《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 11


Avni was quite excited to visit Barbero family. She liked this city as it had all the beautiful things. The weather was pleasant here which she liked the most.

She picked her navy blue dress to wear for the night. It ended above her kness. The dress was simple but it looked good on her. She put up a little lipstick and made a bun of her hair. She looked at herself finally and nodded at her appearance. Aditya was already waitng by his car dressed in a shirt and jeans. It was surprisingly amazing that he looked good even in his casual clothes.

As Avni walked towards Aditya, he gave her a smile and said, 'Ready to go?' Avni nodded and they both sat inside the car.

Avni's phone buzzed and Baani's name appeared on the screen showing her video call. Avni showed Aditya her phone and then picked up her call.

'Hey Baani! How are you?' Baani looked as cheerful as ever. 'I am good! What you guys are doing? Are you two enjoying?'

'Yeah! We reached here this morning so it wasn't like we could do anything but now we are going for the dinner. '

'Cool! I hope you two enjoy. I am curious to know about your honeymoon but that can wait. Make sure you tell me everything about your honeymoon when you return. I can't expect Aditya to tell me anything.'

Aditya huffed and Avni held her finger to tell him to wait a minute. 'Don't expect much we are just leaving for dinner. I'll talk to you later, Aditya is getting impatient.'

'Okay! Tell him that we miss him.'

'Okay! Take care byee.'

'Bye! Love you both.' Saying this Baani hung up. Avni then turned her attention towards Aditya who was frowning at her.

'What? Why are you looking at me like that?'

'I didn't know you and my sister are that close. She didn't even ask to talk to me!'


'Well! We were not that close before but now I am married to her brother, she has become a close one and she is too easy to get along too. By the way, are you jealous? ' Avni asked with a smirk.

'No, I am not jealous but she could have asked about me.'

'Next time I'll ask her to talk to you.' Aditya turned his attention in front and said, 'Its fine! Now let's go.'


The time they reached the farmhouse, it was already 10:15. They were greeted there by a short stature woman with curly black hairs. Her eyes were shining and reflected kindness. She reached towards Aditya and hugged him.

'Adi! You look good and now I could see you are married.' She said brightly with her Spanish accent. She then turned towards Avni and gave her a kind smile.

'So here's the girl who made you fall in love. She's beautiful.' She told Aditya and then turned to Avni, 'You are beautiful. What is your name?' She asked kindly.

'My name is Avni, Mrs.Barbero!'

'Don't call me that. You can call me Bertha. Now, come inside everyone is waiting for you two.'

They followed Bertha inside and were greeted by the other members of Barbero family. There was a warmth in this place which Avni felt enchanted to. They were about to sit over the dinner table when a knock came at the door.

Bertha opened the door and a female voice came out. 'I think I am not too late ma! I would have come sooner but I got occupied with Penelope. You know how is she.' Saying this she entered inside and Avni noticed her. She was beautiful with her long curly hair and shining eyes.

As she entered inside, her eyes landed on Aditya and Avni noticed him stiffen a bit. Before anybody could say anything, Bertha came forward and introduced Avni to her. 'Avni this is Eva, my daughter and Eva this is Avni, Aditya's wife.'


Avni noticed a bit of surprise in Eva's eyes when she was introduced as Aditya's wife but Eva soon covered it with her smile. 'Nice to meet you Avni. You are really pretty. '

Avni extended her hand and did a handshake with Eva. 'Thank you so much. Nice to meet you too.' What is it with everyone calling me pretty today Avni thought.

Throughout the dinner Avni found Aditya ignoring even looking towards Eva. He looked cool from outside but still he wasn't relaxed. This made Avni curious and jealous. Jealous! No I am not jealous. Why would I be. Because he is your husband. Avni was arguing with herself and then she sighed. She was tired of her mixed feelings for Aditya. She wanted to be away for a little while so she got up and said,'Excuse me! I'll be back in just a minute.' She then immediately went outside and towards the garden and sat on a swing. Cool air of the night struck her and she felt better. A few moments later, she felt warm hands on her from where she was holding the rope of the swing.

She did not have to turn to see it was Aditya. 'What is it Avni? Talk to me.'

Avni was silent for a minute. She collected her thoughts and said, 'Adi, would you tell me honestly if I ask you something?' Aditya didn't understand where this was going. He felt nervous about what she'll ask him. But, he knew that he owe her honesty so he nodded. 'Yes! I think so.'

'I want confirmation. Do you promise?'

'Yes I promise. '

Avni got up and looked in Aditya's eyes and said, 'I don't know whether I should say this or not. I just.. I want to know is there anything between you and Eva? Do you love her?'

Aditya was surprised by her direct question but it was Avni who was never used to dragging things.

'No! There is nothing going on between us, not anymore and no, I don't love her. Now the question arrives why do you think that?'

'I am not a child Adi! I have eyes. It was quite obvious the way you stiffened and you ignored her throughout the evening, says something don't you think?'

'Well, you need not worry about that. I have no interest in her I can assure you that much.' Avni nodded and Aditya stepped forward towards her.

'But you haven't told me yet, was there anything between you two?' Aditya pushed a strand of Avni's hair behind her ear and said, 'It was a long time ago. When I was 18, I came for my summer break I met Eva and liked her. We became good friends and I started to feel for her. But you know this teenage love never lasts. So, I ended up breaking my heart.'

'Why? What happened?'

'The day I told her about my feelings, she already got engaged. I was just a friend to her so few months later, when she turned 18 she got married and I came back and we never talked after that. I think you are the only person I mentioned this to.'

Avni lowered her gaze. 'I am sorry Aditya! I shouldn't have asked you. Thank you! for telling me.' Her eyes landed on his lips and stayed there.

Aditya kept his hands on her cheek and said, 'Believe me you don't have to apologize or thank me for that matter.' He brushed her cheek with his thumb and their eyes met. Their lips parted slightly and Aditya lowered himself. Avni closed her eyes to feel him for the first time but when she didn't feel anything she opened her eyes and found Aditya moving away. He mumbled sorry to her and got inside.

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