《The Proposal》Epilogue
Emma and Charlotte were allowed to leave the next morning, and they struggled to get into a routine with her. Even though Killian knew how to do most things it took to care for Charlotte with only one hand, he still struggled with thinking he was good enough for his daughter.
Mary Margaret had flown in to stay with them and had been there a few days when she found Killian sitting on the floor, Charlotte on his lap and tears in his eyes.
Emma was finally getting some rest and Mary Margaret had left to get them lunch, and it hit him all at once, that he couldn't do this on his own. He couldn't easily rock her and make her a bottle at the same time.
It was probably due to the fact he hadn't been able to get much sleep, but he had finally broken down. Mary Margaret knocked on the door frame to get his attention.
"Killian, are you alright, Sweetheart?" She asked softly.
He looked up at her and shook his head. "I-I.. No, ma'am.. I don't believe I am.." He said softly, running his finger over Charlotte's little cheek.
She noticed the bottle lying on the floor next to him, and moved to sit with him. She rubbed his shoulder gently. "What's wrong? Is Charlotte alright?"
"Aye, I suppose so.. But she's hungry, and I can't even manage to feed her on my own." He mumbled, looking down at Charlotte who was whimpering in his lap.
"Oh, Killian.. You're an amazing father, I've seen as much in the last few days. But it's alright to need help sometimes. Being a parent is difficult, and you're missing a hand." She said, still rubbing his back. "You and Emma are a team, she needs you just as much as you need her."
Mary Margaret picked up the bottle and made sure it was still warm enough. She offered it to him.
He looked at it wearily. "I.. I tried, but I just.. She's squirming and I'm exhausted and I can't use my other hand to help hold her.." He said softly.
"You'll get used to it, Killian. You'll figure out what works best for you and your little one, I promise. It just takes time, getting to know each other." She made him take the bottle and helped him adjust Charlotte so he could give her the bottle.
Killian took a breath and offered the bottle to Charlotte, she squirmed a little and whined before she finally ate easily. Killian sighed in relief when she was finally eating. "I love my daughter, but.. I just, sometimes I don't think I'm worthy of her. Her father isn't even a whole man, how is she supposed to be proud of me?"
"Killian, she will be proud of you, and will always love you. No matter what. Have you talked to Emma about your fears?"
He shook his head. "I can't, Mary Margaret.. I convinced her to keep the baby when she wasn't sure she wanted to. If she knew I was questioning it now, terrified of being a father.. She would be pissed." He sighed.
"Emma is your wife, Killian.. She wouldn't be mad, she would want to know how you're feeling. She would want to support you, as you've supported her." She said softly.
"She's right, Killian.." Emma spoke softly from the door frame. "Why didn't you talk to me?" She sat on his other side.
Killian sighed. "I didn't mean for you to hear that, Love.. It's nothing, just my own insecurities." He said softly.
"No, Killian. I want to know. I want you to talk to me, to be honest, and work with me.. To be my husband, and the kind of father I know you can be." She said, brushing his hair from his eyes.
Mary Margaret left to give them a bit of privacy. Emma pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Talk to me, Killian.."
He put the bottle down and started to burp Charlotte. "I.. I couldn't get her to eat earlier.. I could barely hold her in my arm without fear of her squirming out and me dropping her. Emma, I can't be a good father.. I can't even feed my daughter."
"Killian Jones. Don't you dare insult my daughter's father like that." She said softly, hoping to get him to smile. "You're a natural father, and maybe there will be things we have to do together for a while, but there is nothing wrong with that. It's not your fault, and she's only been here a week. You'll get there.. I can already feel things getting easier for me and you know how terrified I was."
Killian leaned over and kissed her softly. "I'm sorry for not talking to you, Love. I know I should have, but.. I didn't want to upset you, since I convinced you to have Charlotte, I didn't want you to be upset because I was now worried I couldn't do this." He admitted softly.
She kissed back gently, and moved closer to him, resting her hand on Charlotte's back. "Just promise me that you'll come to me from now on? I want us to be honest, I know I can tell you the truth, I want you to know you can tell me the truth."
He kissed the top of her head. "I know." He whispered, "I love you, Emma. And I love our daughter more than the world."
