《The Snake In My Dreams》Ch. 12


It had been a month, and Remus was going to do it.

He had made up his mind. Today was the day. He was going to tell Janus how he felt. He was aware that this was a horrible idea, but that was what Remus was known for so fuck it.

All he needed were the right flowers. Remus was thinking sunflowers, because they were the only yellow flower he knew of. He took a deep breath.

With a snap of his fingers, a bouquet was in his hands. He smiled widely in triumph. The flowers almost immediately after that wilted and turned to ash in his hands.


Remus tried again, focusing very hard. He clenched his teeth, screwing his eyes shut in concentration.

A bundle of sunflowers appeared in Remus' hands. All of them died immediately, except for one. Remus frowned, breathing heavily. Creating something "good" really drained him. He didn't think he should try again.

Well, one will have to do.

Remus took a deep breath, psyching himself up. He sunk out.


He rose up in the kitchen. Just as he had expected, Janus was sat in the living room. He appeared to be watching some sort of movie on the television.

"Okay, Remus. You got this." He mumbled to himself. "You've been getting closer to him, dropping some hints. Hopefully this won't be too suprising."

He took a deep breath, and began walking towards Janus.

The snake-like side turned once he caught sight of him, pausing the movie. "Hey, Remus. Did you need something?"

"Um, I--" Remus pursed his lips. "I have something to uh, tell you."

"Am I going to like this something?" Janus asked nervously.

"Hopefully?" Remus chuckled nervously. "Um, so, we've known each other for a long time. You helped me when I was at my lowest, and I've tried to help you when you're at yours. And uh, I know that this may be sudden but--"


Janus seemed to spot something behind Remus. "Roman?"

Remus whipped around, and there stood his brother. He had a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses in his hands.

Yellow roses. Why didn't Remus think of that? It was perfect for Janus. Elegant. Beautiful.

"Janus, I know we've had our differences in the past."

Remus felt as if the air was knocked out of his lungs. This wasn't what he thought it was, right?

"Roman--what--?" Janus was slightly pink, seeming to forget about Remus entirely.

"Ever since the wedding, ever since I got to know you, I realized I was so wrong about you." He walked foward and gently grabbed Janus' hand. "I'm so sorry for everything I've done, and will do."


"I love you, Janus. I'm sorry it took a wedding for me to realize it." Roman smiled softly. "Would you let me have the privilege to call you mine?"

No. No. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. This was a dream. A nightmare. He was in the Imagination, it would fade away at any moment now.

Janus' eyes widened as he went beet red. "This--This is so sudden!"

Yes, too sudden. Why did his brother have to take everything?

"I know, but I know in my heart that you make me happy, and I want to know if I can make you happy too." Roman smiled nervously.

Janus smiled widely, grabbed Roman by the collar, and smashed their lips together.

Remus' ears were ringing, as if a bomb had gone off. The only thing he could hear clearly was the way his heart pounded in his chest.

He barely registered as he stumbled away, sunflower idly falling out of his hand.


That's what Roman would do.


Virgil jumped as his door was slammed open. Before he could ask any questions, Remus had stormed in and face planted on his bed.


"...Remus?" Virgil asked, walking over to the door and shutting it. "Are you alright?"

Silence was what he was met with. Virgil was immediately alarmed. He had always wanted Remus to shut up, but he never thought he would see it happen.

"Remus?" Virgil asked again. He frowned. Remus was...convulsing? No, that wasn't it. What was happening right now?

Virgil's eyes widened.

Remus was crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Virgil gently rubbed a soothing hand on Remus' back. Remus shook his head, curling into a ball. "Don't wanna talk about it, huh? Okay, we don't have to talk just yet."

So Virgil waited patiently.


Janus picked the sunflower up, frowning. Remus was holding this. His eyes widened. Oh shit! He had been so caught up with Roman that he completely forgot that Remus was trying to tell him something. It seemed important too.

He walked to Remus' room and knocked on the door. "Remus? Are you in there?"

Silence. He took that as a no.

"I'll leave a note." Janus mumbled, walking over to his room to grab some paper and a pen.

After quickly scribbling down a note, he grabbed some tape, walked back over, and stuck it on Remus' door.

With a sigh, he walked back to his room. Still giddy over the events of today.

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