《naruto character one shots》Devil In Disguise {Hidan}


You groaned in protest at your leaders new order, physically face palming at the daft idea Pein so conveniently voiced. Now that "Team Taka" has moved into the Akatsuki hideout, some of the original members need to start bunking with each other, to provide enough room for Suigetsu, Jugo, Sasuke, and Karin. And the fact that the bedrooms, only having a slightly higher square footage than a closet, has added much aggravation to the Akatsuki, mostly due to the sleeping arrangements and new assigned "roommates". Leader-sama wanted all the men in Team Taka to have their own bedrooms, which to your dismay just so happened to be one of yours. As far Karin, she got the luxury of rooming with a female member, Konan. So with three bedrooms taken, that meant that three members would need a new roomie. The new arrangement, on Leader's behalf went a little like this: Sasori with Deidara, Tobi with Zetsu and you were stuck with none other than the obnoxious potty-mouth Jashinist.

It was no secret that you and Hidan, "don't get along". In fact you both despise each other, a loathing that runs so deep that you can barely even look at each other without making some snide remark or crude gesture; either by flipping the other off, or even just rolling eyes. You were the most recent addition to the Akatsuki, almost four years ago you went rogue and seized the opportunity of joining the organization. Your first year even shockingly consisted of Hidan hitting on you, his perverted ways getting the best of him.

He loved your petite frame and most specifically your curves. He used to wrap his arms around your waist and would always grab your butt. It was no lie you loved the attention from the arrogant ass hole, but two wrongs don't make a right so nothing ever really sparked between you two. After a year of playing hard to get and getting in constant arguments about religion and everything under the sun, you wrote each other off as arch enemies. Constant fights and arguments, both physical and verbal would wake up the other members. Leader even threatened putting you on the same team, in hopes of getting you two to rid of the unwanted tension you've created between each other and make things right so the Akatsuki could once again be the same peaceful organization it was before.


"No fucking way!" retaliated, Hidan, his obnoxious boldness seeping from his voice.

"Please Leader-sama, anybody but him," you pleaded to Pein, you and Hidan trailing behind him like a lost puppy, begging.

As you both followed the Akatsuki leader, all three of you turned a corner into the narrow hallway where the bedrooms were located. Of course you and your silver haired fiend inevitably bumped into each other causing a fist to be swung at Hidan's jaw.

You could see the purple bloom beneath his skin, a potential bruise forming on his jaw. A hand flew to his face, and you swear you could see the steam flare from Hidan's nostrils. A proud smile took over your face at your small victory in catching Hidan by surprise, but you had no chance to gloat.

Pein didn't even bother intervening in the fight, and especially never took into consideration the fact that you were a small woman, up against Hidan, a grown man as tall as a football player. Standing off to a corner, Leader didn't even bat an eyelash as the reverberating sound of Hidan's palm connecting to your face echoed throughout the hideout.

You didn't bother to hold your face with your hand, and just let the stinging sensation fade, but not without giving your enemy a piece of your mind:

"Go to hell!" You shouted, pushing him into the wall.

"Bitch, I am hell!" He retorted, swinging another fist which failed to connect.

Because you're small, you're blessed with being swift so within seconds you were on Hidan's back, fingers gripping his cloak, as you screamed at him from the top your lungs.

"Get off of me!" He ordered- "I swear you're the devil!" He shouted, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you off of him.

Your voice had grown hoarse but all you wanted to do was prove a point as to why you shouldn't share a room with the wretch.


With his arms crossed over his chest, Leader-sama finally intervened, his eyes narrowed at the two of you for quarreling yet again.

"And why is it you two don't want to share a room? If you have a good enough reason I just may take it into consideration and change my mind," he compromised, his low raspy voice filling the hall, and his rinnegan burning daggers into you and Hidan.

You two glared at each other, the obvious tension palpable in the air, thick and unsettling. Honestly, you didn't even have a reason, all you were being was stubborn.

"Well she's the devil in disguise," sneered Hidan as if it was the most obvious answer.

"And he's just an arrogant asshole that nobody can stand to be in the same room with! Why did Kakuzu reattach your head again anyway, huh? I liked it better when you were in pieces," you droned angrily pointing at Hidan's face, about to start another fight.

Pein shook his head in disapproval before inspecting his wrist, where no watch was to be seen.

"Well look at the time, off to bed you two and not another word. You're both just sexually frustrated. Take it out on each other in your bed room. Good night," he concluded before pushing you both into Hidan's room and slamming the door shut.

The only sound that could be heard was your breaths', coming out ragged. A glint of lust could be seen twinkling in Hidan's maroon eyes; a lust for someone he's wanted for a long time: you.

"{Name}," he breathed, towering over you.

Hidan backed you up a few steps, until your back hit the wall. He trapped you, both arms on either side of you, blocking all ways of escape.

His breathe hit your face, all you could do was inhale the mintyness of it, and pant due to the recent argument that had you winded.

His lips collided with your, hard and hungrily. He kissed you like your lips were air and he couldn't breathe; like a hungry lion who hadn't feasted in decades. When his lips met yours, you could sense through his roughness the gentleness he once showed towards you, and you then realized what you were missing; what you were doing wrong.

Hidan's tongue groped your lips, forcing his way through yours to mingle with your own muscle. His hands then found their way beneath your shirt, his touch lingering across your skin, fulfilling what you've been craving since forever.

Both your mouths' erupted in moans, and as he led you to his bed, you wound you fingers through his mat of silver hair, tugging on the ends roughly. And as he left bruises and licks and love bites all over your flesh; from your jaw to your breast, you wrapped your legs around his torso.

You may be the devil, but you only shedded your disguise for Hidan, the only man alive strong enough to put up with your ferocity.

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