《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》4- Chivalry is dead



"Harlow, why the fuck did you do that to my locker?" He growls out. "I thought I was forgiven?"

I snicker remembering his face when he opened his locker. His face turns deadly serious. "I don't know why you're laughing because your not funny at all!"

I grab my heart as if he hurt it. "Well it's not like you have your own late night show either!"

"Fuck you, Harlow."

"I'd need to get drunk first!" I shrug, not having a care in the world.

"I'm sooo going to get you back, Princess! Just you wait." He leans towards me and brushes his soft lips against my ear. "Just you wait Princess." He repeats in a whisper.

I cuss out cheeks for turning red. He smirks sending me a wink and walks to his car.

Uh oh! I think I fucked myself!


Right when I get home dad sends me to get groceries. I walk the lanes through Trader Joe's. I already got milk, eggs, bacon, chips and soda. I'm now looking for protein powder my dad uses to make drinks.

Right when I'm about to give up I find the holy object sitting on a high shelf.

Man fuck this!

I notice it's the only one left. Jeez do San Francisco people drink this like water? I stand on my tip-toes to grab it. I reach for it just as someone reaches for it too.

My hand brushes against....Ace? I look up to the tall figure and scowl.

"Ace come on! I need this!" I pout, crossing my arms across my chest. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Uh...Shopping!?" He replies in a duh tone.

"Aww too bad princess. Why do you need it anyway. You have no muscles!" He chuckles at his mean remark.

"Shut up!"

We both have a mini tug of war on the protein mix. "Pretty boy, let go! What happened to chivalry?" I whine.

"Oh...haven't you heard it died long ago, Princess." He yanks the jar, nearly making me fall on him. To keep myself from falling I make a stupid decision by letting go. He smirks.


Ugh...that sexy smirk!

"Give it! Pleaseeeeee!" I give him the puppy dog eyes. He rolls his eyes unfazed.

"No! What do you even need it for?"

"My dad! He's a-!"

"NFL player, yeah I know!" Ace finishes my sentence.

"So are you going to give it to me?" I ask hopefully.

"Umm........No!" He shakes his head, walking off.

"Rude!" I yell after him. He just pushes the cart and sends me a wink before going to the check out line.


I sit on my bed listening to old school hip hop while doing homework.

"Come in." I yell as I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey kid. Your mom and I need to go to Asher's first football game." My dad says. "Anyways the King's family needs someone to baby-sit Lola and we won't be home." He gives me a hopeful glance. "Can you just look after Lola for the night?"

I sigh not wanting to do baby-sitting work. But I know if I say no, dad would keep making me feel guilty about not helping out around the house. "Fine." I roll my eyes and dad kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He leaves, and out the crack of my door, I see him high-five my mom.


I walk over to the King family house which is only a block away. I knock on the door and little Lola opens it.

"Har-Har!" She exclaims in excitement.

"Hello Lola. Are you ready for the best babysitter in history?" I pick her up and lock the door.

Their house was the same size as mine, except they had their own tennis court and pool. I laugh as Lola's short legs runs up the stairs into her room.

Her room looked like it belonged to a princess. Pink was everywhere and so was glitter. She made me play with barbies and with their dog named 'Pickles.'

I cooked her Mac and cheese. She ate while we sat and watched Peppa Pig.

Lola was a little ball of energy! She was really cute too.

The front door opens and I expect to see Mrs. and Mr. King but instead I see Ace.


Fucking Ace!

Just great!

Ace smiles when he sees his little sister and I watching Paw Patrol. I swear they don't make cartoons like they used to!

"Acey!" She squeals jumping off the couch and into his arms.

"Hey squirt!" He kisses all over her face as she laughs.


"Princess are you admiring me again?" Ace smirks as he sets down Lola. I roll my eyes at his ego.

"No. I'm looking at Lola. She much cuter than you!" I watch Lola twirl around in her puffy pink dress. The face Ace makes is truly priceless. He sticks out his plump bottom lip like a little child.

"You wound me." He swipes and imagery tear from his eye. I laugh turning off their TV as Lola yawns.

"Looks like it's bed time for you missy." I pick her up and set her in bed. After ten minutes of her making excuses not to sleep, she finally starts snoring while I read her a story.

I walk out to Karen talking with Ace. "Hello sweetie. Was Lola good for you?" Karen asks with a friendly smile.

"Yes she was perfect." Karen nods and thanks me. I start walking out the door when she calls my name. "Harlow hun. Bob and I are throwing a charity ball at this house. Will have food, dancing and other entertainment." She hands me a pink envelop. "It would nice if you came. Also feel free to invite anyone. I already asked you parents."

I thank her and start texting Kaia.

I smile at Kaia's response. That girl is probably going to leave the ball with a to-go bag. I send her the details and open my door to my stupid brother and his friends.

There on the couch playing Modern Warfare on the PlayStation.

"Aye Harley, mind getting snacks for my friends and I?" He calls out, not looking up from the TV.

"How about get off you lazy ass and make snacks yourself!" I throw a bag of potato chips that were sitting on the counter. I hits him in the face making him scowl.

"Harlow you stupid b-!"

"Dude! Dude! More bad guys are coming!" His friend Sam calls out making him look at the TV.

I sigh going up to my room. I change into a crop top and booty shorts. The damn doorbell rings and my lazy family didn't answer it. It rings for a second time and I get up.

I open the door and a smirking Ace stands there.

"What do you want?" I growl at him for taking time away from me and my music.

"Hello to you too princess!" He rolls his eyes holding out a bag.

My bag.

"You left this at my house." I take it thanking him.

"Oh hello Ace!" My mom stands behind me.

"Hi Mrs. Valentine." He smiles sweetly at her.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Mom opens the door wider and pushes me aside.


"Oh hush up." Mom shoots me a glare. Ace catches my eye smirking.

"I would love to!" He walks in like he owns my house. I sigh about to say something but gun shots interrupt me.

"Damnit Asher! Turn that down!" I yell on the top of my lungs.

"No. Your voice is louder than my game." He fires back.

That little shit!

I walk in front of the TV and pull the plug, turning off the game. I smirk as Ash and his friend scowl at me.

"I told you to turn it down." I shrug walking away with a smug face.

"Such a buzzkill Harley." I jump not knowing Ace had followed me.

"He deserved it!" I start walking up the stairs fully aware I was being followed by Ace. I open my door and shut it when Ace sits on the bench next to my bed.

"Nice butt!" Ace comments as I bend down to pick up a sock. I can practically hear the smirk in his tone.


Oh Hells bells!

My small brain just reminded me what I'm wearing. Booty shorts and a crop top.

Whelp that's embarrassing!

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