《naruto character one shots》Happily Ever After [Gaara]


You smiled in content at the book you were currently entranced in. You've always been a reader; it's your favorite hobby. There's rarely ever a time when someone won't find you with your nose in a book.

You've always had imagination, so reading is like your own ability to unlock the gateway of your mind transporting yourself to a whole new dimension, where you can live and exist and experience as a whole other person living in a place entirely new to you. Your favorite part about reading though was the aspect of devouring the words, causing you to get so caught up in the story that you're on the edge of your seat, clinging on to each word for dear life. When you read, you can hear the dialogue, feel the emotions and get to know the characters. You loved how you could experience life through the point of view of the protagonist, antagonist and the side kick too.

Books make you laugh and cry, love and hate -experience raw emotion. All you really care about doing is reading books, and the only stress that you undergo is encountering the dilemma of wanting to finish a great book but never wanting the adventure to end. And he's seen it all. He's watched your eyes get big in excitement once they lay over the cover of a book you've yet to read, and the way you'd let your fingers graze the cover and spine, feeling the texture of the pages. He's watched the moments you've lost control, biting your lip or outwardly squealing. He's heard the sighs of relief release from your chest and watched with amusement the way you'd wrinkle your nose and forehead and press the book against your heart. He's witnessed in dismay, the look of meloncholy and sober thoughtfulness that have washed over your face after finishing a beautiful piece of literature. He even asked you one time:


"{Name}, what has caused you such sadness?"

To which you had replied: "I'm homesick... for a place I've never been."

He's never seen someone so emotional as you. Probably because he himself would be considered a sociopath to those who don't know him personally. That's why he's so fascinated with you; you're not afraid to show your feelings, your'e like an open book. You're blunt and won't hold back, as opposed to the people he's grown up surrounded by. He loves to watch you and see you so worked up by mere words on a page, and "nonexistent people". But he finds that beautiful, how you can be so in love with something to the point where you devote your whole entire existence to it. And if he could have anything it would be to one day make you feel the same way.

To him you were the girl who reads, to you he was the red haired boy who watches you. You and Gaara are without a doubt good acquaintances. He's someone you can confide in and talk to. But your relationship is very close minded. It's almost as if there's a fear between you two, manifesting itself in the form of a barrier preventing you two from getting any closer. His is built upon the chance that you'd pick books over him while yours is based upon the possibility that one day he'd take importance over your books. You were afraid you'd get too close to him resulting in heart break. Books were there when people weren't, and you didn't plan on letting someone drag you down and walk all over you again.

"{Name}", the boy called out, his raspy voice bringing you back to the reality you so wish you didn't have to reside in.

"Hmm," you sounded, too lazy to use words.

For a moment, Gaara had forgotten why he called you, but then it dawned on him; he wanted your attention. He wanted your big, glittering green eyes to be focused on him, the way his weren't even leaving yours.


Feeling a bit risky, the boy gently placed his fingers beneath your chin, lifting up your face to meet his gaze.

You took notice of the glimmer twinkling in his eyes due to the sun shining above. Gaara and you were taking a leisurely walk, enjoying the scenic route from the library to your home. And not once have you made any physical contact. Though still, you had been fighting over the urge to grab the hands of your friend, intertwining your fingers with his, enjoying the sun bathing your faces.

Your eyes widened in slight surprise, but his touch never lingered.

By now you had closed your book, keeping it protected under your arm. You kept unbreakable eye contact with Gaara, entranced in his aquamarine eyes. His deep ruby red hair gently blowed back and forth in the light breeze; another temptation you would have to resist: running your fingers through the softness of it.

Your eyebrows furrowed at the silence between you two, until it was broken after several agonizing seconds.

"You're so short," Gaara humored, once again touching you, although this time to playfully ruffle your hair.

"Shut up," you glowered, glaring up at your friend.

"It's cute," he finished, causing your eyes to widen and a blush to tint your cheeks. Gaara then took another step into risky territory -all he wanted was to break down the barrier between you two. He wanted to love you; and he wanted you to know he wanted to love you. He protectively wrapped his arms around your shoulders, capturing you in a playful embrace. A short gasp emitted from your lips. Never did you expect to get this close to someone whom you've grown so fond of.

Suddenly you grew nervous, fearing that Gaara was breaking down the walls that took you so long to built up between those wanting to get close. As he pulled away you noticed how close you were to your home, and biting your lip you decided it was time.

Held close to your body was your favorite book, it was a love story. One you felt told the story of your life. You read it countless times and it was now time for you to pass it down, to someone who you want to read it, the character it's about, to read and cherish it as much as you had. And laugh and cry, love and hate, and experience the pain and heartbreak, and passion you've felt all because of the ink staining the pages.

This was a big step for you, and something you've been holding off forever. This was your favorite book, one you'd never put down, the only book you haven't the heart to finish yet. But it was time you gave it to him; the one you've felt could share in your happiness and sorrow. Thrusting the book you held captive under your arm in the direction of your companion, he took it with a look of confusion, as you ran quickly in the other direction, closer to your home without even a farewell.

Gaara ran his finger over the spine, noticing how poorly bound it was. This was the book you'd never let him read, never even let him sneak a peak beneath the cover. But his fascination about what the book was about increased when he realized that beneath the title of the book, read your name, in winding swirly script to match the title.

Curiosity killing the cat, he opened the book to be met with startling words:

For Gaara- You're like a book I don't want to put down. I hope our story never ends.

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