Emma sat with him for a minute before taking Charlotte from him and laying her in her crib. "Never doubt that you're good enough for her. There is no man better than you, no man better than you for her."
Killian wrapped his arms around her waist and held her against his chest. "Aye. Sometimes it's just difficult for me to believe, Love, considering I've only the one hand." He said softly.
Emma nuzzled into his neck and squeezed him tightly. "Well, you're not any less of a father simply because you lost your hand in an accident, Killian. Plus, Charlotte and I love you regardless." She kissed his jaw.
He nodded a little, rubbing her back. "We should go to the kitchen. Your mum bought us lunch while you were asleep." He made sure the baby monitor was on before taking her hand.
They had their struggles like any new parents, but Mary Margaret was there to help them for a few weeks. When Henry got to meet his sister, Emma couldn't help but be happy.
Henry was sitting next to Emma on the couch, Charlotte resting in his arms carefully. Emma pressed a kiss to his head.
"You know I don't love you any less because I have a new baby right?" She asked softly.
Henry nodded. "I know, Mom.. I know you love me, and I like being a big brother. Plus, she's cute." He smiled.
Emma laughed softly. "Yeah, she is pretty cute.. I know while you're here that I won't be able to spend a lot of time just us, but that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you. Killian said he'd stay with Charlotte for a little so you and I can have time together."
"I know that babies take time, Mom. And we're spending time right now, you, me and Charlotte." He smiled. "Oh, I forgot, I bought her a present. It's in my backpack."
Emma ran her fingers through his hair gently. "You didn't have to bring her anything.. You being here and meeting her is enough, Kid."
He shrugged. "I was shopping with Mom and I found it.. And I wanted her to have it. It's just a little toy.." He looked down at Charlotte who was waking up.
Emma adjusted her blanket and smiled a little. Charlotte blinked her big blue eyes up at Henry, grabbing at his shirt. Henry smiled at his sister.
"Hi, Charlie.. I'm Henry, your big brother. You've got a pretty cool Mom and Dad." Henry spoke quietly to the baby, Emma just watching them with a smile.
Killian came in after a little while with David and Mary Margaret. "We brought back lunch, and your father would like a chance to hold his granddaughter." He kissed her temple.
Emma had just taken Charlotte from Henry to change her. "Alright, I just need to change her diaper, then you can hold her, Dad.."
David came to her. "I can change her.. If you want me to.."
"Are you sure? Changing diapers isn't fun, Dad.." Emma raised her eyebrows at him.
"I'm sure. We're not going to be here for that long, let me do it while I'm here.." He shrugged. Emma gave him Charlotte and let him change her. She was grateful for the help.
Henry brought Emma the toy he picked out for Charlotte. It was an adorable stuffed duck. Emma hugged her son tightly.
"It's so cute, Henry.. Thank you. I bet she's going to love it." She smiled, feeling Killian wrap his arm around her waist.
David came back to the kitchen with Charlotte propped against his shoulder. "She's precious, Sweetheart. I'm glad we got to come spend time with you all." He said as he sat down, cuddling his granddaughter close to him.
Emma smiled. "Thanks, Dad.. We're really happy. It's taken us some time to really get into a routine with her and learn what works and what doesn't, but having Mom here has been just what we needed."
"I was glad to come help. I'm so glad I've gotten to spend the time with you and Killian as well as with Charlotte." Mary Margaret smiled. "You both are such natural parents, you haven't needed much of my help."
"We're glad to have you, I know I speak for both of us when I say that it means a lot to us for you to want to come stay with us.. You spend most of the year taking care of other people's children, you didn't need to come help us with ours." Killian shrugged.
Mary Margaret shook her head. "I love my job, but I love my family and getting the chance to be a grandma more, Killian. There's nowhere I would have rather been the last couple of weeks."
Killian nodded slightly. "Aye, it was nice to have someone who has raised a baby with us, helping us get used to everything.." He gave her a grateful smile.
Emma nodded. "I don't think we would've made it without you, Mom.. I know I've not been very good about wanting to spend time with you all, but I'm grateful you came. And that you still try even when I've been difficult."
"Emma, you're our daughter. We were forced to give you up, hoping it would be your best chance.. We understand why you've always been hesitant to get close to us, but we're extremely grateful you've let us in more and more in the last year.." David assured his daughter. "We will always love you, even if you push us away."
