《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 22


By the time Avni finished packing, it was time to get ready for their party. Aditya was already dressed in his casuals and went to Sal to take him.

Avni quickly dressed up and looked herself as her black golden dress hung perfectly to her body. She liked the dress but she was nervous about Aditya's reaction. She never felt so doubtful and nervous before. She took a deep breath and released it before exiting her room.

She was just walking in the corridors to get to the elevator and she noticed people passing by her looking at her. What's wrong with these people? She thought. As she walked out the door, again she saw people staring at her. Oh god am I really looking that bad? Her confidence was faltering but she kept walking where Aditya was waiting for her.

Avni came into view and Aditya's eyes widened looking at her. She was looking beyond beautiful!! Her dress was looking so perfect. She was looking so perfect. She had her hair down just the way he liked, not that he ever told her that but he definitely liked her long hair down. She was at a distance but he could still see her plump red lips from here.

He was worried about how will he control himself when she looked like a goddess of beauty!! He had to stay in control and away or else he will lose it completely. He thought that they would have a great night partying but now he was doubtful about how he will achieve it when she looked like that.

He saw Sal standing next to him with almost the same expression on his face but he quickly recovered when he saw Aditya looking at him. As Avni reached closer, Aditya quickly averted his eyes from her.

Avni felt deflated at Aditya's reaction. He didn't even look at her. Was she looking so bad that he didn't want to even look at her or say anything like 'you look good'. He didn't say anything but just averted his eyes with a pained expression on his face.


She thought he would compliment her. But here he was, not even looking at her. This dress seemed to be a good choice at the time when she bought it. Now, she was not sure. She decided then and there that she would not wear it again.

She saw Aditya as he entered in the car and turned to Sal who gave her a smile and said,'You are looking gorgeous Avni.'

Avni returned the smile and said, 'Thank you Sal. ' Those words from Sal meant nothing to her because she didn't expect anything from him. The only thing that mattered to her was Aditya's view. But he clearly didn't like what he saw. He didn't even sit next to her. She was alone in the backseat without any company. She sighed and closed her eyes. This is not what she imagined her last night to be.

Avni sat inside the car and then they were off. After about an hour or so, they reached their destination. The sound of music could be heard from outside, it was so loud. This reminded Avni of her college days when she was a party freak. But that was before.

She looked at Aditya who carried the same expression as before. Avni sighed and thought she shouldn't be affected by him so much. She came here to enjoy her last night in the city and she would exactly do that. She straightened her shoulders and walked inside confidently. Sal and Aditya were just close beside her.

They took an area at the corner where they could sit. The whole place was filled with people and music. Everyone was dancing, drinking, eating and having fun.

Avni wanted to dance but she wasn't sure about Aditya but she thought that she'd ask him for the sake of trying. So she turned towards him and said, 'Adi! Will you dance with me?'

Aditya wasn't looking at her but he had to turn when she called him and he cursed under his breath. She was looking at him with pleading eyes and he so desperately wanted to dance with her but he couldn't because if he started he wouldn't want to just dance with her. He knew it and to avoid that, he thought of an excuse.


He said, 'You go ahead. I am not a good dancer.' Avni frowned and said,'But we have danced before. Do you remember that business party of yours where you acted like a complete caveman?'

When Avni said those words, Sal began to laugh and Aditya glared at him. But there was no way he could control his laughter.

Sal looked at Aditya finally recovering from his laugh and said, 'Really! Bro you.. caveman! That is such a nice name.' Sal knew why Aditya didn't want to dance so he said, 'You sure have danced in that party, I saw you with my own eyes so why aren't you dancing now.' He wiggled his eyebrows at Aditya.

Aditya scowled at him and said, 'That was a different kind of dance.'

Avni was irritated with his behavior. So she said, 'Fine! I'll go dance by myself.'

She got up and went to the dance floor. She started moving and swaying with the music and soon she forgot everything and got lost in the rhythm.

Aditya saw her dancing and couldn't stop looking at her. She was moving so beautifully. It was so hot and sexy both at the same time. He was intensely looking at her when Sal commented, 'I don't know what's the matter with you two but get it together man. Go ahead and join her.'

'Shut up Sal! I don't know what you're trying to say.' Aditya said without looking at him.

Sal chuckled and said,'Are you kidding! I am not blind. Anybody could see that you want to be there with her. You are literally undressing her with your gaze, don't get me wrong, but I am telling you what I could see. And for god's sake Aditya don't sit here and pine.'

Aditya now gave him a cold stare and said, 'You don't know anything and its none of your business. '

Sal nodded and said, 'Yeah I get it. But if you are not going there then I am.' Sal began to get up when Aditya held him back and said, 'If there is anyone who's dancing with my wife, that is me.'

Saying this he got up and for a moment his gaze was fixed on Avni. He smiled looking at her but it soon disappeared when he saw a man coming close to her and started to move. It seemed Avni was not aware of that man.

Aditya's jaw tightened and his eyes clouded with anger. When the man closed the distance and came closer then Avni saw him and was backing him off but the man didn't budge. He bagan holding her by waist all the while dancing. At this point, Aditya had enough. Nobody could scare his woman and get away with it. His woman, it sounded good in his own mind. There was no doubt that he had started considering her his. It took a little time for him to believe it but the moment he saw the other man close to her all the doubts had vanished.

It fueled the anger burning inside him. In a moment , his fists tightened and he lashed forward giving the man a good quality punch straight to his jaw.

Avni's eyes widened at this. She had never seen Aditya so furious before. He was beating the shit out of that man without mercy. She didn't know how to stop him so she looked over at Sal for help.

As if he understood what she was asking, he reached forward and held Aditya away from the man who was now lying flat on the floor holding his face.

Everyone gathered around them to witness what was going on. Some of the guards also came and started to move towards Aditya when he stopped them and said, 'Don't worry. We are leaving.' Saying this he held Avni's hand and led her outside alongwith Sal.

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