《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》ONE : irl / imessage


Astrid, better known as AstridinSpace online, sat in her pink gaming chair, using her feet to spin herself softly as she jumped around in the block game. She'd been streaming for just over three hours, soft music playing in the background as she answered the donos that spoke in her headset.

A message lit up on her phone, catching her attention. It was a regular message, one she received a few times a week, rarely the same but always meaning the same thing: come over.

Lately she'd found herself waiting for them, her heart beating every time her phone lit up. She hated it, how these feelings had manifested she didn't know, it just happened.

You busy tonight?

Streaming rn :)

Yeah I'm watching

...what about later?

Instead of replying she looked back to the screen continuing her mindless playing, critting a few mobs as she spoke openly to the camera. She always made an effort for her streams, wide eyeliner with lashes, her favourite look and something she's become known for. It also helped that she was always ready to leave quickly afterwards.

Astrid didn't particularly care how the internet viewed her. She'd been around long enough to know that not everybody would like her and that some would even hate her - nitpicking every little part of her personality and rewording her sentences to make her look bad. It was all part of the job for her.

But still, she didn't want them sticking their noses into her personal life, knowing that the hate would just get worse if twitter knew the things she did.

If twitter knew how George would pay for her Uber's to his house at the dead hours of the night or how he'd stream with her in the room without them even knowing.

George had agreed to not tell anybody about their... situation. Knowing that it'd be best for both their careers to not be tied to each other in such a way. He'd even insisted on not telling his friends, specifically pointing to the fact they would bring anything up on stream to embarrass him, and this was quite the juicy secret.


She also kept the promise, not telling anybody. They'd never even been seen online together before, apart from the first time they met, a few photos from the night floated around the internet but none of them made noise.

Astrid's eyes flicked to the clock at the bottom of her screen, it was 11.30 pm, she'd be streaming for three and a half hours.

"Alright! I'm gonna get off now chat," she scanned the screen, watching her viewers beg for her to stay or spamming goodbye, a smile on her lips, "I'll stream again soon, thank you for watching! Bye!" She waved until the chat said bye back, then raided Foolish who had recently started streaming.

A deep vibrating sound brought her attention to her phone, a screenshot of an Uber and the time it'd arrive at her flat was seen. She smiled, he always did this. He'd purposely order the Uber so that he could track where she was, how long she'd take to get there or just to make sure she got there safely.

He'd clearly been watching her stream to tell when she finished, she could have teased him over it but they both knew full well that she too watched his streams.

To see his personality in private versus what he showed on the internet was interesting to her. To see him overhype everything with dramatic laughter and over reactant facial expressions, just to see him messing around with his friends was calming.

It was not that he wasn't like that around her, he still teased and made fun with devilish laughter, but he was sweater; calmer. He'd run his fingers threw her hair whilst speaking with a sharp tongue, bringing a deep blush to her face each time.

It was his favourite thing to do, get her so flustered that she'd have to look away, head down with a hidden smile, but he'd only grip her jaw and pull her head up to meet his dark eyes, only deepening her blush.


Another message arrived when the Uber was outside, quickly running to seek the warmth of the back seat. A bag in hand, just small things like a phone charger and lipgloss, she never brought clothes. It wasn't their thing.

It was always the same, she'd go to his; it was way too risky for him to go to her shared flat, then they'd talk, go to his room and not leave for a few hours until he'd order her another Uber and walk her to the door. Not to talk for a few days.

But that was the cycle they'd created, unbroken and well thought out.

It worked for them.


Written: 23rd April 2022

Published: 24th April 2022

Just a head sup that these chapters won't be very long or well written bc i'm not really trying,this ones just for fun so enjoy

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