《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》3- Undercover baby


I wake up to my stupid phone ringing. I sit-up rubbing the sleep out my eyes and see it's Kaia.

"What?" I snap.

"Jeez girl! Don't be salty to me!"

"I will be salty if you wake me up thirty minutes before my alarm clock is supposed to wake me. And besides I was just about to kiss Jason Momoa in my dream!" I angrily throw the covers off my bed and head to my closet.

As you can see i'm not a morning person.

"Well hasn't you parents ever told you 'the early bird gets the worm.'" She giggles with no shame in waking me.

"Yea, but that early worm got eaten by the bird!"

"Okay! You win! I just wanted to know if you wanted a ride to school?" She sighs.

"Yes. Thanks. Now i'm going back to sleep!" I lay in my bed and hang up the phone.

Right when I start to doze off my door is slammed open.

"Harley! Get your ass up! Uncle Charlie and Aunt Betty are here!" Asher shakes the living daylights out of me.

"Mmmm... I'll say hi later." I pull the bedsheets over my head. I eventually hear Asher's loud elephant stomping feet go down the stairs.

"Finally, peace and qu-!"

"Ahhhhh! Asher you fucker!" I scream as cold water is poured on my face.

I jump out of bed running after his scared ass. "You stupid little snake!" I scream trying to find something to hit him with.

Lamp? Nope he might die!

Knife? Nope to cliche!

Couch pillow? Perfect!

I grab the pillow and swing getting ready to hit him, but when I pull back the pillow is snatched out of my hands.

"Be nice Harley." My uncle laughs ruffling my wet hair.

"Uncle Charlie!" I hug him. God I haven't seen him in two years.

"Hey squirt!" He kisses my forehead before going to hug Asher.

"Where is my hug, doll?" Auntie Betty opens her arms and I carefully hug her. I touch her pregnant stomach. "How's it like being pregnant?"

"It sucks!" She laughs. "But when my baby girl is out, it'll be worth the pain!"

Uncle puts his arm around Auntie Betty. "She's supposed to be due in one month."

Dad does some manly handshake with my uncle. "It's nice to see you bro!"


"Likewise! You still scoring touchdowns?" Betty asks.

"Of course he is." Mom says hugging them both.

I get a glimpse at the clock and see I only have twenty minutes to get dressed. I run upstairs and brush my curls out. I put a grey long sleeved shirt on and a pink jean dress over it.

I just curl my lashes and coat them with mascara. I hear a honk and know Kaia is waiting.

"Asher lets go! Kaia is dropping us off today!" I run downstairs, and drag Ash by his backpack on his back.

"Bye mom, dad, Uncle, Auntie! Love y'all!" I blow them kisses as they wave and walk out the door.

"I call shotgun!" Asher yells.

"Umm...How 'bout fuck no!" I push him with my hip and quickly hop in the passenger side.

"Your annoying Harlow!"

"Only for you, Ashy!"

Kaia drops Asher at the freshmen center. She parks in the second row while I explain how i'm going to prank Ace King.

"Ooo Girl.... I'm so in! When should we do it?" Kaia lets out a squeal. Some people give her weird looks.

"I don't know. I'll text you when. It'll have to be during a class so no one sees." She nods and we go to class.


"Okay Har. I'm here!" Kaia joins me in the bathroom as I study myself in the mirror. We smile at each other knowing what we're about to do.

I stick my head out of the bathroom looking for anyone in the hallway.

"It's clear. Let's move!"

For this prank I have to find out what Ace's locker number is, so Kaia agreed to find out. I sit on the bench next to the school entrance while she knocks on the front office door.


A middle aged lady opens the door with a smile. "Come in."

I walk in and plop down on the sofa. "I have lunch that I need to drop off in my brothers locker." I lift up the sack lunch my mom packed me. "The only problem is I need his locker code."

She nods and her grinch green hair flops in her eyes. "What's your brothers name, sweet?"

Wow that was easy!

"Ace King." I reply and smile as she types on her computer.

"Okay I have it right here, but I will need a signature from you."


Abort! Abort! Mission failed!

She continues to say, "The signature will just be there if anything bad happens to his locker." I gulp.

Oh fuck!

"So as long as there is no report on drugs in his locker for the next 24 hours then you signature will be trashed."


She hands the paper to me as a wicked idea comes to mind. I remember Harlow saying his actual sisters name was Lola.

Sooo.....Long story short I signed as Lola King!

Nothing illegal was done!

Oh god...I'm going to jail when i'm older!

I walk out with a smug face. Harley runs to me. "How did it go Kai?"

"Easy as pie!" I shrug handing her the locker code and number.

"Now let's go prank this ass kisser!"


We hurry to locker 21. I set my bag down and pull out tape, glue, packing peanuts and a note that was written by me!

I open his locker and stick the note in the back. Kaia and I start filling up his locker with packing peanuts and marbles. I stole the marbles from Asher. I then take Elmers glue and glue the sides of his locker to make it stick. I slam it shut while Kaia peels masking tape. She takes a sharpie and writes on the tape 'FUCK YOU!'

This will be gold!

The bell rings and people start walking out classrooms. Thankfully his locker is in front of a restroom. This means we can watch the show without being seen.

After five minutes of waiting he finally shows. His friends see the state of his locker first. They point and Ace.....smiles?

Huh! Why would you smile when someone says fuck you!?

He takes out books and does his locker code. Kaia and I snicker knowing what's about to happen. Ace pulls but the door won't budge.

I can tell his friends are teasing him. "You weak bro?" The blonde one asks.

"Need help babe?" The red head asks. Ace flips the red head off. "Fuck off! Both of you!"

Ace gives one last tug and everything flys out. Packing peanuts hit the floor covering his shoes. Marbles hit the floor creating noise, and people turn their attention on Ace and his locker.

"What the fuck?" Ace yells.

Kaia and I are laughing and tearing up from our laughter.

He reaches in his locker and takes out the sticky note. Kaia looks at me and smiles. Ace glares at the note and stuffs it in his back pocket.

His two friends must find it funny because their still teasing the shit out of Ace. Ace scowls at them and they go quiet.

"Mr. King, what is this mess!?" The principal walk over to him.

"Oh fuck balls! We are dead meat, Har!" Kaia looks at me with fear. I look at Ace just waiting for him to rat me out.

"My mess! I thought this school was a little to gloomy, so I wanted to make people laugh.....-!" He trails off.

He didn't rat me out!???

"By making a mess?" She asks.

"Miss. This school is already a mess with you running it!" He responds making people cackle. She opens her mouth in disbelief.

"Well if you feel that way, you can clean the school in the afternoon!" With that she walks off.... well stumbles off. She tripped on a marble and landed on her non existent ass.

"GET TO CLASS!" She yells over the students who were laughing at her. People clear the hallways just in time for the tardy bell.

I went to French class with a feeling of accomplishment. I was happy I got him back. I'm not going to lie though....I feel kind of bad he got detention!

I stop thinking about Ace and focus on French.


The end of the day bell rings. I let out a happy sigh.

Finally....Out of this prison they call school!

Kaia has to stay thirty minutes after school for some club she joined so I decided to waste time in the bathroom. The hallways were clear by now. After watching six cat videos I walk out.

I still have ten minutes to spare. Damn you time!

I decide to start walking towards Kaia's BMW. I'm almost to the car when I hear my last name being called out.

"VALENTINE! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I turn around to see Ace walking toward me with a scowl.

Help me lord! Help me beat this demon!

I know there's no where I can escape so I lean onto the car as Ace stands in front of me.

Jeez... Have I mentioned he was tall!

What did I get myself into?

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