《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 1


Avni was a gorgeous independent lady of 25 with dark brown eyes and beautiful long hair that end up to her waist. Her life could be described as almost perfect. She had a great job and was quite happy with her life as she had really cool parents, Asha and Vinay who supported her with everything, her brother Siddharth who was caring and was like her best friend. Then there was her boyfriend, Rohit whom she adored and hoped to get married. She had her whole life planned out with Rohit. They soon would get married and then they would settle down in their own home with their love blossoming in their hearts and live happily ever after. But life is not that easy. Soon everything was going to change for her.

It was Friday when she returned from her work in the afternoon that she noticed something unusual in the air. She was not one of those people who would make judgment and worry before knowing anything so she just entered and found her mother sitting in the living room anxiously waiting. But why is she anxious she wondered.

Her mother saw her and gave her a weak smile. Avni sat next to her and asked, 'Mum are you alright? You look worried.' Asha thought for moment and replied, ' Yes I am fine. Come and have lunch then we will talk. There is something important I want to talk about but it can wait for sometime.

After meals, when her mother did not say anything Avni got impatient and could no longer bear the anticipation. She finally broke and asked, ' Tell me mum what were you going to talk about?'

Asha sighed and said,' Before I say anything I want you to know that we are your family and will always do what is good for you. You might feel it is not good but at the end I hope you will understand. '


'Okay!! Mum now you are making me nervous.'

' You know your father's best friend Ajay Mehra?' Yes Avni knew about him, actually everybody knew him. He was one of the biggest businessman and probably the richest man too. He was also a kind hearted man because whenever Avni met him she saw the care and warmth in him just like her father. He was more like a brother to her father. She used to call him uncle A.J. and he never seem to mind.

Asha continued,' His mother is very ill and as you know she is like a mother to your father too. Yesterday, your father went to meet her in the hospital. The doctors said that she has only 1 month left as she is suffering from the last stage of cancer.'

'Oh my God! Mum that is why you are worried?' Asha shook her head and said, ' That is not the whole reason. '

'Then what is it?' Asha sighed and said, ' Mrs. Mehra asked your father for...' Asha's words trailed and Avni got frustrated and asked,' Mother tell me what did she ask? You are making me nervous. '

'She asked your father for your hand. She want you to marry her grandson, Aditya. As the words came out of Asha's mouth Avni's heart stopped for a second. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. For a minute she could not let herself to talk. Finally Avni said in a strained voice, ' You know mum I cannot do that!! Not now not ever!!!' She could not believe she was having this conversation when just last week she told her family about Rohit and her plans for future.

'I know baby it is too much for you but you too need to understand that this is her last wish. She wants to see her grandson get settled with you. You know Mrs. Mehra has always loved you as her own granddaughter. The least you could do is agree to the proposal. '


'But mum this is completely stupid and wrong in so many ways! Even if I agree to this marriage I don't think any of us will be happy. I can't let anybody decide my fate and ruin my plans for future. '

'Avni please try to understand. Your father has already promised Mrs. Mehra your hand and he had to do that because this is the only way we could repay her for whatever she has done for our family in the past.'

'I cannot accept this unwanted proposal mother. I have promised Rohit that I will marry him.'

'So now your own promise is more important than your father's? We never forced you to do anything ever. It is the only thing we are asking you my dear. I never would have asked you about it if it wouldn't be necessary. Please consider this offer Avni. This family's honour is in your hands now.'

'Fine! I'll think about it.' Saying these final words Avni went to her room and broke into tears. She cried her heart out and refused to talk to anybody. She knew that it would all b over and she would have to agree for the sake of her family.

Only when it was 10 at night, Avni decided that it was time to do what is to be done. She picked up her cellphone and dialed the number of the person she loved.

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