《The Proposal》Chapter 21
Emma worked up until her eighth month when the doctor put her on bed rest. She was annoyed, and irritable, but Killian didn't let it bother him. He would only work part of the day so that she wasn't stuck at home alone all day everyday.
Today he stopped by her favorite diner to pick up lunch for them as a surprise and came through the door.
"Love?" Killian called.
"I'm in here.." She called back to him from the baby's room.
He put the food on the counter and went to find her. He kissed the side of her neck. "How are my loves today?" He asked softly.
She turned in his arms and kissed him. "We're good.. I'm going crazy being stuck here, but we're good.." She sighed.
He kissed back softly. "Well, I brought lunch for us. It's in the kitchen. Her room is looking great, Love.. I'm sure Charlotte is going to love it." He smiled.
After a lot of thinking, and talking to Henry, Emma and Killian had decided to name their daughter Charlotte Hope Jones. Emma was still terrified about becoming a mother and caring for an infant, but finally giving their baby a name made her happier about it.
She grinned at him. "I can't believe she's almost here, Babe.. We've come a long way since Christmas.." She took him back to the kitchen so they could eat.
They settled at the table side by side, Killian with his arm around her chair. Killian told her about his morning at work, and they just enjoyed their time with one another. After they had finished, Killian took their plates and was washing the dishes when he heard Emma gasp in pain.
"Emma, Love.. What's wrong?" He came back to her side, kneeling in front of her chair. "Swan, talk to me.."
She looked into his eyes. "I-I think it might be time, Killian.. I think my water just broke and I think I'm having contractions.." She clenched her teeth for a moment.
Killian stood up quickly. "Stay right here, I'm going to go grab your bag and we'll head to the hospital, okay?" He kissed her forehead before hurrying to grab the bag.
He got her to the hospital in record time, calling Liam on the way. Killian stayed with her, knowing she was scared for him to let her go. Once she was settled in a bed, and the doctor had checked on her, she groaned.
"Promise you won't leave me, Killian. I can't do this without you." She begged.
He kissed her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere, Love. There is no place I'd rather be than right by your side." He assured her.
Emma's labor only lasted about five hours and before they knew it, it was time for her to push. Killian let her squeeze his good hand, knowing it made Emma feel more comfortable than the prosthetic. He didn't care if he lost that hand too, as long as Emma and their baby were healthy.
The first time Killian heard their daughter's cries he immediately had tears in his eyes. "You did it, Love.. I'm so proud of you." He breathed against Emma's forehead.
She squeezed his hand gently and smiled tiredly. "Yeah, I did.. I can't believe she's finally here." She said softly.
The nurses cleaned Charlotte off and checked on her before placing her in Emma's arms as they finished cleaning Emma up.
"She's beautiful, and healthy. In a few minutes the nurses will take her to take her measurements and clean her off better. Killian you're welcome to join them and help if you would like to. You did wonderfully, Emma.. Congratulations to you both." The doctor smiled before she left them alone.
Emma couldn't keep her eyes off of Charlotte. "Killian.." She breathed.
"Aye, Love.. She's so perfect.. Would you like me to go with her when they take her or stay with you?" He asked softly.
"Will you stay with her? I want you to have the chance to measure her and everything." Emma said softly. "They're just going to move me back to my room, I'll be okay for a few minutes."
He leaned down and kissed her softly. "Thank you for giving me Charlotte.. She's absolutely perfect in every way." He smiled a little.
Emma kissed back softly and passed the baby to his arms so he could go with the nurse. When Killian came back Emma was half asleep in her room, trying to stay awake to see Killian again.
"Let's go see Mama, Little Love.." Killian whispered to the baby as he came into the room.
Emma opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at them. "Hey.. Is she okay?"
Killian nodded. "Aye, Love.. She's got ten fingers and ten toes, she's small but a healthy weight. And she's got the most beautiful eyes." He said softly, looking down at the baby in his arms.
Charlotte blinked up at him, her eyes were similar to Killian's, but had touches of green in them.
"Can I hold her? I want to see my little girl.." Emma asked. Killian nodded and placed her in her arms.
Charlotte immediately snuggled into Emma's chest, like she knew who was holding her. She stared up at her mother curiously.
"Oh, her eyes are beautiful.. So much like yours.." Emma ran her finger over Charlotte's cheek. "Killian, I.. I want to name godparents for Charlotte.. I know I didn't really want to talk about it before, but now that she's here.." She sighed.
Killian sat on the edge of her bed and rubbed her knee gently. "Aye, Love.. Did you have someone in mind?"
