《The Proposal》Chapter 13
They spent the next couple of weeks getting Killian's apartment set back up, and making sure they filed and obtained all of the proper documentation to ensure that Killian would get to stay.
They had a few small arguments, but it was because both of them were so scared of losing what they had, that they would get scared and it would cause an argument. Killian knew of Emma's tendency to run, so he tried to make sure that she knew he loved her and was not going anywhere, even during a fight.
Before they knew it, they were standing in the airport waiting to pick up Emma's family. Killian had his arms wrapped around her and kissed her cheek.
"I'm excited to see them.. And for them to meet my family." He said softly.
She turned in his arms and smiled. "I am too. Thank you for letting them stay in your apartment. You really didn't have to."
He shrugged. "I wanted to. Plus, it gives me an excuse to sleep in the same bed as you, Love. I always sleep better when you're with me."
She pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "I do too.. I'm glad Liam gave us a few days off to spend with my family. I'm hoping they'll let me spend a little time alone with Henry.. I want him to know how much I love him still, and that I may not be his mom but that I will always be there."
Killian nodded. "I believe that they won't mind.. I believe them to be very understanding." He brushed her hair behind her ear.
She nodded at him and leaned into his embrace as they waited for her family. They were so lost in each other and their conversation that they did not see her family approaching until Henry came running up.
"Emma!" He grinned, and hugged her once she turned around.
A huge grin broke out on her face and she hugged him tightly. "Hey, Kid! You've grown like three inches since I saw you last." She teased.
He shrugged. "I don't know.. I'm so excited to see you, and I've never been to Boston before." He smiled up at her.
She smiled. "I'm glad to have you visit.." Mary Margaret came and hugged her next. "Hi, Mom.. It's good to see you."
Mary Margaret smiled. "It's good to see you too, Sweetheart.. We're excited to spend some time with you."
Emma nodded. "I am too. I know it's my fault we haven't spent a lot of time together, but I'm trying to do better.. Killian has shown me how important family is." She said softly.
Killian had stepped back to give them space, and was standing there nervously. The last time he saw them, he had just confessed that he had spent two days lying and tricking them. He did not know what to expect from seeing them again.
David, Leo, and even Regina all gave Emma a hug. Emma realized Killian was not standing with her any longer, and looked around for him. She frowned a little when she saw him standing away from the group.
She excused herself from whatever her mom was telling her and went over to him. "Hey.. Babe, what's wrong?" She asked softly, reaching for his hand.
He squeezed her hand. "Oh.. Um, I'm fine, Swan.." He lied.
She shook her head. "Don't lie to me, Jones. What's going on? Why aren't you saying hello?"
He frowned. "I.. Love, the last time I saw them I told them I'd been lying to them, and that I convinced you to lie for me.. I doubt they really want to have that kind of reunion here."
She cupped his cheek with her other hand. "Oh, Killian.. They don't care, and if they do, I told them to keep it to themselves. I'm happy, and I love you. And I know I shouldn't say this, but I don't care how they feel, Killian."
Killian leaned into her touch before turning his head to kiss her palm. "Aye, Love.. Thank you, I'll do better." He took her hand and went to where they were waiting with their suitcases. "Hello all, I apologize for not greeting you sooner."
Mary Margaret shook her head and hugged him tightly anyways. "Don't worry about it, Killian. We're so glad to see you! You and Emma look so happy. It's nice to see that happiness in person."
He hugged back awkwardly. "Aye, I'm glad to see you as well. I figured you all might be hungry, and we would go get something to eat, if that's alright?"
"I'm definitely hungry." Leo grinned.
Emma shook her head. "When aren't you hungry?" She teased, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.
Henry came up and hugged Killian. "Can I tell you something?" He asked.
Killian nodded. "Aye, Lad. Of course."
Henry motioned for him to come closer, so Killian knelt down so Henry could whisper to him. "I'm glad my mom made it to you.. I like you." He told him softly.
Killian smiled a little. "Aye? I like you too, lad. I'm glad she made it to me as well.. Being with her is the best decision of my life." He gave Henry a hug and stood back up.
