《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 9


Avni followed Aditya and they sat at their table. The table was covered with white cloth and decorated very nicely. The food was served to them.

Aditya sat across Avni and saw her fiddling with her fingers. 'Are you alright? You seem uncomfortable about something. '

Avni looked at him and shook her head. 'No, I am fine. Its just that I am not feeling hungry.'

Avni was hungry but she still was thinking about her dream. She wondered if it was an indication of something. Aditya didn't buy her excuse but then he thought it better to let go at the moment.

'That is fine but you should eat a little bit else Sam will feel bad because he prepares his food full heartedly.'

Avni nodded and said, "Well now you have told me this how could I not eat the food prepared with love." She started eating anď each bite led to another and she couldn't help but finish her meal. She never tasted so delicious food ever. All the thoughts of her dreams vanished from her mind. She was again feeling excited about her trip.

'You know good food can bring back appetite. ' Aditya said smiling when he watched Avni finish her meals and the crease on her forehead flattened.

'Avni there is something more I want to talk about.' Avni nodded and looked at him anxiously. She wasn't feeling good about whatever he wanted to talk about. Maybe it was because of her dream she was feeling this way, she didn't know but she wasn't having good feeling about it.

'I just wanted to tell you that I promised you that I won't touch you but its important for you to know that there might be certain change.. I mean.. where we are going it might happen that we'll have to put on a show in front of others.' Aditya said it cautiously.


And there it was.. She was already finding it difficult to control whatever he brought inside her whenever he innocently touched her. She was afraid of what he might bring in herself when they'll have to put on a show.

She was having a fight with herself now. Its not a good thing to break a promise. Now its definitely a good thing . No its not a good thing she scolded herself. Don't say that you are not excited about it. Ofcourse not! Its stupid to think about it I don't even know him.

'What is the need to put on the show and why does it matter anyway? Its not that people know or care much what we do or we don't do.' Avni stated nervously hoping Aditya will not push her any further.

'Well this is where you are wrong. Everyone there knows about me which means they will know about you too. I am just saying that it is a possibility that we might need to pretend. I hope you can do that. Its not a big deal and I am just telling you this to warn you beforehand. So it would be better if you keep your mind clear. ' Aditya finished his statement and rose from his seat.

Avni's mouth opened with surprise by his bluntness and she tried to throw her words at him but nothing came out of her mouth. She took her head in her hands and thought oh God this is going to be soo difficult!

After two hours, they landed and Aditya came towards Avni and instructed her not to leave his side as if she was a small child who will get lost. Damn! She felt like a child in his presence whenever he commanded her about anything and now he was doing the same thing. Avni nodded and they exited the plane. Outside, a beautiful Volkswagen was waitng for them. They entered inside and Avni turned to Aditya.


'Where are we staying? A hotel or you own a house here too? ' Avni asked casually and Aditya replied, 'You will know when we reach there.' He didn't try to elaborate further.

This made Avni irritated and she frowned towards him. Aditya looked at her but remained neutral and started looking outside his window.

Avni thought it better to let go and wait patiently. After half an hour, the car came to a stop and they stepped outside and Avni's gaze got fixed to the view in front of her. The building was magnificent in front. It was a hotel which was looking crowded with people from outside only so what would be the condition inside. Avni thought and it made her to go back because she never liked crowd. She always felt suffocated among so many people.

Aditya stopped her, held her hand and whispered to her so that only she could hear him. 'Get yourself ready wife! Don't worry you just stay by my side.'

These words made Avni relax and as they entered inside the hotel, they were welcomed by a tall man of about Aditya's age, light brown hair with light grey eyes. He was wearing a smile on his face as he greeted them.

Aditya hugged him and turned towards Avni. 'Avni he is my cousin Salil, he owns this place so we will be staying here.'

Salil winked at Avni and took her hand and kissed it. Avni immediately withdrew her hand and blushed. 'You can call me Sal like everyone here calls me.'

Aditya stepped closer to Avni and held her by her waist and pulled her towards him. 'No we are fine calling you by your full name.' Aditya answered him for Avni and she stiffened under his touch.

Salil rolled his eyes at Aditya. 'Fine. You can call me Salil but I would prefer you calling me by my nick name. I too have some honor here you know.'

'Nice to meet you Sal!', Avni said to Sal and he grinned towards her.

'I like you Avni we will make a great team.' He winked at her again and Aditya's grip on her tightened.

'Back off Sal she is my wife for God's sake and your sister-in-law.'

'Yeah I know that. Don't worry I am not going to take her away from you but its amazing how you are so possessive about her. I've never seen you like this since forever.'

Avni thought about was there anyone else before her in Aditya's life? She had already told Aditya about her past but she didn't know anything about his past. She wanted to know so much but she wasn't sure if Aditya was ready to share his past with her.

'We are tired so would you be very kind to give us a room in your hotel?'

'Bro I have already arranged everything for you. Come I'll take you to your room.'

They followed Sal and during this time Avni could feel Aditya's hand on her the whole time. She could feel all too clearly the warmth his hands were creating on her skin. The slight movement of his hands on her waist was not helping much either. It was torturing her but she had no choice so she tried to focus her attention on moving forward.

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