She looked up at him. "I want it to be Liam and Elsa.. I love my parents, and even Regina.. But I think your brother is the best choice.."
Killian smiled softly. "Aye.. I think Liam and Elsa would be honored. Liam is still here, we can ask him when he comes to meet her."
"I'm okay if you want to get him, and bring him in.." She said softly.
"I'll be right back, Loves." Killian kissed both of their foreheads before leaving. He came back moments later followed by Liam.
"Would you like to meet your niece, Uncle Liam?" Emma smiled at him.
"Aye, Lass.. I'd love to." He came over to her and let Emma pass the baby to his arms. "She's absolutely beautiful, congratulations.." He smiled down at Charlotte. "What is her name? You've been so secretive.."
"Charlotte.. Charlotte Hope Jones." Emma said softly.
"Charlotte.." Liam said softly. "You named her after Mum?" He looked up at Killian.
He nodded. "Yes, Emma and I wanted her name to mean something to us.. And though I don't remember much about Mum, we thought it would be nice to name our daughter after her."
Liam nodded and continued to hold Charlotte contently in his arms.
"There's something else Emma and I would like to ask of you and Elsa." Killian said after a few minutes.
"Aye? What is it, Brother?" Liam asked.
"We want Charlotte to have godparents.. In case something might happen to Emma and I.. And, we've decided that we would like you and your wife to take care of Charlotte if that were to happen." Killian kissed the top of Emma's head.
"I'll have to ask Elsa to be certain, but I'm sure she'll agree with me.. We would love to be Charlotte's godparents. It means the world to me that you would ask us." Liam smiled.
"Well, I am the godfather of your children, Liam. And I want you to know I place that same trust in you with my daughter."
Liam nodded. "I should let you get some rest, Emma. Elsa would like to visit you as well."
Emma nodded. "She can come tomorrow, they said it'll be a day before we can take her home since it's so late.."
He nodded and laid the baby in Emma's arms again. "I'll let her know. Call me if either of you need anything at all, alright?"
She nodded and Emma rocked Charlotte gently. Killian sat on the bed with Emma and put his arm around her.
"Thank you for having this baby with me, Love. She's absolutely perfect, and I love you both so much." He said softly, pressing a kiss to her hair.
"I love her and you too." She leaned into his chest. "Thank you for asking me to keep her, it was more than worth it."
He held her close until the nurse came to check on them. She helped Emma feed Charlotte before she left them.
Killian took Charlotte once she had finished eating and he held her against his chest. "Get some rest, we'll be here when you wake up, I promise."
Emma nodded a little and fell asleep. Killian didn't want to put Charlotte down as she slept in his arms. He couldn't believe that he finally had a child of his own and was so happy to just cuddle with his little girl.
Charlotte slept for a while, only waking up when she needs to be changed. Killian is in the middle of changing her when a nurse come back to check on them again.
"I was going to ask if you needed help, but I see you can handle it on your own.. You're a natural father." She smiled at him.
"Aye, I've got two nephews and a niece who I've changed many times, I've learned to do it with only one good hand." He said softly as he lifted the baby back into his arms.
"I brought a cot for you to lay her in while she sleeps, so that you're able to rest as well." She explained. "Have you filled out her birth certificate?"
He nodded. "Aye, I did when they got her measurements and such. Is there anything else that Emma or I need to do?"
"No, your wife and baby are both healthy so we're just keeping them overnight to make sure everything stays that way. I'll be your nurse through the night hours if you need anything." The nurse gave him a smile and left the bed for Charlotte.
Once she was asleep he laid her down. He moved the chair closer to Emma's bed and tried to get some sleep as well, laying his head just on the edge so he was close to her. Emma woke up and reached for him, running her fingers gently through his hair as he slept.
Emma still had her doubts about being a good mother, but she knew after watching Killian with Charlotte, and holding her baby girl herself that she wouldn't trade this for anything. She and Killian might not have planned to have children, especially so soon into their marriage, but she realized that this is exactly where they were supposed to be.
She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Killian's head. "Thank you.." She whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear her.
Charlotte woke up a few more times that night, and Killian insisted he do a lot to allow Emma continue to rest.
"You just gave birth, Swan. I've got her." He'd insist whenever Emma tried to do something he could do.
Emma sighed each time, frustrated, but grateful for him. Around ten the next morning, Killian had just gotten Charlotte to stop crying and placed her in Emma's arms when Elsa knocked at the door to the room.
Adelaide was on her hip, and her little eyes lit up when they saw Killian. He met them by the door and took his niece from Elsa.
