《Daddy, I love you.》XVII


Cassidy fell asleep before everyone was seated and then they went over some safety instructions that I made sure to listen to. An elderly women made her way to the isle seat that was available where we were sitting. Cassidy snored lightly and I kissed her head while checking the time on my watch only 12 in the afternoon.

As I was doing some work on my computer, Cassidy began to stir and finally rubbed her eyes "hi" she said "welcome back" I chuckled. She swings her legs back and forth giggling "princess, you are distracting me from work" I say making her stop "sorry" her cheeks turn a but red. "Its alright" I kiss her.

Soon enough a flight attendant comes around asking if we would like anything "um I want apple juice and a muffin but if you don't have muffins crackers will be fine too" my little girl says "scotch" I simple say and she hurries off. Cassidy colors from her coloring book and sighs, the attendant comes back with our orders and we eat in peace.

I must've been so caught up with work I didn't notice Cassidy leave. "Hi, excuse me but would you happen to know where my girlfriend went?" I ask "she said she'd go to the bathroom but that was like 20 minutes ago" she smiles and resumes to what she was doing.

I make my way to the bathroom and knock "it's me" I say hoping she would open the door which to my surprise she does. I squeeze myself in there and find her tear stained cheeks "what's wrong?" I kneel in front of her. "I don't know" she shakes her head "maybe im scared, maybe im overthinking everything, maybe I just want to pussy out and go home" she cries into her hands.

I pull them away and she hugs me, "we don't have to meet her, we can go shopping or site seeing" I make her look at me "but you're going to have to face her someday okay? You can go on like this" she nods and sniffles "im so dramatic why did you propose again?" She says making us both laugh. "Doesn't mean I love you any less" I say.

"I came to change out of this bunny onesie because its hot." I hand her, her clothes and she begins to strip. Once she is naked, she grabs me as support, i put her shirt over her head and help her dress "another one of my clothing items hmm" I say raising a brow, I don't mind it though. She can borrow anything from me, anytime she wants really.

"It's a nice shirt" she places a hand on her hip and tucks it into her pants. We walk out hand in hand and receive some weird looks from people. I sit into my seat first and am followed by her giggling "people are so mean" she huffs cuddling into my side "I'm aware" I say. She kisses me and bites my lip "save this sexy time for later" the women beside us says making us laugh. We talk to her for a while and she tells us about she knits and is going to visit her grandchildren.


When we land, its alright night time in Scranton. I place my backpack on my shoulders and grab Cassidy's hand when I start heading out. We make it inside and wait patiently for our bags, once they come around we grab our own and make our way to the exit "its quite chilly here" she shivers. I hired a driver for the trip and he is waiting for us outside.

"Hello, sir how are you doing?" He asks "I'm good, its been a while since we've seen each other" i laugh a bit and save him some trouble by placing our bags in the trunk. I notice Cassidy already in the car once I make my way inside. We drive in silence to the hotel and I tip him, we unload and I gather my things.

We make our way inside the hotel and stand in a line just to check in. A dog barks and approaches Cassidy, she bends down the pet the little dog and he starts licking her making her giggle "there you are piper" a little girl says with a leash in hand "I'm sorry" Cassidy says "no its alright, she always does this. she likes you" the little girl laughs.

Her mom calls after her so she picks up the dog and waves goodbye. "Hello, how may I help you?" A girl at the front desk asks "yeah I want a suite for a couple nights" I say grabbing my wallet from my pocket, she stares at me for a while not doing anything. "Excuse me" Cassidy says a little too loud "oh right" the girl blushes and types away on her computer. She gives me the total charge and I pay, we get two keys and make our way to the suite.

"These girls are killing me Vince" my little girl groans "its okay" I laugh "its not funny" she pouts, I put my arm around her shoulder and walk down the hall. Once we are settled in, I turn on the tv and start watching a football game. Cassidy walks in with just her underwear on and blocks my view from the tv.

I move my head and she starts kissing me with so much hunger. I pin her down on the bed and start kissing her neck making sure to leave marks, I make my way to her breast and nibble on her nipple. She's a moaning mess, I strip her of her panties and place my tongue at her enterance.

