I was so drunk that I was willing to show him my boobs.

"Hey Kitten." Danny grabs my hand pulling me to him. I cringe as he hugs me, he's drenched in sweat.

"Daniel Timmy Kane. Let me go this instant, your covered in sweat." I whine trying to squirm out his strong grip. He chuckles letting me go but not before his lips peck my cheek.

"Awww....Harlow you two are so cute." Cole says with a smirk. "Can we be a threesome?"

"Hell no!" Daniel answer before I can open my mouth.

"So rude. Then how about I just have sex with Harlow?"

"Dude go find your girlfriend. And leave Harlow alone. She doesn't want someone with a small dick." Danny snarls and swings his arm over my shoulders.

"Hey....Hey....I was joking.....Sorta'." Cody laughs and picks up his backpack. "See ya Danny-Babe. And you too Sweet-cheeks.

That boy needs help! Mentally and physically!

"Come with me Kitten." Dan guides me to his car. His vehicle was a couple years old black BMW. "Where are we going?" I ask as I turn his radio on to something good.

"You'll see."

We're in the car and singing our hearts out. "Ugh the secrecy is killing me." I reach over to grab Danny's hand. "Please tell me, stud." I beg while rubbing his palm. He chuckles, "Stud?"

"Yeah." I roll my eyes, he raises his blonde eyebrow. "Well you call me kitten and I don't know what to call you so......" I trail of sheepishly.

"Your so adorable."

"Aww thanks, stud." We both laugh and soon the car stops in front of a park. "Wow." I say breathless. It was a park with a lighthouse on the blue Pacific Ocean.

I hop out the car with excitement. I hear Danny laugh, he jogs to catch up with me. "I'm glad you like this place. I come here often to clear my mind." We hike up to a rock, overlooking the water and lighthouse. I take a seat, loving how the wind breezes through my locks of hair. It was chilly out but the view made up for it.


"Thank you for sharing this place with me." I scoot closer to his side so our knees and arms are touching each other.

"N-no problem...." He chokes out. I give him a curious look but he just smiles. "I was wanting to ask you a question."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"I like you a lot and was wondering...." I smile, knowing what he's about to ask me. He's kinda' cute when he's nervous. Well he's always cute but you get my jest.

"Will you be my girlfr-!" I cut him off by hopping on him and giving him a passionate kiss.

"Yesss. It's about time you asked." He laughs giving me kisses back. "Your something else, Kitten."

"Oh but you like me." I rest my forehead on his, looking into his big blue eyes.

"I guess I do."


"Okay do you have a toothbrush?"




"How about a-!"

"Yup! Yup! And yup! I got it all, Kai!"

"Okay...Calm your tits down." She puts her hands up in surrender. "Are you excited to hang out with Daniel?"

"Yup." Kaia, Ace, Calix, Brody, Daniel and Cole were all going to a luxurious cabin in the woods this weekend. Thank fucking god the cabin has WiFi and a charging outlet.

The cabin was Karen's, Ace's mother. It was a six bedroom and two bathroom. Two of us had to share a room, we haven't decided because we're too stubborn to share.

Will cross that road when we get there.

"Okay let's hit the road. I want to get there first for the best room." I agree and we drive to the cabin in my car.

We walk into the cabin that's already unlocked. Ace sits at the table with on his phone, his back faces us. I look beside him to see a blonde chick clinging on to his arm, trying to get his attention.

Poor girl.

Kaia and I look at each other. "Who is that?" She mouths to me. I shrug and clear my throat.

"Hey guys!"

Ace turns around and so does the girl. I recognize her. She's Rena.

"Kai, Princess." Ace nods at our presence. I'm surprised he still calls me Princess with Rena right besides him.

"Rena this is Kaia and Harlow." Rena stares at the both of us for a while.

Did I forget my pants. I look down at myself to makes sure I'm all good.

"Hi." She speaks up then walks to the fridge.

"She seems nice." Kaia huffs. I elbow her in the ribs.

Kill bitches with kindness.

"Hello ladies!" Brody walks in with a smile on his face. Shortly Cal comes but not alone. David walks a few steps behind him.


Looks like more than two people will be sharing rooms.

Cal walks over to me with a smile. "When will I get to meet that hot babe of yours?" He winks giving me a hug.

"Soon. He should be here soon."

