《The Proposal》Chapter 12
As Emma slept, Killian traced small circles on her back soothingly. Killian was worried that she would decide he was not worth the difficulties one day and just leave him. His Swan deserved to be treated like royalty, and he did not believe he was worthy of her.
It was difficult for him to believe that she wanted to actually spend the rest of her life with him, but he would be lying if he said there was anyone else he would rather spend his with.
After about thirty minutes, Killian squeezed Emma's hip gently. "Emma, Love.. It's time to get up.." He said softly.
She groaned, and opened her eyes. "Killian.." She mumbled. "It's time already?" She sighed.
Killian nodded. "Aye, Love.. I know you want to sleep, but I promised my brother.. And the kids and Elsa are excited to see you."
She sat up and nodded. "I know, I know.. Thanks for letting me get a nap." She kissed his jaw before standing up and fixing her sweater. "You make a really nice pillow." She smiled.
"You're welcome, and you're welcome to use me as your pillow any time you'd like to, Swan." He smiled. He was just grateful that she trusted him enough to fall asleep on him.
They got ready, Killian putting his prosthetic back on, and left for Liam's in Killian's car. Killian wanted to hold her hand as he drove, but he had to keep his only hand on the wheel. He sighed, a little frustrated.
Emma noticed his frustration, and frowned. "Kil.. What's wrong?"
He shook his head. "It's stupid.. I just want to hold your hand, but I can't while I drive. And it's frustrating."
She reached over and rubbed his thigh gently. "I wish I could hold your hand too, but for now I can't, and my hand on your leg will have to do. It's not something we can change, I don't love you any less because you can't hold my hand right now, okay?"
He nodded a little. "Alright, if you're sure.. I know it may take time, and a lot of you reassuring me.. But I hope you think I'm still worth it."
Emma squeezed his leg and nodded. "You're definitely worth it, Killian." She told him.
Killian gave her a small smile as he pulled into the driveway of a modest two-story house just outside of the city. Emma took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.
"You think they'll like me right? The kids? I don't have much experience with children.."
Killian shut off the car and turned to her. "They're going to love you. You're amazing with Henry, and you'll be amazing with them." He watched her nod before they got out of the car.
They barely made it up the front steps before the door flew open and two little bodies came running at Killian. "Uncle Killy!" Finn, Liam's youngest son, yelled as he crashed into him.
Killian bent down and hugged the boys. "Hello, Lads." He kissed each of their heads before standing up.
Elsa had followed them to the door, Adelaide balanced on her hip. "Sorry about that, Killian.. They were just so excited to see you.. You know how excitable they are."
Killian laughed and ruffled their hair. "It's alright, Els.. I don't mind at all." He turned his attention back to the kids. "Lads, I'd like to introduce you to someone very important to me.." He took Emma's hand in his. "Aiden, Finn, this is my girlfriend Emma."
Aiden smiled. "Hi, Emma.. You're pretty."
"Like a princess!" Finn added.
Emma laughed softly, blushing a little. "Thank you very much. You both are so handsome. Your Uncle Killy has told me so much about you."
Killian smiled. "She's more beautiful than a princess, Finn." He kissed Emma's hand. "Let's get inside before your father gets upset."
The boys ran inside and Emma followed Killian into the house. Elsa kissed her brother-in-law's cheek when he hugged her.
"Now, give me the little princess, Elsa. I need my cuddles." Killian held his hands out to his niece.
Adelaide immediately reached for him and he hugged the baby close. "K-wee!" She squealed.
Emma smiled, Killian was so good with the kids. She watched him kiss her chubby cheeks, and hold her in his arms easily.
"Addie! My littlest love." He said, matching the girl's excitement. "Elsa, I know you've met Emma before." Killian turned to her.
Elsa smiled at Emma. "Yes, it's so good to see you again, Emma. And it's about time this guy here told you about his feelings for you."
Emma blushed. "I'm glad he did, I honestly had no clue he liked me. Your boys are adorable.. They both look a lot like you."
Elsa nodded. "They do, but they definitely have some of the strong Jones traits.. Their bright blue eyes, and dark hair.. Addie looks just like Liam.. There's no doubting she's a Jones." She smiled, leading the two of them to the kitchen where Liam was finishing dinner.
Killian was whispering to Addie softly as she laid her head on his shoulder and held onto his shirt. She made small noises back at him. "Swan, Addie has told me she would like me to tell you that she thinks you're gorgeous."
