《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 10


They passed through many people but Avni wasn't paying attention to any of them. Her attention was solely focused on Aditya's hand which was grazing at her waist. Her clothes were not doing much to prevent the warmth reaching towards her. When they arrived at the elevator, Aditya removed his hand from her waist which she was very thankful for but some part of her was disappointed by the absence of his touch.

They were then led to their suite which was splendidly kind of royal in its own way. Sal handed Aditya the key to the suite.

'I wanted to talk about the business with you Aditya. I want to know about your views. So when you are free or ready come to me in my office. ' Aditya nodded and Salil left.

After few minutes he left the suite and told Avni to have some rest. Avni was already yawning and as soon as she fell on the bed, she drifted into sleep.

She woke up by the sound of water running in the bathroom. She opened her eyes and saw Aditya standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror shirtless. Avni never saw him without his shirt and it was quite a lovely view. She could not avert her eyes from him. Wow! She was checking him out. Stop it Avni, she scolded herself but she couldn't.

Her eyes were scanning his well muscular body and the movement of his muscles on his arms while he was combing. If a man could be described as beautiful, he was beautiful!!

As if sensing her eyes on him, Aditya turned his gaze towards her and found her staring at him. He suddenly felt hot and fought the urge to kiss her senseless. Nobody ever made him feel this way like she made him feel by looking at him like that. Avni removed her gaze from him when he saw her and blushed.


Aditya smiled at her and said, 'Good evening wife! How are you feeling now?' Aditya asked looking at her. She was looking beautiful at that moment. Her hair was mussed up a bit and her skin was looking so soft. He wanted to feel her and touch her.

'I am feeling good. What time is it?' She looked at the clock. 'Oh my God! I don't believe it that I slept for 4 hours. Why didn't you wake me up? I never sleep for so long during the day.'

'You were tired and needed rest. So thought it better to let you sleep. ' Besides, she was looking peaceful in her sleep and Aditya could look at her face for as long as he wanted.

'Ok so.. are we going somewhere for dinner or we're eating here?'

'We are going to a very special place. I mean, we've been invited for dinner. So you better take a shower and get ready.' Aditya said coming out of the bathroom.

Avni nodded and asked, ' Would you like to tell me about these people who invited us?' She said this standing from her bed.

'You will know when we get there.' Aditya started to turn away but Avni reached and held his elbow which ignited a spark within her but she ignored it.

'You can't do that every time I ask about people or anything else for that matter. This time I want to know and you are going to tell me whether you like it or not.'

Aditya sighed and said, 'Fine! But you know I don't like giving up any explanation so its the last time I am going to tell you.' Avni nodded grinning and patted herself in her mind to make Aditya explain. She wanted him to start being open to her not because she was his wife but she was his friend too.


Suddenly, Avni noticed the gap in between them which was small so she took a step back and said ,'Before you tell me anything, please put a shirt on.' Aditya smirked at her and said, 'Why is it bothering you?'

Avni thought it better to give him an honest answer. 'Yeah! That's right. It is bothering me so please put a shirt on.' Aditya obliged and then after putting on his clothes he said, 'I used to come here during my summer break. So, obviously I know many people here. We own a farm house here where a family named Barbero lives. They are like my second family. So you see I had to accept the invitation for dinner.'

'If they are like family why didn't we stay there?'

'That's because I wanted to attend to the business here. Sal wanted me to see and help him up with certain things.'

'Ok. You see its not so difficult after all to explain things. It hardly took you 2 minutes.' Aditya didn't say anything and Avni just felt happy to win the argument.

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