《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 12


Avni stood there stunned and silent. She felt rejected and all kinds of thoughts started to cloud her mind. She knew that Aditya did the right thing but she couldn't understand why she was feeling like this. Maybe it was because she wanted to feel desirable. She got irritated by her conflicting feelings and then entered inside. Without uttering a word, she sat on the couch in the living room where everyone was sitting.

Niko, Bertha's son came forward in the middle of the room and announced.

"I want to tell you all that we are ready with our bonfire at the backyard so everyone please come."

They all gathered at the back of the house. The cool breeze and the heat of the bonfire made a cozy environment but at that time they too did not seem to soothe Avni. She was just mad and thinking about Aditya and her feelings towards him made her all the more mad.

"Now its time for some fun" Bertha announced coming with some wine in her tray.

Then after everybody had their wines, the session of music and dancing started. Avni refused to talk to Aditya and was sitting with Bertha at one side.

"You know Avni, he was always one of those boys who never liked to share their feelings. He care too much for those he love. You are a lucky woman I must say." Avni was quiet but she wanted to tell her that she was wrong to believe that Aditya love her. As if she could read her mind, Bertha continued, "You know I have seen the way he looks at you. I've never seen him like that with any other woman. Not even Eva."

Avni blushed and was surprised at her statement. "You know about them?"


"Well I take that you too know about them and ofcourse I know! I am Eva's mother and I make it my business to know what is going on in my children's life." Avni smiled and nodded.

"But I can see that you are upset with him. I guess you two had your first fight after marriage. That's the beauty of this relationship." Avni looked at Aditya who was standing at the other side and was laughing at something Niko said to him. His dimples appeared and Avni's heart melted at the sight. Why he had to be so gorgeous Avni thought.

Bertha leaned closer to Avni and whispered, "You know he is a good man. You should go to him and sort out things. After all its your honeymoon. You should not let anything ruin it for you two." Avni looked at Bertha who winked at her and Avni smiled at her.

Avni decided to make everything alright. Bertha was right to suggest not to let anything spoil their time. Keeping this in mind she started towards Aditya.

Aditya turned his attention towards Avni who was gazing at him intensely. Whenever she looked at him he could not think about anything but to kiss her. She was looking all the more beautiful in the light of the bonfire walking towards him.

She smiled towards him and said sweetly, "Adi! Would you like to dance with me?" Aditya didn't understand her sudden change of mood. Just now she was sitting away from him refusing to even look at him and now here she was asking him to dance.

Aditya nodded and held Avni's hand and led her towards the other dancing couples. He held her waist and moved her closer. Avni circled her arms around his neck and they started moving to the music.


Aditya held her gaze and said in his beautiful deep seductive voice, "You know sometimes I don't understand you. You fascinate me, wife."

Avni arched a brow and said, "Really! If it's a compliment then thank you but what really is fascinating about me?" Aditya moved further closer to her and they could smell each other's scent very clearly.

"Just a few moments ago you seemed to be in a bad mood and here you are dancing with me. I wonder what or who made that change? I would like to thank that person. But I think it can wait because I don't want to spoil this moment." To this, Avni blushed and Aditya smiled.

"Whenever that colour appear on your face you know what it does to me?" Avni's heart rate increased. It was the first time Aditya ever said anything like that.

Avni shook her head and Aditya whispered in her ear, "It makes me want to kiss you." Avni's eyes widened and she blushed even more. She gathered her courage, looked into his eyes and said, "Then why don't you?"

Aditya placed his one hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb while keeping his other hand on her waist. "Do you want me to?" Avni closed her eyes and leaned at his touch. She then opened her eyes and said, "Isn't it obvious?"

Aditya smiled at her and leaned towards her bringing her closer. He then kissed her forehead and sighed pressing his head on her forehead. Aditya thought what did he do to deserve her? He more than wanted to kiss her but he had his own dark secrets.How could a man like him deserve a girl like Avni. "You don't know what you are asking for Avni. Believe me when I say you don't want to do anything with me. " saying these words Aditya walked away from her, leaving her speechless.

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