《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》TWENTY EIGHT: irl


Astrid liked George's flat.

The carpets were soft, perfect for their movie nights, covered in heaps of blankets and surrounded by sweets from the corner shop. His kitchen was small, but still big enough for them both to move around in, though George would rather order a takeaway and sit on the sofa, Astrid had cooked for him a few times - because despite being older the boy was almost childish in his denial of cooking.

Fair enough it wasn't the best flat ever, the ceiling leaked when it rained - something she only found out about after accidentally stepping in a puddle - and she'd heard once or twice about a mouse, something she was happy to not have seen as she would never have returned.

It also wasn't anything to rave about in the decorations department, most of his things were still in boxes from when he moved in so that he'd be 'extra ready' to move to America when the chance came up. It was like a wall of reasons to not get too attached to what they had going on now, but that didn't stop her from enjoying the little time they had together and it still managed to feel homely and familiar to her.

But most of all, she liked his bathroom.

It was large, with a full counter and wall mirror, the shower big enough to fill half the room, and dark tile walls with a glass door. It'd be a dream come true in her own house, with the water falling from a faucet on the ceiling - or from a separate one that could move around if they pleased - it was perfect for two people.

That's what George liked about it, he wouldn't admit it to anybody but showering alone wasn't the same anymore. Without Astrid's hands trailing his body, without his dancing along her skin in the guise of 'washing' her.


He was entranced by her body, the way his eyes followed every move, how his hands capture every curve.

It was his favourite place to be, with her.

A sigh left her lips, relaxed and compliant.

"I could stay here forever," she spoke, barely above a whisper, her back leaning into his bare chest, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"Then let's" his lips grazed her ear lobe.

"Don't think you'd appreciate the water bill" a tug to her lips as she turned in his hold, her own hands raising to hold his neck, the water making his skin soft and slippery.

"I wouldn't mind if it was for you"

The way he stared into her eyes made her want to believe him, but she couldn't.

She couldn't let herself think they were anything but hollow words, dress up all fancy but underneath he was scoffing at the idea.

Well, maybe not scoffing, maybe he did mean them to a certain extent, either way, it wasn't how Astrid meant it.

She assumed he wanted to stay there forever, touching her naked body knowing she'd do anything to gain his favour. Whereas Astrid wanted to stay there for him, not for his body or the nights they spent together, but for their conversations - their little inside jokes and witty back-and-forth banter.

That's what she'd miss when this eventually fell when she finally missteps and makes him regret everything.

She hoped to keep him as a friend when this ultimately comes to an end, valuing him past their intimate moments. Astrid liked him for his mind, his witty comments and fast remarks, his soft smile and how he laughs too hard every now and again.

Those were the things she'd miss most.


Written: 23rd August 2022


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