《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》TWENTY SEVEN: irl


Whilst Tommy, Astrid and Wilbur had been running from game to game - randomly practising, Dream seemed to have some sort of plan for the team. He requested they played dodge bolt, that even if they don't make it that far it'll be fun to have a few games on stream.

It was in fact, fun.

Dream and Astrid versus the other two, Tommy amazingly good on bow and taking Astrid out most times and Dream a few as well. Dream was just as good, probably better, really pulling most of the weight on their team.

After thirty minutes or so of playing, on to what seemed like their fiftieth game, Astrid was getting the hang of it, Dream even funnelled her the arrows to try.

Tommy and Wilbur ran in zig-zag lines, dodging and weaving back and forth to not get caught by her.

She pulled back the bow, eyes focusing on the screen, flicking to George's other monitor that held Tommy's stream. She shot, it hit.

"No!" Tommy shouted, banging his hand on his desk and throwing himself back in the chair, she smiled but it quickly fell when Wilbur ran to the middle, picking up the arrow.

They each had one.

Her eyes flicked backwards, George had sat up on the bed, elbows resting on his knees, an intense look on his face.

She hopped about too, listening to Dream's stress and Tommy's shouts to Wilbur, waiting for the right moment.

After a few minutes of them jumping about Wilbur seemed to get bored, whether it was of jumping or Tommy's screams, that was all she needed.

She jumped around for a few more seconds, aware of Wilbur's bow pointing at her, before suddenly stopping, pulling the bow back and shooting.

Hitting Wilbur before he could react.


"Yes!" Dream shouted, clapping, her own shouts joining.

She turned, ecstatic from her win, seeing the look of glee on George's face added to it all, he jumped up silently, holding his hand out for a silent high-five, which she returned softly, smiling all the way.

She turned back to see the boys jumping around, pulling the huge headphones back on to hear Tommy demanding a rematch, as if they hadn't lost track of the scores ages ago.

Her eyes flickered to Tommy's chat, a lot of well done's but also a lot of other messages.

'It's all luck' she knew that already.

'She's gonna fumble on the actual day' also very likely.

'Astrid ruins this team :/' a fear deep in her soul that she hadn't told anybody.

The positivity drowned the negative, but that didn't stop her from searching for every bad word, the mouse scrolled threw his chat before a hand engulfed hers, pulling her to exit out of the chat before pushing it back to the main screen.

Her eyes met George's, a disappointed look on his face, but not at her, never at her.

A message dinged through the monitor a chat in their discord from Dream.

You alright Astrid?

Don't listen to them

It seemed she had been quiet too long, a heavy breath left her before she nodded to George, sending a message of affirmation.

She was fine, she was okay.

It's just hundreds of people scrutinising her every move.


Written: 27th July 2022

Published: 23rd August 2022

Sorry i was gone for a month lol but im back now, maybe not daily updates yet but hopefully back to that soon.

Also thanks for 9k views :D

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