Henry smiled and took Emma's other hand as they walked to the car. Killian drove them all to the restaurant Emma had picked for lunch. They all ordered before any of them began to talk.
"Will you have to work while we're here, Emma?" Regina asked curiously.
"No, Liam gave me the next couple of days off to spend with you. And Killian took them off, I don't think he can function at work without me." She teased him.
Killian chuckled softly. "Aye, I suppose I can't, Love.. But I did also want to spend some time getting to know my lovely Emma's family better."
Regina nodded. "Well, I'm glad.. I know you and I haven't always been on the best terms, but for Henry I'll do anything." She gave her a small smile. "And you are my niece, and Henry's biological mother."
Emma nodded. "I'm glad too. I have a lot of time to make up for with all of you.." Killian wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him.
"And we're going to meet your family right, Killian?" David asked.
"Aye, Liam and Elsa have invited us all for dinner Friday night. They wanted to give you time to settle in and spend time with Emma." Killian answered.
"Great!" Mary Margaret grinned. "I'm excited to meet Liam's wife, and you said he has children?"
"Aye, he's got two sons, who are six and four, and a beautiful little girl who is a year old." Killian smiled a little. "They're wonderful children."
Leo sat next to David, looking kind of bored. Emma looked at him, and asked, "Is there anything you wanted to do while you were here, Leo?" She smiled a little.
He shrugged. "Not really.. I'm just happy to see you again. I missed you, Sis."
She nodded. "Just let me know.. I want you to have fun too. I don't want you to feel left out, I know there's a lot going on with my life right now.."
"I know, Em.. I want you to be happy, I know you don't want to have to worry about your idiot little brother.. It's fine."
Her lie detector immediately went off, but she knew better than to push him any further. She rubbed Killian's thigh gently as she listened to Henry tell her about school. Killian felt so tense against her, she knew he was nervous about being around her family again. No matter what she told him, he did not believe himself worthy of their forgiveness.
He loved Emma, and nothing could get between them now, but his fears would never be assuaged. He never had to deal with meeting his girlfriend's family when he was with Milah, she had less family than he did.
When he felt Emma squeeze his thigh he leaned in and kissed the crown of her head, hoping she felt how grateful he was to have her. Emma took a deep breath.
"Um, Regina.. I was hoping that maybe while you're here, I could spend a couple of hours just with Henry? I didn't get to spend much time with him after he found out the truth, and.. I promise I just want to spend time with him, I just.. I miss my son." She admitted softly. "Killian said he would take you all out to do something so you weren't bored.. But, if it's alright I'd like him to come too.."
Regina nodded. "Emma, I know I was very strict about revealing the truth to Henry.. And it was mainly because I didn't want him to get hurt by you.. But you've been proving to me that you're going to do whatever you can to not hurt him, and I don't want him to hate you. That was never my intention.."
Emma nodded in understanding as Regina continued. "I'm alright with you taking him for a couple of hours.. And, I think that if it's important to you and Henry that Killian accompany you, then that will be alright as well. We can manage on our own."
Emma smiled a little. "Thank you so much. I promise I will never try to take him from you. You're his mother too. I just want to be involved in his life in some capacity, I hated giving my baby up.." She said running her fingers through Henry's hair.
Henry smiled at both of his mothers. "I get to spend time with Emma? Sweet!"
Regina smiled a little, she could not deny that Henry had been happier since he found out that Emma is his birth mom.
"I want Killian to come too.. If he wants to." Henry said softly.
Killian smiled. "Aye, Lad. I'd be honored to join you."
They finished their meal and Killian took them to his apartment. He helped them get their suitcases settled and showed them where everything was.
Emma only lived a couple of blocks from him so they figured they could show her parents where she lives and Killian would cook dinner later on. The group of them walked to Emma's, Killian talked to Leo, and Emma fell back and held Henry's hand as they walked.
"I'm glad you're with him, Mom.. Killian is cool, and I want you to be happy." He told her, he was wise beyond his ten years.