"You've visited us more since you've been with Killian.." Henry added softly.
Emma ran her fingers through Henry's hair gently. "I guess I have.. He kind of helped me realize that I shouldn't push myself away from my family.. From my son.."
Killian kissed the top of her head. "And now, our wee lass has her grandparents, her uncle, her big brother.."
The rest of their trip was spent taking care of Charlotte and just spending time together. Before they knew it, Killian and Emma were left on their own with Charlotte. Emma was worried, but she knew her mom and Elsa were both just a phone call away.
When Charlotte was about six months old, Killian and Emma were struggling with the decision to move closer to Emma's family. Closer to Henry.
Charlotte was sitting on her father's lap, playing with his necklace curiously. Emma ran her fingers through the baby's dark curls.
"I know you don't want to move away from Liam, Killian.. But, I know you've been talking to him and Elsa about this.." Emma said softly.
"Aye, I've spoken with him, and honestly, he and I have been talking. He and Elsa feel the same as we do, about raising the kids somewhere that isn't Boston. But our company is here, it would take a lot for us both to move. But we're thinking about what would have to happen to move at least our jobs to Storybrooke." He admitted softly.
"Y-you've really been thinking about that? Just for us, for our little girl?"
"Of course, Love.. Liam and I aren't exactly good at living far apart. And, well, we're successful enough to maybe expand a little, open a small office in Storybrooke. The three of us, and possibly a couple other employees." He shrugged, kissing Charlotte's head.
"Dadada." Charlotte looked up at him with her big blue eyes and a grin.
"I love you, Princess." He smiled. "I can't believe how big you've gotten."
Emma kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I know you're not sure about moving, but.. I want to be closer to Henry, for Charlotte to be closer to her brother and her grandparents.." She said softly.
"Aye, I understand, my love.. I would like her to grow up with him as well, and I love Storybrooke. I like the idea of Charlotte growing up in a smaller town, somewhere safer." He said softly.
Emma nodded. "Can you believe she's six months old? She's looking more like you by the day."
He shook his head. "This little nose, and her little lips.. They're all you, trust me, plus she's just as beautiful as her mother."
Emma blushed at his compliment. "I'm so glad we had her, she's the best thing I've ever done. Especially after I gave up Henry. Being her mom, it's.. It's more than I ever thought it would be, and watching you with her, it makes me so happy."
"She's my crowning accomplishment, aren't you, Princess?" He tickled her belly. "You're everything to me, my wee lass." He kissed her nose.
She grabbed at his face and giggled when he made funny faces at her. "Dada."
Though Charlotte loved her mother and loved to snuggle with her, she was definitely a daddy's girl. Killian was often the only one that could settle her down when she got upset. Whenever they picked her up after work, she always wanted to be in Killian's arms.
Emma didn't mind much, she loved seeing Killian as a father, cuddling and caring for their baby girl. She kissed Charlotte's cheek.
"Can you say Mama, baby?" She asked her softly.
"Mmmma." Charlotte looked up at her, reaching her little hand to her.
Emma smiled and kissed her hand. "Yeah, Baby.. Ma." She looked up at Killian. "I know I say it a lot, but I love you, and I'm so happy."
He nodded. "I love you too, Swan."
Not even six months later, Killian, Emma and Charlotte as well as Liam, Elsa and their kids had moved to Storybrooke.
Killian carried Charlotte into the new house he and Emma picked out, after they had unpacked everything. She babbled in his ear happily as he showed her around.
Emma came and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "She seems to like it." She said softly. "I like seeing her so happy."
"Aye, she's very happy. And so am I, I'm happy to have you, to have Charlotte.. This house is beautiful, and our baby gets to grow up surrounded by all of her family. Something neither of us had.."
She moved so she was leaning against his chest opposite Charlotte. "I know. My mom and dad are bringing dinner tonight, and Regina is bringing Henry, and I texted Elsa to invite them."
"That sounds perfect, Love.. Since we live here now, do you think Regina will let Henry stay with us sometimes? Maybe a couple weekends or something?"
