《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》TWO: irl


It was drizzling when the Uber pulled up outside of George's flat, small splashes hitting her as she made the small trip from the road to the door, thanking the driver as she went.

She remembered the first time she'd been here, standing on the street, scanning up and down the door numbers but not being able to find the right one, in the end, she had to text George to open the door to see which one it was; he was halfway down the street from where she was and made sure to tease her about it.

A quiet knock sounded around her as she stood in front of the white door, all too familiar now, she'd never forget it. Even in her everyday life when she passed by she'd peer at the door, wondering what was happening behind it.

It opened, a warm rush hitting her cold, damp body. His smile stopped her from moving any further, it might have been her favourite thing about meeting with him like this, he was genuine.

"No hood?" He mused, raising an eyebrow, letting her in and quickly closing the door behind her.

"There was no rain when I set off" she offered softly, pulling off her shoes and placing them on the shoe rack. On the top left, like she always did, there was rarely another pair there, so she'd silently deemed it her spot.

She turned back to George only to see his eyes scanning her outfit. Black thigh highs with black bows at the top, a dark plaid skirt with a large shirt over top, an old, fading band logo on the front. A collared leather jacket over top, he smiled lightly at the jacket, he'd once told her it was his favourite.

She looked overdressed next to him, his usual white shirt and grey joggers, after all he'd been indoors all day, probably sat in his gaming chair for the last few hours.


"Don't trip" he spoke with a smirk when he finally came back to the present, nodding towards the stairs for her to go in.

It was a stupid joke that he's continued every single time she went up or down those stairs, after her first time going up them she had tripped and almost took them both out. She was thankful he found it hilarious, laughing loudly and clutching his stomach, because she'd nearly convulsed from embarrassment.

His living room looked unused, as usual, he rarely spent time in there. It was clean and well-cut, with all cream walls and matching pillows that he obviously hadn't bought himself. There were packages in the corner, covered by the couch, probably full of merch, his and others that he'd been gifted.

"You eaten," he spoke offhandedly, they were usually like this. Small conversations before anything happened.

"Yeah, Niki made a big dinner for us all," he nodded, knowing that Niki, Astrids flatmate, made dinner for them most nights.

"Dream bought me deliveroo" laughing he shook his head, pointing towards the Nandos bag still on the counter.

"Wow, wish I had a sugar daddy" she teased him with a smirk, dropping her small black bag to the sofa.

"I don't have a sugar daddy," he rolled his eyes, tired of this joke she had continued admittedly too long.

She'd send him his own tweets or stream clips where Dream was spoiling him, jokingly begging for his number so that she could get in on the action, to which he would always leave her on read; tired of the jokes.

"Are you sure?" A raised eyebrow was sent in his direction, he stood silent as if he was running over all the things in his head and piecing them together.

"Shut up" he settled on, shaking his head and walking away when she laughed.


She followed, no longer shy about walking around his house after the amount of time she'd spent there.

When she got to his room he was doing mindless tasks, moving clothes and cleaning his desks. It was quiet, but not awkward.

Astrid scanned his room, the bed was made and curtains closed, she doubted they were ever open due to George's clear dislike of sunlight. His monitors were still on, discord open on one screen and a game of chess on the other.

A small smile came to her face, remembering the time he had tried to teach her how to play, spending hours on a discord call explaining which way each piece could move and beating her in every game.

It was rare that they called on discord, he claimed it was because his friends could see he was online and would bother him to no ends to join their calls, but in reality, he would rather a phone call so that he could walk around, talk to her whilst doing mindless tasks in his day to day life.

He'd deny it, but Astrid could hear all the shuffling and moving on every call.

It was odd, really, how the time they spent together was so secret. Nobody knew except for them, she'd spend hours on a call to him, sending each other memes and 8ball requests. She'd lay in bed next to him, taking the heat from his body, his hands running up and down her naked side, a smile on his face.

They were such a big part of each others everyday life, yet nobody knew.

She found herself sitting on his bed, on the right side, George had made it clear that he could only sleep on the left. He sat beside her, his monitor now playing Netflix, Breaking Bad playing quietly. He had insisted they watched it together, especially after finding out she'd never seen it. In return, she requested he watched one of her favourite shows next.

His arm found its way around her, her head fitting into the crook of his neck. It was always like this, they were so comfortable around each other, being able to sit in silence just basking in the air of being together.

They were in their own little world.


Written: 25th April 2022

Published: 25th April 2022

Already like 50 reads and I posted this less than 24 hours ago wth ahah

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