《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 2


Aditya was engrossed in his work when he received a call. He saw the name of his father on the screen of the cellphone and wondered why was he calling him. His father knew him but the dark part of his life was still hidden from everyone and he was worried that his father might know. But he pushed that thought aside and picked up the phone.

'Hello dad!'

'Aditya I need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible. Your grandma wants to talk to you.'

'Ok dad! I'll be there in half an hour. ' After ending the call Aditya thought what she wants to talk about. He wasn't feeling right in his gut. He loved his grandma very much and he thought is it going to be over for her! But as soon as the thought crossed his mind he pushed it aside. After finishing his work, he rushed out of his office and headed to the hospital.

He parked his car in the parking lot of the hospital. He never liked this place, all people who are ill and suffering and the nauseating smell which always reminded him of his past life and bad memories. His mother whom he loved dearly passed in this place because of heart attack. It happened after his graduation. He never thought anything could be so painful. After that, he was so devastated that he entered into that dark place where he shouldn't have. It was really a miserable time for him.

Keeping these thoughts with him in his mind he entered into the hospital and into the room where her grandma and father were waiting for him. His grandmother was lying on the hospital bed and his father was sitting beside his grandma. As his grandmother saw him she asked him to come forward and sit beside her. He did so as asked and said, 'What is it you want to talk about gran?'


His grandma replied, ' You know I don't have much time left. The doctors said it's going to be as long as 1 month and before leaving this world I just want only one thing which only you can give me. Now the question is will you give me what I wish for?'

Aditya couldn't understand where it was going so he asked, 'What do you wish for grandma? I'm sure I can give it to you.'

'Do you promise Aditya? I want a promise from you that even if you don't want it you will try to abide by it.'

'Yes, I promise you grandma and I trust you with my life as you know I never questioned your judgement ever. I know you love me and will do whatever is good for me.'

'Fine then! I want you to get settled. For that I want you to marry Avni.'

Aditya couldn't believe what his grandma was asking. The colour drained from his face. He thought he would never marry. But here his grandma was asking him the same thing which he never planned to do. How could he marry someone when he knew what his past holds.

'You mean uncle Vinay's daughter Avni? ' he confirmed.

'Yes. Do you know any other Avni? ' his grandma was now smiling.

For him Avni was more like a stranger though their parents were best friends but both him and Avni never met since childhood. He went out of town for the studies to his uncle when he was 15. Before that, he met her only once when he was 8 years old. Now long time has passed and here he was where his grandmother wanted him to marry Avni.

He was thinking how could he decline her request now that he already promised. He paused and said, ' No I don't know any other but I don't understand that why do you want me to marry her? I don't even know her, I mean as a person.'


His grandma was among those women who have answers for everything. She said, ' Of course you don't know her but I know her and isn't it enough for you? And I am not asking you to marry her today. You can know her now if you want. Meet her or call her, talk to her and I am sure you'll be able to know her in quite a short time. She is really a sweet girl.'

Sweet girl or not he was not bothered to know that. He didn't even want to know her. He just wanted to escape from this marriage but now his grandmother was making it difficult. She was never one to get covinced so easily.

He thought about it and said, 'Well that I can do. But what if I don't like her? Then it would not be fair for her as well as for me'. He was now too pleased with himself that he made a good point and to see that his grandmother was thinking about it.

'Certainly! But if that happens I have other options too. I put Avni first because for me she is like a granddaughter. I have seen and known her since her childhood. But still if you don't like her then you can always choose among the other girls.'

Now it was time for Aditya to think. He frowned and said ,'but I don't want to see anybody grandma. What if I don't like them too?'

'Aditya my son I know you don't want to marry now but I can assure you that if you marry Avni you will be always happy. Also don't forget that you promised me to grant me my wish.'

Aditya could not believe that his grandmother turned him down so smoothly that he now had no choice left other than agree to her. He as well as his grandmother knew that he wouldn't dare to see the second options that his grandmother has kept for him. They would be more pathetic than Avni. Atleast here he knew a little about Avni. She was an acquaintance to him and not a stranger. So here she was better than the others.

'Okay my dear grandma! I will meet Avni first then will let you know my answer. Though I know it won't change anything I am sure of that but it's better that I talk to her first. ' saying this he kissed his grandmother and left the room.

While leaving he heard his grandmother say to his father, 'they will make a great couple.'

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