Emma smiled a little. "When did you get so grown up, kid?" She squeezed his hand. "I'm glad I'm with him too.. Being with Killian gives me feelings I never thought I'd have again.."
He nodded. "Did you love my dad, Mom?" Henry asked softly.
Emma nodded. "I did, Henry.. Once. Your father was not a great man though.. But I will forever be grateful for the time I spent with Neal, because out of our relationship came my single greatest accomplishment. You."
Henry looked up at her. "I love you, Mom."
She smiled. "I love you too, Kid. I love you too."
Emma did not really want to tell Henry about Neal, but she knew that it would be better in the long run if she was just honest with him. She could have lied and pretended he had died in some heroic fashion, but that would have just hurt Henry.
Emma continued to hold onto Henry's hand as they walked up to the apartment. Killian unlocked it and let everyone in, setting his bag next to the door for later. Emma offered to get everyone something to drink, hoping to get a minute alone.
Being so close to her family was still difficult for her, but she was doing her best not to let her self deprecating thoughts get in the way of their time together. She leaned against the counter and sighed softly.
She believed she was alone until she felt a pair of strong familiar arms wrap around her waist from behind, and a pleasant warmth flood through her.
"Babe.." She breathed softly, turning in his embrace to settle in his arms.
Killian nuzzled into her hair and pressed a kiss to her neck. "What's wrong, Love? And don't lie to me, Swan, you know you're an open book to me.."
Emma held tightly to his shirt with one hand. "Henry asked about Neal, and being with my parents.. And Leo.. It's just a lot, and I just want to kiss you and forget they're even here, but we can't.."
Killian pulled back and cupped her cheek in his hand. "I know being with them brings up a lot of bad memories, but trust me when I tell you that one day you'll be grateful that you spent time with them.. And, you can kiss me anytime you'd like. You'll find no complaints from me, Love."
She rolled her eyes and kissed him softly. "Now go back to the living room, I need to get the drinks." She pushed his chest lightly when they pulled away.
He nodded. "Aye, my love." He gave her a smile and left her alone.
She got everyone something to drink and went to make her way back to the living room when Mary Margaret came to help.
"You and Killian are doing well, huh?" She asked softly.
Emma nodded a little. "Yeah, we really are. He's a great guy, and he's got a really supportive family.. It's good, we're good.."
"I'm glad, Honey." She kissed her head. "I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better for you to have a family with, Emma."
Emma smiled a little. "I know.. I never thought I'd want a family because of what happened with Henry, but watching Killian with Liam's kids, and even with Henry, I can't help but think about how amazing he would be as a father.."
Mary Margaret nodded. "I saw it when he was with Henry at home, I'm glad you're opening to it after everything." She carried a couple of the drinks to her husband and son.
Emma gave Henry and Regina theirs before moving to sit with Killian in the chair. He held her close and kissed her cheek. He could tell she was exhausted already.
"How is work?" Regina asked them.
"Oh, it's good.. Busy, but good. Liam wants Killian to be slightly less of a silent partner like he has been.. So it's a little crazy.." Emma shrugged.
Regina nodded. "Well, I imagine you are both very good at your jobs. Are you going to have more of a role, Killian?"
"Oh, I'm.. I'm not sure.. I like being out and talking with clients, finalizing contracts and everything with Emma.. But when he started the company, he put half of it in my name.. And he thinks that since I'm finally settling down, that I can handle having more responsibility." Killian shrugged.
David nodded. "That's a great opportunity, Killian. When you two get married, are you going to be living together?"
Emma nodded a little. "We've been talking about it, and we would like to.. We just don't know if we want to just move into one of our current places, or if we want to look for a new one.. Maybe closer to Killian's family.."
"Well, I'm glad you're both doing so well. You've come a long way since we were reunited, Emma.. Your mother and I are proud of the woman you've become. Even if it's not because of anything we did." David told her sincerely.
Emma gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Dad.. For putting up with me, and not giving up when all I did was push you away from me."
"We will always stand by you, Emma. You're our only daughter, and we love you more than anything." Mary Margaret said.
Emma nodded and played with the hair at the nape of Killian's neck. "I love you too.. I really am glad that you came, I know I was so adamant about you never visiting me.."