Emma shook her head fondly at Killian, smile on her face. "Thank you, Addie.. You're gorgeous yourself." She moved to Killian's other side so she could see the baby.
Liam smiled at the three of them. "Those two have a special bond, Emma. I hope you're not the jealous type." He teased.
Emma looked up at Liam. "I don't mind. I actually think it's really sweet. I can tell that she is just as taken as I am.. And I understand that Killian is close to you, and your children. I'm glad his family is so important to him."
Liam and Elsa put the dinner on the table and managed to get the boys to the table to eat. Emma sat next to Killian, and Killian placed Adelaide in her high chair.
Killian turned to his girlfriend and kissed her forehead. "You're doing great, Love." He assured her softly. She nodded a little at his words, giving him a small smile. Emma felt more relaxed than she thought she would, she knew Liam well and his kids were very sweet.
Killian sighed softly. "Um.. Swan? Will you um.. Will you roll my sleeve for me?" He asked her softly, slightly embarrassed.
Emma nodded and immediately did it for him, running her fingers over his brace fondly. She wasn't bothered by his question, she just smiled and kissed his forearm. "There. All set."
He gave her a small smile in thanks, and they turned back to the table to eat. Elsa and Liam shared a knowing look at the sight of Killian not shying away from his prosthetic with Emma. Elsa spoke up after they all had made their plates.
"So, Emma.. You're from Storybrooke, Maine?" She asked.
Emma nodded. "Um, I guess so.. It's where my parents live. I grew up kind of all over the place though, so I'm not exactly from there.. Where are you from? Killian told me you met Liam in Ireland, but that you're not from there.. And you don't have the same accent."
She smiled. "My parents were from the Netherlands, but I lived in America for most of my life.. I met Liam when I was a freshman at a university in Ireland.. I moved over there with my little sister when I was in my final year of highschool. A long lost aunt found us and took us in.."
Emma nodded. "And you were in the Navy too, right Liam?" She asked curiously. She wanted to get to know him as more than just her boss.
"Aye, lass. I had just joined when I met Elsa.. I was 22, Killian 12.." He answered.
"If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave the Navy?"
"Um.. I was involved in an accident that very nearly took my life. And they discharged me, I was no longer healthy enough to be on a ship for months on end, and at that time my brother needed me home."
Emma nodded. "Well, I'm glad it all worked out for you, and for Killian. I wouldn't have him without you."
Liam smiled. "I am too.. You're good for him. You're unlike anyone he's been interested in before, and it's a good thing, Lass."
Killian sighed. "I'm right here, you know." He rolled his eyes, teasing them both. He had not really been focused on their conversation as he was helping feed Addie.
"I know." Liam shrugged.
"She is unlike anyone you've been with, Killian.. She's stubborn enough to put up with you, but she's kind enough to treat you with the love you need. I'm glad you two are trying to make this work, Emma." Elsa informed them.
"Aye, she's a bloody marvel." He wrapped his arm around her waist as he settled back in his seat. "I've no clue why she'd want to be with me, but I'm lucky enough to have her. Especially after this past weekend." Emma was content to just lean into his embrace and listen to Killian interact with his family.
"Liam told me you get to stay here, Killian. Do you have stipulations?" Elsa asked.
"Aye, Emma has to petition for a fiancée visa for me. And then once we have that, we have ninety days to go to the courthouse and sign a marriage license." He explained.
Elsa nodded. "So you're really going to get married? I never thought you'd think about marriage again, but I know you're happy.."
Killian smiled a little. "I'm quite happy, Lass. And yes, we're going to get legally married, or I'll have to leave. But Emma and I are still taking things at our own pace."
"I believe that we would've wanted to get married one day, so though it's quick, I don't have any doubts about doing this now. We might not have a fancy ceremony yet, but we will be married. And I know that's all I care about.." Emma shrugged.
Elsa nodded. "I understand.. It is kind of a lot so quickly. But you two have known each other for years."
Killian nodded. "Aye, I have faith in our relationship." He said softly, running his fingers through Adelaide's hair. "Emma, Love, would you like to hold Adelaide? I think she'd like to meet her new aunt."
Emma looked at him nervously. "I.. I don't know, Killian.. I'm not good with babies."
"Nonsense. I'll be right here, and she'll probably just look at you curiously since you're new to her. She may want cuddles, can you handle the cuteness?" Killian smiled.
Emma nodded. "Okay, fine, I'll hold her.. Promise you'll make sure I don't do something stupid? I don't want to do something bad.."