Brody runs out the room like a mad man. He walks in with a mermaid on drugs by his side.


"Glad you made it, babe. I was going to be bored all weekend without you." Brody caresses Becca's face and starts making out with her.

"What the-!" Kaia growls to herself. I look over at her, she clears her throat and walks away.

Wait does Kaia like Br-! Of course she does...they flirt all the damn time. Why would Brody go to Becca who's had every guys dick up her cooch? Why didn't he ask Kaia out?

He probably has no balls to ask my cousin out.

Right when we started cooking, Danny and Cole walk in.

"Danny boy....What's up!?" Cal shouts out and runs towards Daniel. Calix meets my eye and winks.

He's like a old mother-in-law.

Brody and Cole do a weird hand shake thing while Ace converses with a irritated looking Rena. I can see Rena is scowling at Becca.

Damn...I can't wait for that cat fight!

Danny finally gets away from Cal. Cal was asking him all types of questions. Calix grins at me. "He's a nice guy. Good catch, short stack." He whisper in my ear before skipping over to David.

I find Kaia outside with half the group. She sits on a mossy rock with a beer in her hand. "Hey Kaia. What's wrong with my cousin?" She smiles off at the sun going down. She hands me her beer, I take a swig and hand it back to her.

"Nothing is really wrong. I'm just.... surprised."

I study her. I cut straight through the hard shit. "Is it Brody?" She doesn't answer.

Ding. Ding. Ding. I was right.

"I'll beat his ass for you! Or I could stab him and blame it on Becca. I can catch the next train to Mexico and not get caught by the law." I plan out the ways I can get the law off my ass. I wonder if I can pay those bitches off?

"........Harlow.....I'm going to pretend that you didn't have this murder all planed out. I'll pray for you Har." We laugh in unison.

"I thought we were going to be cell mates?" Bumping my knee into hers, she finishes off her beer.

"We are. But I'm not killing Brody. I guess I caught some dumb feelings for his dumb ass." She looks over at Brody kissing Becca's neck.

Jesus...Is he eating her neck!

"Well I cant help you with the Brody problem but I can cheer you up a bit!" I pull a pack of gummy worms out my coat pocket. I hand them to a grinning Kaia. Gummy's are her favorite.

"Where did these come from?" She asks while licking the sugar off the gummy. "The kitchen."

I saw them in Ace's highest cabinet. There was a little sticky note saying 'DON'T TOUCH MY WORMS. OR YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!' I still grabbed them though, I couldn't resist.

Pretty soon everyone is outside enjoying themselves until Rena whines. "Can we get our rooms. I'm getting so sweaty, I want a shower."

Brody looks at Rena like she's from another planet. "It's sixty degrees out, your just texting on your phone. How are you sweaty?"

"Shut up, asshole! I don't have time for trash like you......Or your girlfriend."

Complete silence fills the wood. All you can hear is birds chirping and locust buzzing. The the world starts falling down.

"Oh no she didn't." Cal snaps his fingers like a cliché girl. "Cal...Don't instigate." I whisper.

"Bitch!" Becca screeches higher than a hawk. "If I'm trash, hoe, then your a fucking maggot. Or at least you definitely look like one."

A roar of laughter erupts by a tree. I see Ace covering his mouth trying to contain his chuckles. Brody smirking too, looking proudly at his girlfriend.....Or toy?

"Ace!" Rena's pale cheeks are red, matching the maple leafs.

"S-Sorry...just give me a m-!" Ace can't even finish his sentence. Ace looks up at me, I see amusement in his and I can't help but to join in with laughter.

"Whatever, idiots." Rena shrugs and walks towards the cabin.

"Okay. Let's go pick our rooms." Cal interrupts the giggles that are still happening.

"Who wants to partner up with who?" Cal asks.

"I'm with David."

"No I'm with-!"

"This is obviously not going to work with us picking whoever so let's draw names, yeah?" I interrupt, looking around the room for agreement.

Everyone complied as Kaia writes down names with a pink highlighter. "Ace could I borrow a bowl for the cards?"

"Sure." He runs to a cabinet and then freezes. "Who the fuck ate my gummy worms?"

I freeze. I look over at Kaia who gives me a guilty face. We quickly look away from each other, I look at anything and everything but Ace King.

This is going to be a long weekend!

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