《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 21


Avni was feeling helpless as she followed Eva. It was not that she didn't like Eva but it was a matter of the situation. She wanted nothing more than meeting Sandhya.

As she entered into a shop to buy clothes, her phone vibrated and Sandhya's name flashed on the screen. She opened the message and read where are you? I am here waiting.

Avni texted her back I am here stuck with a friend. Please wait for a while.

Avni waited for her reply and after two minutes she received another text. Alright I am waiting but only for 15 min.

Avni sighed reading this. After this she received Aditya's text hey precious! I hope you are enjoying your day.

Avni texted back immediately yes but not much. Don't you have a meeting anyways?

Yeah I do but it isn't as interesting as you.

Avni smiled and blushed at his text. Though she didn't want anything more than talk to Aditya but she had other important business to attend too so she quickly replied I am honored to know that I can pique your interest but I have to go now talk to you later bye.

After this, Avni waited for his reply but no reply came. She removed her gaze from her phone and kept it inside her bag.

When she looked up she saw Eva watching her with twinkling eyes. Avni said, 'What? Why are you looking at me like that?'

Eva grinned at her and said, 'It was Aditya you were texting, right?' Avni looked at her without blinking and Eva chuckled. She said, 'Ofcourse I am right! Look at you looking all giddy.'

It was then that Avni noticed herself smiling. How did that happen she didn't know but she really liked her new feelings. But she only had less time to talk to Sandhya so she wanted to get it over with.


But looking at the enthusiasm in Eva she found her resolve to meet Sandhya weaken. She sighed and thought I shouldn't be here in the first place. Aditya trusted me and I should respect his decision. He told me that he need time to tell me about his past and I should respect that. If he knew what I am upto he would never trust me again. Avni couldn't bear the thought of Aditya not trusting her. She knew the importance of trust in a relationship.

She knew exactly what she needed to do. After thinking this a smile spread across her face. She quickly got her phone out and texted Sandhya that she should go and that she will not be able to meet her. Then she looked at Eva who was busy in picking up the dresses for her.

Avni reached towards her and asked, 'Any progress so far?'

Eva smiled at her and said, 'Yes! Try these on and we'll see which one we need to buy.'

Avni took the dresses from her silently and tried the dresses one by one. She liked all the dresses but one of the dress she liked the best. Eva surely has a good taste, she thought. She tried the one black and golden dress and looked herself in the mirror.

She never wore that kind of dress in her whole life and it looked perfect on her. She gasped at her own reflection and then opened the door for Eva to see.

For a second, Eva's eyes widened and then she grinned at her excitedly and said, 'Oh my god! You look so sexy in this dress. You should buy this dress at once.'

Avni smiled and shyly said, 'Yeah I know right. It is looking good on me. Thank you Eva.'


Then they bought few more things and after they had finished with their shopping, Avni received a text from Aditya. My meeting is over. Waiting for you precious! Come soon as you know I am not a patient man ;)

Avni read the message and smirked. Sometimes he is too dramatic she thought. Then she texted him back I will be there in half an hour.

Avni said goodbyes to Eva and then returned back to the hotel. A feeling of happiness flowed through Avni because she knew she did the right thing today. She decided to trust Aditya and whatever their relationship was, she was ready to take it to the next level. She never felt so close to the other person in such a short time ever. So this was surprising for her. But she was happy that it was Aditya.

Avni sighed and got to the suite. When she turned the knob and entered inside she saw Aditya sitting on the bed in his business suit watching television. His back was towards the door so he didn't notice Avni enter.

Avni stared at him, his broad shoulders and straight back. As if sensing her presence, he turned around and smiled. 'Were you checking me out precious? ' he asked her with amusement in his eyes.

'Noo! I wasn't.' Avni said too quickly feeling embarrassed that she had been caught. Aditya chuckled and said, 'I have some plans for today for both of us since its the last day of our stay here.'

Yeah! The last day of their stay and the last chance to know the truth about Aditya's past. Avni thought. But it was for the best and she will know about it when Aditya is ready.

'What plan?' Avni asked him.

'We are going to party tonight. I hope you don't mind.' Aditya asked hopefully.

'I would love to do that but it wasn't your idea. Was it?' Avni asked Aditya suspiciously.

'Actually.. you are right. It was Salil's idea.' Aditya said uneasily. Avni grinned at the discomfort of Aditya. It was so rare to see him like this so she found it funny.

'I don't care whose idea it was. All that matters is, we are going to enjoy.' Avni said cheerfully and Aditya's face lighted with her words.


Avni packed everything for their departure because with the mess that Aditya had created with all the things, she would not have time to pack everthing the next day.

Avni sighed as she folded the last piece of clothing and placed it inside the suitcase. She thought about her days in this place. She enjoyed a lot and now she was feeling nostalgic to go back. She would have to continue with her routine. But she knew she was taking pleasant memories with her.

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