《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 3


Avni called Rohit and decided she have to be strong for what she was going to do. Rohit answered with delight on the other end. 'Hello beautiful! Did you miss me? And what took you so long to call sugar?' Avni's heart melted at the sound of his voice. His endearments were making it more difficult for her to speak. Hearing his voice, a sob escaped from her mouth before she could control it.

Rohit heard her sob and became anxious. ' Is everything alright Avni? Have you been crying?' He asked her. Avni got a little cautious of the situation. She knew she could not let Rohit know about her state otherwise he will never let her go. She thought of an excuse quickly and said, 'No, I am fine. Just got a little cold. You know the change in weather.' The weather changes so quickly like her life is changing now she thought. Rohit was not convinced with her answer but then he sighed and said, 'Okay! So how was your day?'

'It was fine nothing extraordinary!' It was beyond extraordinary she thought. She paused and said, 'Listen Rohit there is something important I wanted to talk about. '

'Really! What could be more important than the fact that soon I am going to marry and bring you home?' Rohit has always been a charmer. But here she was going to make him miserable. The thought itself was taking the life out of Avni. She collected herself and said seriously, 'It's more important than that Rohit.'

'I see, you are in no mood of jokes so it must be important. Tell me then. '

Avni hesitated, it was more difficult than she thought. ' I think Rohit, that we should end our relationship. I don't think that I could continue. I want out Rohit. ' There she said it all in a flow and held her breath for his answer.


'What? But why? I don't understand. Yesterday you were happy that we are going to be together and now all of a sudden you want to breakup! What's going on Avni?'

'Nothing is going on. I've been thinking about it for a long time and now I finally made my decision that I don't want to marry you.'

'But why? Atleast give me the reason for it.' Rohit was now breaking bit by bit and Avni too could feel it. It was too much pain for both of them to bear but Avni knew it has to be done. So she said the most awful thing which she knew was necessary to make Rohit believe that she don't want him.

' I don't feel my future is secure with you. I mean you keep changing your jobs. I don't think my life will be stable with you.'

'We can make it work Avni please give me a chance. I'll do what I can. I promise. '

'No! I don't think it will work. You know I loved you but now I am not so sure about it.'

'Is there someone else in your life Avni? Be honest with me.' Rohit pleaded and Avni thanked

God that it was all happening on the phone and not face to face else she would have been broken. She wouldn't be able to do it if she was in front of him. She just wanted this to end fast because she couldn't take it anymore.

'Yes, there is someone else and I am going to marry him Rohit because he is a better option for me.'

'Who is he?' Avni could hear the bitterness in his voice. 'He might be a rich man if you are choosing him.'


'You know him I think. His name is Aditya Mehra.'

'What? You are going to marry that man? Are you crazy Avni? He is not a better option. He is not at all good for you. I will not let you marry him.'

'Rohit please don't. I know what I am doing. He is the right man for me. And what made you think that he is not good for me?' Avni thought what is it about Aditya that he is not considered good. She was not in the state for thinking anything straight.

'He does not seem right. When I met him at one of the wedding of our common friend I felt something was off about him. He seemed to me a man with many secrets.'

'Oh c'mon Rohit! You just met him once. Now I am just requesting you that from now don't try to contact me. This is the end of our relationship. '

Avni did not have the courage to hold back. She knew what she was doing was not right but she couldn't tell him the truth, else he would never let her go. But she had to do what she was doing. Speaking these words Avni quickly ended the call and the tears she had been holding back came flooding out of her eyes. Under the pool of her own tears she then drifted off to sleep. That night she dreamt of Rohit and herself together.

The next morning when she woke up she felt sick. Her stomach was now growling because she skipped her dinner last night. After having her food she felt a little energy to do her chores. Then her mind drifted to last night and her heart began to feel heavy again.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by the buzzing of her cellphone. She picked it up and saw a text message from an unknown number flashing on her phone's screen.

She opened the text and was surprised to see the sender's name at the end of the message.

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