《The Snake In My Dreams》Ch. 11


Was watching Janus creepy? Very much so, but Remus didn't have it in him to care.

Janus was perfect, absolutely perfect. Anyone who disagreed could fight him.

Currently, Janus was calmly reading a book in the living room. He looked so peaceful, Remus couldn't help but stop and stare in awe. If Remus didn't know better, he would expect doves to come down and sit on his shoulders.

Remus released a sigh, smiling slightly. How had he only just realized that he was in love? Janus walked around looking like that everyday and Remus had just realized.

Remus frowned. This was disgusting. Fawning over Janus like some stupid idiot. He wasn't Roman.

He should just man up and tell Janus what he was feeling.

Remus took a deep breath, taking a step forward. He almost immediately turned around and squatted behind a plant. Remus blinked, stunned. Well, that didn't go according to plan.

Remus frowned. Confessing to him right now would just be stupid. Remus had only just found out about his feelings. He should try and see if he has a chance of getting accepted before doing anything rash.

Remus quickly stood up, knocking the plant over in the process. It shattered with a loud crash, and Janus jumped, book falling out of his hands.

Janus stared at him. Remus stared back.

"...hello." Remus said.

Janus just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you so...chaotic?"

Remus just shrugged, and the awkward silence resumed.

After about a minute of the two of them just staring at each other, Remus waddled over to him and plopped himself on the couch next to him. "So...what were you reading?"

Janus pursed his lips, picking up his book. "...you'll laugh."

"Just tell me." Remus snorted. Janus sighed, reluctantly showing the cover to Remus.


Lie to Me by J.T. Ellison

Remus stared at the book for a moment, not really processing the title. He glanced up at Janus. The human half of his face was red as he pointedly kept his gaze on the floor.

It took all of Remus' willpower not to burst into laughter. "...s-so what is it about?"

So Janus, embarrassed as he was, explained the plot to Remus. His embarrassment quickly faded away, however, and Remus could see the stars in his eyes as he got more excited.

Remus was only half listening, just admiring the beautiful man in front of him. Most people would say that the human half of his face was what truly made him exquisite to look at. The snake half was horrifying and ruined the whole picture.

Remus completely disagreed.

Remus thought everything about Janus' face was magnificent. The way his rosy cheeks looked when he smiled, how the light reflected off of his beautiful scales. Janus truly was a living painting. Beautiful and complex and so unique.

All the sides had different ways to describe beauty.

For Roman, it was enchanting.

For Virgil, it was simply that. Beautiful.

For Patton, it was "pretty as a peach."

For Logan, it was pulchritudinous. Fucking Logan.

For Janus, it was beguiling.

And for Remus, it was usually "tasty" or "fuckable" or something.

But that didn't seem to fit for Janus.

Remus frowned slightly, thinking hard about the word he wanted to use.


Yes, that was perfect.

Janus had Remus bewitched.

"--so, yeah. Sutton and Ethan hated each other." Janus finished, looking proud of himself. Remus, who finally remembered he was supposed to be listening, nodded.

"I'll be sure to check it out sometime." Remus smiled gently, which caught Janus off guard.


"You better, after all that hyping up I just did." Janus huffed, though there was no real anger behind his words. "Well, I better go entertain Patton. He wanted to bake cookies or something."

"Make sure to slip some poison in there for me!" Remus giggled. Janus rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly.

"I won't." Janus winked, and Remus felt like he could combust. "And Remus?"


"You should smile like that more often. It's...nice." And with that, Janus sunk out.

Remus proceeded to malfunction.


Remus woke up tied to a chair with a bag over his head.

Oh, this was bound to be fun.

Remus tested if he had dialogue, and frowned when no sound came out of his mouth. Apparently he did.

The lights suddenly came on as the bag was snatched off of his head.

A man (who was undoubtedly Virgil) smirked at him. He wore his old hoodie and a pair of black jeans, accompanied with a pair of gloves. "Remus Sanders..." He mused, roughly grabbing Remus' face and examining him in disgust.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He heard himself say. Virgil scowled, releasing his face.

"You're hideous. You and that snake faced freak are perfect for each other." Virgil spat. Remus sighed internally. He was getting real sick of this. He had expected these dreams to stop after he came to terms with his feelings. "Do you know why you're here, Mr. Sanders?"

"Enlighten me." Remus felt a smirk grow on his face.

"Your little boy-toy messed with the wrong people." Virgil sneered, adjusting his glove slightly. He walked over to a medical table that Remus could've sworn wasn't there before.

He grabbed a scalpel, before walking back over to Remus. "Your piece of shit husband needs to learn a lesson. And what better way to teach it than through you?" Virgil stabbed the scalpel into Remus' knee.

Remus internally burst into laughter, whilst his body screamed in pain. This was great!

Remus watched in a sort of sick fascination as his blood stained his pants an ugly brown. Virgil roughly took the scalpel out, watching the blood trickle down it.

"...b-barely felt it." His dream-self said. Remus would've rolled his eyes if he could.

"Oh yeah?" Virgil smirked, raising the scalpel again.

Suddenly, the door burst open. There stood Janus, dressed like a mafia boss from the 1920s, aiming a gun right at Virgil's head.

The dream faded away, and Remus wished he could cry in agitation. Seriously?! Right when things were about to get interesting?!

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