"We don't care. We're just glad you wanted us to come and spend time with you, and Killian.." David smiled softly.
Killian rubbed his thumb over her hip. He was glad that she was speaking about this with her parents, he knew how hard it was for her.
Killian cooked dinner for the seven of them and they ate, happily talking and laughing. Even Regina seemed to be enjoying herself. They spent the next day walking around Boston, Emma showing them all of her favorite places.
That afternoon Emma planned to spend time with Henry. Regina had agreed and the rest of her family planned to go to a museum, and the three of them would meet them there after a while.
Henry was practically bouncing in his excitement to spend time alone with Emma. Emma told him they could do whatever he wanted.
"Can we go on Killian's boat?" He asked softly. "Please?"
Emma glanced at Killian for approval, and he nodded. "Aye, of course we can. I think that would be a wonderful idea, Henry. Maybe we can get ice cream on the way, there's a really great shop at the docks."
Emma smiled gratefully. "That sounds perfect." Henry grabbed her hand as they walked, and Killian held onto her other one.
The three of them got their icecream, Henry and Emma both ordering rocky road. Killian did his best to give him their space, listening to their conversations and chiming in every once in awhile. He wanted mother and son to have a chance to get to know each other.
They were sitting on his boat finishing their ice cream when Henry turned to him. "Killian? How did you learn to sail a boat?"
Killian smiled a little. "Well, maybe ten or so years ago, I joined the Royal Navy in England with my brother. I had always liked the water growing up but we couldn't afford a boat."
"That's cool. What were you in the navy?" He asked curiously.
"Before Liam and I were discharged he was a Captain and I was his Lieutenant." Killian loved answering Henry's questions.
"Did you leave because of your hand?i"
"Um, aye.. Liam was discharged a year before me, and the new ship I was placed on was involved in an attack and I lost it saving one of my crew members.." He shrugged.
Henry nodded and turned to Emma. "I wish you lived closer to me, Mom.." He said softly.
She frowned and kissed the top of his head. "I know, Henry.. But Killian and I are going to come visit you more. You're my son, and I want to spend more time with you, even if it's just as a really good friend." She said softly.
"But I want you to be more like my mom.. You are my mom." He sighed.
"I know, but Regina is your mom, Henry. She raised you when I couldn't. She's always been there for you.. I just.. You have to promise me you won't ever give Regina trouble.." Emma asked softly.
Henry hugged her tightly. "I just.. I want my real mom.. You're more like me.." He mumbled against her. "I don't.. I why did you give me up, Mom?" He sighed.
"Henry, when I was pregnant with you, I was in a very bad place.. I couldn't be the mother you needed, and my mom's step-sister, your mom.. She had always wanted a child, and though she's always been a bit tough, I knew she would love you and care for you in ways I couldn't.. After I had you, I didn't leave my bedroom for weeks.. I hated that I didn't get to keep you, but a broken teenager for a mom wasn't in your best interest." She sighed, tears forming in her eyes.
Henry buried his face against her. "I love my mom, I do.. But she always kept me from you, and now that I know you're my mom, I know why. I don't like it.. I might be ten, but I know that you want me too." He stated matter of factly.
"I know, I do, more than anything, Kid.. But your home is Storybrooke. My home is here in Boston, with Killian." She said softly. "I'll talk to your mom about maybe letting you spend some of your summer break with Killian and I.. But I'm not making any promises."
He looked up at her with a small smile. "I'd like that.. I promise I won't give my mom any problems." He said softly.
Killian squeezed Emma's shoulder gently. He knew Henry's curiosity and desire to be with her was difficult for her. She leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Tell us more about school, Lad.. I want to hear about what fifth grade is like." Killian changed the subject.
Henry was smart enough to catch Emma's mood, and started telling Killian about his school. Emma ran her fingers through Henry's hair as he talked, smiling and giving the appropriate answers when necessary.