She grabs a handful of my hair and her moans become louder. I start sucking I her clit and she comes, I swallow her sweet juices and leave her panting. I sit back and keep watching the game, "that was pure torture" she says "you did get what you wanted though" i smirk "no wanted you to fuck me" she says sweetly, I hit her forehead making her pout.


"I did with my tongue" I say making her cheeks turn red. After the game is over I make my way to the bathroom for a shower. I get dressed and climb back into bed "goodnight daddy I love you" she says "I love you too princess" i kiss her head and drift off into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sun shinning in my face and Cassidy watching her favorite show. I saw that she was already dressed, I scratched my head and made my way to the bathroom "Good morning daddy!" I heard her say before I closed to door. I showered and brushed my teeth, I threw on some CK underwear and decided on some black Levi jeans, a white tee and some converse as shoes.

"Is she gonna be ready for us?" She hugs my legs making me chuckle "yes" I simply say and try to remove her from my legs. "I'm quite hungry" she says "we'll grab some breakfast then" i grab my wallet and phone off the counter and grab her hand. I lock up before we leave and we make our way downstairs well Cassidy skips the whole way.

She's dressed in some black jeans, a back and white striped shirt and some Adidas on her feet. I catch up to her and lift her up spinning her "daddy" she giggles "that was so much fun" she kisses my and hugs me. I put her down and she holds my hand when we walk out. We stop at a little restaurant a couple of shops down, we order and receive our meal.

We steal pieces of each other's breakfast and keep making stupid jokes. We laugh so much we get a noise complaint from the table next to us. We calm down and I pay the bill, we stand outside and I call my driver so he can pick us up. "You're really hot" a teenage girl walking by says to me making Cassidy pout.

"Don't mind her darling, you're the only girl I have eyes for" I bend down to kiss her making her smile. The driver soon arrives and we hop into the backseat, I give him the address and he starts driving. "Why the long face hun?" I tilt her chin up "I-I'm scared shes still not going to like me" a tear escapes her precious eyes.

I wipe it away and pull her to my chest before she begins crying. "Even if she is as cruel as she was the last time you guys were together I'm still here for you and my family loves you" I try to calm her down. The drive is quite long so she falls asleep in my lap as I play with her hair.

After nearly two hours in the car we pull up in front of a house. I tell my driver to wait for us and he nods, I shake Cassidy and she wakes up "we're here" I say and she gets out first taking in her surroundings. I grab a hold of her hand and give it a squeeze, we walk up the steps of the house and Cassidy knocks.

After a few minutes we hear some noise from the inside and the locks from the other side being unlocked. A women with grey hair and a very mean face opens up. "This better not be for a charity" she says pulling out a smoke "no, its Cassidy" she says and the lady's eyes widen quite a bit. "Oh my you're still as ugly as I remember come in" she says.

We quietly walk inside and sit on a couch, my little princess is gripping on to my hand for dear life. "So what brings you here? Is this your sugar daddy?" She blows out some smoke and lets out a sick laugh. "No, this is my soon to be husband Vince. I just came to see how things are I guess" I can tell she's nervous even im nervous.

"I thought I got rid of you when I sold you to Carl but I guess not since you came back" i already am starting to dislike this women "can you at least try and be nice?" I snap back "im just stating the truth, she was a mistake. Her father left because he didn't want her and neither did I. She should've went ahead with the attempt she planned when she was 10" my heart aches.

"Stop! Stop being so mean, stop blaming me for everything. I didn't do anything, I hate you" she storms out "join the club" she laughs and laughs even when we're out the door. She is truly mad, I hug my babygirl and she cries for a while. I wipe away her tears and she smiles up at me "I feel better, shes a bitch just like I remembered. Lets go" she grabs my hand and leads me to the car. I open the door and we get in quickly being driven away.

We did many things that day and we were the happiest we could've been even without the sex and im lucky to be marrying her. She is the girl of my dreams and I couldn't have asked for someone better.


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