"I hope you don't mind we came to visit, Liam said I just had to meet her.." Elsa kissed Killian's cheek.
"Aye, of course not. Thank you for coming. I've missed you, Addy." He kissed both of their cheeks.
"I miss you, Killy." Adelaide said softly, hugging his neck tightly as Killian held her.
Emma smiled as well. "It was really sweet of you to visit us, Elsa.. I know you've got a lot going on yourself. Come hold your niece. "
Elsa smiled and gently cradled the baby. "Oh, she's so beautiful.. She looks a lot like you, Emma." She said softly.
"She's got Killian's ears, and that dark unruly hair already." Emma smiled. "But thank you, we're glad she's finally here."
Elsa nodded and played with Charlotte's fingers gently.
"There's something else we wanted to ask you.. I'm not sure if Liam told you, but.. Killian and I, we want you and Liam to be Charlotte's godparents." Emma said softly.
Elsa looked up at the pair of them. "He didn't tell me, but we didn't get much of a chance to talk.. But, Emma, Killian.. Are you sure you want me to be your child's godmother?"
Killian nodded, rubbing Adelaide's back gently. "Aye, we're certain. You're my sister, Elsa. And you and Liam, you're the people we want our daughter to have if something ever happened. We know you'd treat her as your own, but I don't believe you'd let her forget who her parents are."
Elsa had tears in her eyes. "I assume my husband said yes, and so will I.. Thank you, I love you.. Both of you.. All three of you now." She said softly, hugging Killian as best she could.
Killian kissed her cheek. "I love you too, Sis." He whispered.
Elsa gave Charlotte back to Emma and tried to take Adelaide from Killian. The two year old refused, frowning at her mother.
"No, stay with Killy.." She whimpered.
"It's fine, El.. I've got her for a little while." Killian kissed her head. "I don't mind holding her. She's one of my little loves." He smiled a little.
Elsa rolled her eyes at him. "Your wife just had a baby, Killian. You don't need to care for a two year old as well."
"And my favorite niece wants her uncle to cuddle her for a bit longer, you know I don't mind." He shook his head.
"Well, can I get you guys anything? I can go get you some lunch that isn't from the hospital cafeteria if you'd like?" Elsa asked.
"You don't have to do that, Elsa.." Emma said softly.
Elsa frowned, but shook her head. "Please, I'm glad go do it. What would you like?"
Emma sighed softly and told her what she wanted with a thank you. Killian tried to hand her money for the food, but she just rolled her eyes at him.
"Stop it, I can buy my brother and sister-in-law lunch." She kissed Addy's forehead. "I'll let you stay with Killy, but you've got be good okay, Baby?"
Adelaide nodded at her mother, laying her head on Killian's chest. "Be good." She said.
Killian rubbed her back. "We'll be fine, El. I promise."
Elsa left after a moment. Killian held Addy and told her a story softly. Emma smiled at them from the bed where she rocked Charlotte in her arms.
"Bring Addy, Babe.. Let her see her new cousin." Emma said softly.
Killian carried Adelaide to the bed and sat her next to Emma. "This is your cousin, little love. Her name is Charlotte.." He kissed the top of her head.
Emma held Charlotte so she could see her. Addy smiled a little. "Baby?" She asked curiously.
"Aye, Lass.. Baby." Killian smiled and rubbed his finger gently over his daughter's fist. He was so enamored with her, so proud to be a father.
Adelaide watched Charlotte for a moment before leaning against Emma's shoulder. "Emmy." She said softly.
Emma kissed the top of her head. "My little Addy.. I'm so happy you're here, I've missed you."
Addy smiled and Killian kissed their heads. "I love you lasses. All three of you." He said softly.
Emma leaned up and kissed him softly. "I'm glad we chose Liam and Elsa.. I know there's no one better, and they both were so happy when we told them.."
He kissed back gently and nodded. "Aye, I know.. I forgot to tell you, but I spoke with your mum this morning. She is flying in in a couple of days to help us out. And your dad and Henry will fly in after a while, when we had determined for Henry to visit."
She nodded. "Oh, alright.. I know Mom is eager to meet Charlotte, but she didn't have to come. I hope you told her that."
"I tried, but she insisted. She wants to meet her granddaughter, and provide us with any help we might need.." He picked Adelaide back up and held her, he could tell she was getting tired.
Emma nodded. "I guess it'll be good to have help.. I don't know how good of a mother I'll be once we're home and on our own."
"You'll be brilliant, Love. I just know it." Killian assured her with a kiss.
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