Emma loved spending time with Henry, getting to know him as her son and not just another kid. Killian kissed her head. He noticed that Henry was a lot like Emma, he had her sense of humor and an unwavering belief in everything good. Killian figured he must look more like his father, but he noticed some of Emma in him. He had her smile, and her strong spirit.
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Only the ruins of vast mega-cities remain of the old world after everything went down the drain… Well several times at that, but who cares? It’s what is left behind that is important - secrets, wealth, knowledge, technologies, food and the occasional pack of mutants. There is also Axion, the last of the floating cities, but only the privileged leave there. Only those who have obtained the expensive permits can dive into the locked sectors. Those who cannot afford such a luxury, become Scavengers. Dubbed criminals, they are mostly ignored by Axion’s law enforcers. But not Grey. No, Grey is a wanted man, for being the only one who has entered Sector 7 and come out to tell about it. In other words, nothing that out of the usual day to day life of a Scavenger. So, who are these Axion teen wannabe Tech-hunters? Why do they want to get in Sector 7? But most important of all, what do they hope to find there? Cover image done as commission by revismissing.
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Trials of Ortus (A DxD fanfiction)
In a world where the myths still lives. Dragons, Gods, Buddhas, and Satans are all real. In such a world, a hybrid was given the power to potentially threaten the balance of all Supernatural factions. He learns about his own origin, which is more complicated and tragic than he ever thought. What will he do with the power? Try to help others by fulfilling his responsibilities? Witness his journey from bottom to the top. Release schedule - 5-7 chapter every week. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from High School DxD plus the cover.
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The Umbrae Lunae existed before man, beautiful abominations birthed in the nightmares of mad gods. They wait for humanity to misstep, for the angels to look away. For the moment when they can cloak the world in moon shadows once again. But even horrors have children. Even nightmares must feed. One child, unlike the others, finds his way to a school for young abominations. Will he be a sheep cast before the wolves, or a terror that wears the skin of wool to entice the wolf close? The flesh of his body was his only coin, strips cut to pay debts that never ended. Everyone has scars, stories in a life led, lessons learned, and licks taken. Luminous bodies touched by darkness. There are a cursed few that are the opposite, black shadows consumed by scars, twisted minds devoured by diseased hungers, bodies tortured misshapen works of gouged flesh, silver lines of blade thin cuts, ragged tears of teeth and glass. For them, the scars are marks of homecoming, the mangled wasteland the only place they feel at peace. Hell is a place. It's made of concrete, steel and glass. It's the sounds of starving kids crying themselves to sleep, huddling into small balls as creepers come and take their due of innocence and tender meat. It's eating rotten food and carrying ticks in your hair. It’s having no one and nothing while surrounded by everything. It's the life of a street kid. What abomination was birthed in the corrupt womb of man’s cast-off shit? Pretty people don't know the power of ugly. They can't see the strength in a broken soul or the power in a calloused heart. Those secrets are for the discarded alone. Only the broken understand the grace of darkness. The blessed folds that hide scars and tears, the protection of its concealing umbra. E-Begging: Character Sheets, Racial Character Classes, of both side characters, villains, and main characters as well as short stories can be found on my Patreon. Eldrik Lewis This story is cross-posted to Scribble Hub. Same cover and synopsis.
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Hunter Markell
A family embarks on a journey of transformation. A mega corporation pursues the creation of groundbreaking technology. A third party bides its time in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.Their journey stemmed from choices made due to a single individual - Hunter Markell, a young man who was involved in a car accident and is currently laying comatose. His very existence, without his knowledge, has set the precedence for the changes that is about to overcome the world.Hunter too, will undergo a change. His eventual awakening will draw all the players to him like moth to a flame and the result will be cataclysmic.**********READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.(Reading the A/N & Thinking Log thread is also highly advisable)
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When Phana is too tired to even smile
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Learn Japanese Language
Note: This is already the edited version.Well, this is not a story. It's a book where you can learn about Japanese so easy~~Read this and learn Japanese.I've already edited this book for some purposes. I'd like it to be more easy and convenient to understand. I'll also post some drills and exercises for you to easily remember what have you learned about the previous chapter. Enjoy reading! Arigatou!
8 198