He nodded. "Scout's honor, Love." He picked up Adelaide and kissed her cheek. "Go see Aunty Emma, Addie."
Killian settled her in Emma's arms. She was a year old so she was able to sit up on Emma's knee and look up at her curiously.
"K-wee.." She looked over at him, unsure of being placed in a new person's arms.
He nodded and gave her a gentle smile. "Emma's safe, Little Love. Can you say hello?" He gave a little wave.
Addie looked at Emma again and mimicked his wave. Emma smiled a little at her.
"Hello there, Little one.. Aren't you beautiful?" She said softly.
Adelaide had blonde hair like Elsa, but everything else about her proved she was Liam's. She giggled at Emma and grabbed onto the ends of her hair.
Emma smiled a little, looking up at Killian who had just taken a picture of his two favorite girls. He smiled proudly.
"I told you you'd do fine. She likes you, she's content, Love. She took to you easily, and she doesn't always like meeting new people, my niece is a shy one." Killian told her.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to help my sister get the dishes cleaned.. Are you okay to hold her? Liam will be here with the boys if you need help.."
She nodded a little. "I think I'll be okay.. She's not so bad." She ran her fingers through the little girl's hair.
Killian kissed the crown of Emma's head. She was a natural with Adelaide, it was obvious she had her maternal instincts, even if she had not raised her own son.
He took the dishes with Elsa to the kitchen. Killian loaded the dishwasher after Elsa rinsed them.
"She's good with kids.. I can see the maternal side of her, does she want kids one day?" She asked softly.
Killian rubbed behind his ear. "Um, we haven't talked much about it.. Emma has already got Henry, and I don't think she's ready to think about having more children. I would love to have kids of my own one day, but if Emma doesn't want them, I'm not going to lose her over that. She's all I really need to be happy."
Elsa nodded. "I don't know who Henry is but I can tell she's a tough girl, but just.. Take care of her? I know you're serious about her, but I know you too.. I know Liam raised you right, and if you're half as in love with her as I know your brother is with me, I know you'll do everything you can for her."
Killian nodded. "Aye, I used to think that Milah was it for me. Until I met Emma. She changed everything, even when I was sure she hated me.. But now that I know she doesn't, and that she loves me.. I would do everything to protect her and what we have together."
"Good. That's all I ask. You may be my brother-in-law, but I helped raise you to treat women right. And I'm not letting you ruin something so good for you." She kissed his cheek.
"I know, lass. Maybe you and Emma could spend some time together? I'd like you two to be friends.."
Elsa nodded. "Of course, I'd love that. Let's go back to her and Liam, the boys looked a little too eager." She laughed softly and went to the living room where her husband and kids were.
Killian followed and sat next to Emma. "You're a natural, Love. Addie adores you." He said softly, running his hand over his niece's back. She had fallen asleep against Emma's chest, her little fingers curled around a strand of her hair.
Emma nodded a little and leaned into his arms. "She's a sweetheart.. All three of them are.."
Killian kissed her temple. Liam smiled at them. "I can take Addie from you, Emma.."
Emma nodded and Liam picked up his daughter, settling back beside his wife.
"Thank you for inviting me over.. And for everything else, Liam.." Emma said softly.
Liam shook his head. "It's the least I could do, Emma. You're soon to be my sister-in-law, and I'd do anything for my little brother."
"Younger." Killian groaned and Emma giggled.
"Whatever, younger brother." Liam laughed. "I know it could end badly, but I still want the two of you to be partners at work. You're my best team, just try to keep the PDA to a minimum."
Killian nodded. "I'll do my best. Thanks for having us, but I think Emma and I both need some sleep, and so do your children."
Liam nodded and Killian helped Emma up. He kissed his niece and nephews' heads, hugging Elsa and Liam goodbye. Emma thanked them again and grabbed Killian's hand.
Killian drove them back to his apartment. They were both so exhausted that all they managed to do was change into some pajamas and collapse into his bed. Killian did not want to assume she wanted him to hold her so he stayed on his side of the bed. Emma immediately crawled across the bed, and curled up with her head under his chin.
Killian smiled a little. "Goodnight, Love.. Thank you for coming with me." He whispered.
"Goodnight. I love you, Killian. I'd do anything for you." She kissed his jaw.
Emma fell asleep to the sound of Killian's heartbeat under her ear, and Killian's arms wrapped securely around her.
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