"I wanted to talk to you about it, but I've talked with her before. She said she'd be glad for him to stay with us every once in awhile, and of course we can pick him up from school or eat dinner with him more often too." She shrugged. "Is that okay?"
He kissed her temple. "Of course, that's wonderful. I love the lad, and he adores Charlotte."
The three of them spent the afternoon unpacking and playing around the house. Mary Margaret, David and Leo came around dinner time.
"Regina is bring lasagna too, she wanted to help out." Mary Margaret told Emma before she took Charlotte into her arms and kissed her cheeks.
Charlotte grinned and hugged her neck. "G'ma. Pa!" She said when she spotted David. "Pa!" She reached for him.
David chuckled and took her from his wife. "Hello, Beautiful. I've missed you." He tickled her.
She giggled and held onto his shirt. "Mama, look, Pa!" She grinned.
"I know, Baby.. He came to see you." Emma smiled and hugged David. "Thanks for getting dinner set up for us. We've spent a lot of the day unpacking and playing with Charlotte."
"Of course, Sweetheart. We figured you'd be tired. Plus we'll take any excuse to see our granddaughter." David kissed the top of Emma's head.
While Emma was talking to her parents and Leo, Killian let his brother's family, as well as Regina and Henry, into the house.
"Hi, Mom." Henry said as he wrapped Emma in a hug.
She kissed his head and hugged back. "Hey, Kid. I've missed you."
"Me too. And Killian and Charlotte of course." He smiled.
David pointed at Henry. "Do you remember your big brother, Charlotte?" He asked softly. "Henry."
Charlotte looked at him, "Bubby." She smiled.
Killian and Emma talked with Henry with a video call at least once a week, and Charlotte was always interested in what they were doing. Henry came to her and kissed her cheek.
"That's right. I'm your Bubby." He smiled at his little sister.
Killian took Charlotte from David's arms and sat down so Henry could play with her until dinner was ready.
Emma loved that Charlotte was able to have a relationship with her brother. She had always wished to have a sibling growing up, and although Henry was a great deal older than his sister, Emma knew he adored her.
Over the next few years, Emma started picturing what their life might be like if there was another child running around with Charlotte. She couldn't help but think that having a second child with Killian was something she really wanted.
Just after Charlotte's third birthday, Emma was sitting on Killian's lap as they watched her play on the floor in front of them. She played with the hair at the nape of Killian's neck absently.
"What if we had another?" She said all of a sudden, turning to look him in the eyes.
"Another? Swan, what are you saying?" Killian had of course thought about having more children, but he wasn't going to push Emma to have more with him after she had been so unsure of having Charlotte.
"I'm saying.. That I want to.. I want to have another baby with you." She smiled a little. "Is that something you'd want too?"
Killian leaned in and kissed her. "Emma.. Oh, Love, of course that's something I'd want. I know we have Henry, but I guess we don't have really any legal rights over him.. And, well, I've always wanted more than one child."
Emma kissed his forehead. "I want to try for a baby. I love you so much, thank you for wanting this as well."
He held her tightly. "I love you too, and you don't have to thank me. I'm your husband, Love. You're the love of my life, I'd do anything to make you happy."
She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed contently. "I can't believe she's three already. She's absolutely gorgeous. So strong, kind.. Happy." Emma smiled.
Killian rubbed her back gently, and helped Charlotte climb up to sit on his lap with Emma. "Hi, Princess. Tired of playing?"
She nodded. "Yeah, Daddy.. I done. Cuddle now." She curled up with him and Emma, holding onto his necklace.
Emma kissed her head. "Daddy and I love cuddling with you, Baby." She smiled.
Killian held his girls close to him and kissed their heads. "My two loves." Charlotte leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"Love you, Daddy." She hugged him.
"I love you too, Charlotte." He smiled a little. Killian was as in love with his daughter as he was with Emma. They were his entire world.
It took them awhile to get pregnant a second time, but just after Emma's birthday two years later, Killian and Emma welcomed a son into their lives.
Lucas David Jones was a tiny little thing, with a patch of blonde hair and Killian's bright blue eyes. He was a Momma's boy, and his parents couldn't have been happier.
Emma had been curled up in Killian's arms their first night with Lucas in his nursery instead of their room, when she said, "Thank you for him, Killian.. I finally feel like our family is complete."
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